As instructed to me through private responses, here's my list of graphics I'll be working on for my Television production. Ant help with these would be greatly appreciated. Any graphics created for this will be treated just as I explained in my original post a week ago (all open, free, credit given). I do not expect any help here. I am planning on making all of these myself, but I figured anything from anyone on the list would be a tremendous help. So I by no means expect all, or even just one of the following.<br>
<br>I've broken this list down to easy and difficult ones. All would be of large size (i'll be scaling them up to anywhere from 100 pixels to 1000 pixels in size.) The size and thickness of the existing Tango icons in large SVG format are perfect.<br>
<br>Easy<br><ul><li>Vapor/Mist (simple white textured haze?)</li><li>Measuring Ruler of 1 Inch on top side and centimeters on lower side (long and very thin)</li><li>Large Rain Drop (like the rain drops in the base Tango package, but thinner lines to scale up very large)</li>
<li>Speedometer (automobile style with needle and numbers going up to 30 MPH)<br></li><li>Lightning Bolt</li><li>Simple Car (only minor detail)</li><li>Window with Glass Panes (If it has drapes, must be pulled to the sides)</li>
<li>Glass Shard</li><li>Large, Wide House (no detail, just outline)</li><li>Tee-Shirt or Clothes Washer (to symbolize a Laundry Room)<br></li><li>Bathtub (old style with feet and faucet is fine)</li><li>Toilet</li><li>Stick figure Person in "safe position" (laying belly down on ground, arms over head, maybe legs curled up under stomach - style can be very simple, like a bathroom sign Men/Women style figure)</li>
<li>Simple long Bridge</li><li>Two or three different Cactus</li><li>Five different shapes of simple Rocks, Boulders, etc.</li><li>Long Water vapor/Heat wave (wavy animated line symbolizing evaporation or heat)</li><li>Short Water Vapor/Heat wave (wavy animated line symbolizing evaporation or heat)</li>
<li>Numbers 0-9</li><li>Percentage sign (%)</li></ul><br>Difficult<br><ul><li>Wind Gust (briefly animated to show the "puff" growing, if possible)<br></li><li>Large Tornado (Animated to swirl and gyrate) (will be scaled up to 1000 pixels)<br>
</li><li>Small Rain Drop Splash (animated or three stills which I can fade together)</li><li>Auditorium with Stage and Rows of Seats (will be very large, point-of-view as if from an upper balcony with seats and stage below)</li>
</ul><br>Thanks in advance for any time. Like I said in my original post, I'll happily give credit to the people who can help out with any of this.<br><br>-- <br>(adam) THEO -- Age 28 -- Tallahassee, FL USA<br>Video Editor at WFSU-TV and Structural Engineer in Air Force Reserves<br>
My Life: <a href=""></a> My Think-Tank: <a href=""></a><br>My Ideas: <a href=""></a> My Multimedia Studio: Coming Soon<br>
* I'm on Facebook, GMail/Jabber, and Amazon.<br> "An ambitious moderate Libertarian and classical Stoic with<br> modern Buddhist tendencies who loves raspberries and sunflowers"