[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-gabble/master] add accept-muc-dbus-tube.py

Guillaume Desmottes guillaume.desmottes at collabora.co.uk
Thu Feb 5 03:34:30 PST 2009

 tests/twisted/tubes/accept-muc-dbus-tube.py |  133 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/twisted/tubes/accept-muc-dbus-tube.py

diff --git a/tests/twisted/tubes/accept-muc-dbus-tube.py b/tests/twisted/tubes/accept-muc-dbus-tube.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066464d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/twisted/tubes/accept-muc-dbus-tube.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import dbus
+from servicetest import call_async, EventPattern
+from gabbletest import exec_test, acknowledge_iq, make_muc_presence
+import constants as c
+from twisted.words.xish import domish, xpath
+import ns
+sample_parameters = dbus.Dictionary({
+    's': 'hello',
+    'ay': dbus.ByteArray('hello'),
+    'u': dbus.UInt32(123),
+    'i': dbus.Int32(-123),
+    }, signature='sv')
+def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
+    conn.Connect()
+    _, iq_event = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0, 1]),
+        EventPattern('stream-iq', to=None, query_ns='vcard-temp',
+            query_name='vCard'))
+    acknowledge_iq(stream, iq_event.stanza)
+    requestotron = dbus.Interface(conn, c.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS)
+    # join room
+    call_async(q, requestotron, 'CreateChannel', {
+        c.TARGET_ID: 'chat at conf.localhost'})
+    event = q.expect('stream-presence', to='chat at conf.localhost/test')
+    # Send presence for other member of room.
+    stream.send(make_muc_presence('owner', 'moderator', 'chat at conf.localhost', 'bob'))
+    # Send presence for own membership of room.
+    stream.send(make_muc_presence('none', 'participant', 'chat at conf.localhost', 'test'))
+    event = q.expect('dbus-return', method='CreateChannel')
+    # text channel is announced
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
+    # Bob offers a stream tube
+    bob_bus_name = ':2.Ym9i'
+    presence = domish.Element((None, 'presence'))
+    presence['from'] = 'chat at conf.localhost/bob'
+    x = presence.addElement(('http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user', 'x'))
+    item = x.addElement('item')
+    item['affiliation'] = 'owner'
+    item['role'] = 'moderator'
+    tubes = presence.addElement((ns.TUBES, 'tubes'))
+    tube = tubes.addElement((None, 'tube'))
+    tube['type'] = 'dbus'
+    tube['initiator'] = 'chat at conf.localhost/bob'
+    tube['stream-id'] = '10'
+    tube['id'] = '1'
+    tube['service'] = 'com.example.Test'
+    tube['dbus-name'] = bob_bus_name
+    parameters = tube.addElement((None, 'parameters'))
+    stream.send(presence)
+    # tubes channel is created
+    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
+    channels = event.args[0]
+    path, props = channels[0]
+    # tube channel is created
+    event = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
+    channels = event.args[0]
+    path, props = channels[0]
+    assert props[c.CHANNEL_TYPE] == c.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE
+    assert props[c.INITIATOR_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost/bob'
+    bob_handle = props[c.INITIATOR_HANDLE]
+    assert props[c.REQUESTED] == False
+    assert props[c.TARGET_ID] == 'chat at conf.localhost'
+    assert props[c.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME] == 'com.example.Test'
+    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
+    tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, c.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE)
+    dbus_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, c.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE)
+    tube_chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, c.CHANNEL)
+    # only Bob is in DBusNames
+    dbus_names = tube_chan.Get(c.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE, 'DBusNames', dbus_interface=c.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    assert dbus_names == {bob_handle: bob_bus_name}
+    call_async(q, dbus_tube_iface, 'AcceptDBusTube')
+    return_event, names_changed, presence_event = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='AcceptDBusTube'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='DBusNamesChanged', interface=c.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE),
+        EventPattern('stream-presence', to='chat at conf.localhost/test'))
+    tube_addr = return_event.value[0]
+    assert len(tube_addr) > 0
+    # check presence stanza
+    tube_node = xpath.queryForNodes('/presence/tubes/tube', presence_event.stanza)[0]
+    assert tube_node['initiator'] == 'chat at conf.localhost/bob'
+    assert tube_node['service'] == 'com.example.Test'
+    assert tube_node['stream-id'] == '10'
+    assert tube_node['type'] == 'dbus'
+    assert tube_node['id'] == '1'
+    self_bus_name = tube_node['dbus-name']
+    tubes_self_handle = tube_chan.GetSelfHandle(dbus_interface=c.CHANNEL_IFACE_GROUP)
+    assert tubes_self_handle != 0
+    # both of us are in DBusNames now
+    dbus_names = tube_chan.Get(c.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE, 'DBusNames', dbus_interface=c.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    assert dbus_names == {bob_handle: bob_bus_name, tubes_self_handle: self_bus_name}
+    added, removed = names_changed.args
+    assert added == {tubes_self_handle: self_bus_name}
+    assert removed == []
+    tube_chan_iface.Close()
+    q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='Closed'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='ChannelClosed'))
+    # OK, we're done
+    conn.Disconnect()
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[2, 1])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    exec_test(test)

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