<pre>Hello everyone!<br /><br />I am working on a new application named
Dockboard. I created the<br />icon for my other app (OpenLDev), but quite
frankly, I am not good<br />at this at all ... I'm a coder at heart.<br
/><a href="http://code.google.com/p/gtwitter/"></a><br />Would anyone be
willing to make a nice Tango-style icon for<br />Dockboard? It's a powerful
outlining application that will release in<br />about a month.<br /><br />If
anyone is interested, please shoot me an e-mail and I will give<br />you more
information. And obviously, whoever does the icon will get<br />credit under
the artists tab of the applications GtkAboutDialog!<br /><br />Thanks!<br
---<br />
Andrew Krause<br />
ajk265 (at) psu (dot) edu<br />
www.andrewkrause.net<br />