@Vic Lee:<br>Can you please add your request to the GNOME Art Request Site so it can be reached by a wider audience?<br><a href="http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/ArtRequests/">http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/ArtRequests/</a><br>
<br>@Bruno A:<br>Very nice for a first tango try! But a world globe and computer screens are already available in the tango theme or in many tango like themes and yours does not really match IMHO. I totally understand it's hard work to meet the high quality of tango icons...<br>
And maybe add your icons to the Art Request Site i mentioned above - as soon as it is available - so other people can get inspired and make a new try or something...<br><br>@Vic again ;)<br>Oh, and if i can find some time i would like to update your website :)<br>
<br>Kind Regards,<br>Martin<br><a href="https://launchpad.net/~m.lettner">https://launchpad.net/~m.lettner</a><br>