[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-gabble/master] Test accepting streams added after accepting call

Will Thompson will.thompson at collabora.co.uk
Wed Feb 25 12:22:45 PST 2009

 tests/twisted/Makefile.am                   |    1 +
 tests/twisted/jingle/accept-extra-stream.py |  184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/twisted/jingle/accept-extra-stream.py

diff --git a/tests/twisted/Makefile.am b/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
index 3b4fa4d..ddb9c7b 100644
--- a/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ TWISTED_TESTS = \
 	vcard/test-vcard-cache.py \
 	vcard/test-vcard-race.py \
 	vcard/test-vcard-set-and-get.py \
+	jingle/accept-extra-stream.py \
 	jingle/hold-audio.py \
 	jingle/hold-av.py \
 	jingle/payload-types.py \
diff --git a/tests/twisted/jingle/accept-extra-stream.py b/tests/twisted/jingle/accept-extra-stream.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b7209e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/twisted/jingle/accept-extra-stream.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+Test that we can accept streams added after the call has been accepted.
+from servicetest import make_channel_proxy, EventPattern, sync_dbus, call_async
+from gabbletest import exec_test, make_result_iq, sync_stream
+import constants as cs
+from jingletest2 import JingleProtocol031, JingleTest2
+def test(q, bus, conn, stream):
+    remote_jid = 'foo at bar.com/Foo'
+    jp = JingleProtocol031()
+    jt2 = JingleTest2(jp, conn, q, stream, 'test at localhost', remote_jid)
+    jt2.prepare()
+    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
+    remote_handle = conn.RequestHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [remote_jid])[0]
+    # Remote end calls us
+    node = jp.SetIq(jt2.peer, jt2.jid, [
+        jp.Jingle(jt2.sid, jt2.peer, 'session-initiate', [
+            jp.Content('audiostream', 'initiator', 'both', [
+                jp.Description('audio', [
+                    jp.PayloadType(name, str(rate), str(id)) for
+                        (name, id, rate) in jt2.audio_codecs ]),
+            jp.TransportGoogleP2P() ]) ]) ])
+    stream.send(jp.xml(node))
+    nc = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannel')
+    path, ct, ht, h, sh = nc.args
+    assert ct == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, ct
+    assert ht == cs.HT_CONTACT, ht
+    assert h == remote_handle, h
+    group = make_channel_proxy(conn, path, 'Channel.Interface.Group')
+    sm = make_channel_proxy(conn, path, 'Channel.Type.StreamedMedia')
+    ms = make_channel_proxy(conn, path, 'Channel.Interface.MediaSignalling')
+    streams = sm.ListStreams()
+    assert len(streams) == 1, streams
+    audio_stream_id, h, media_type, state, direction, pending = streams[0]
+    assert h == remote_handle, (h, remote_handle)
+    assert media_type == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO, media_type
+    assert state == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_STATE_DISCONNECTED, state
+    # FIXME: This turns out to be Bidirectional; wjt thinks this sounds wrong
+    #        since the stream is (we hope) pending local send.
+    #assert direction == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_RECEIVE, direction
+    assert pending == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_LOCAL_SEND, pending
+    session_handlers = ms.GetSessionHandlers()
+    assert len(session_handlers) == 1, session_handlers
+    session_handler = make_channel_proxy(conn, session_handlers[0][0],
+        'Media.SessionHandler')
+    session_handler.Ready()
+    nsh = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewStreamHandler')
+    stream_handler_path, stream_id, media_type, direction = nsh.args
+    assert stream_id == audio_stream_id, (stream_id, audio_stream_id)
+    assert media_type == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO, media_type
+    # FIXME: As above
+    #assert direction == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_RECEIVE, direction
+    stream_handler = make_channel_proxy(conn, stream_handler_path,
+        'Media.StreamHandler')
+    stream_handler.NewNativeCandidate("fake", jt2.get_remote_transports_dbus())
+    stream_handler.Ready(jt2.get_audio_codecs_dbus())
+    stream_handler.StreamState(cs.MEDIA_STREAM_STATE_CONNECTED)
+    stream_handler.SupportedCodecs(jt2.get_audio_codecs_dbus())
+    # peer gets the transport
+    e = q.expect('stream-iq')
+    assert e.query.name == 'jingle'
+    assert e.query['action'] == 'transport-info'
+    assert e.query['initiator'] == remote_jid
+    stream.send(make_result_iq(stream, e.stanza))
+    # Make sure all the above's happened.
+    sync_stream(q, stream)
+    sync_dbus(bus, q, conn)
+    # At last, accept the call
+    group.AddMembers([self_handle], 'accepted')
+    # Call is accepted, we become a member, and the stream that was pending
+    # local send is now sending.
+    memb, acc, _, _, _,  = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='MembersChanged',
+            args=[u'', [self_handle], [], [], [], 0, 0]),
+        EventPattern('stream-iq',
+            predicate=lambda e: (e.query.name == 'jingle' and
+                e.query['action'] == 'session-accept')),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='SetStreamSending', args=[True]),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='SetStreamPlaying', args=[True]),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StreamDirectionChanged',
+            args=[audio_stream_id, cs.MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL, 0]),
+        )
+    # Respond to session-accept
+    # FIXME: wjt thinks Gabble should accept the content-add without this.
+    stream.send(jp.xml(jp.ResultIq('test at localhost', acc.stanza, [])))
+    # Foo would like to gaze upon our beautiful complexion
+    node = jp.SetIq(jt2.peer, jt2.jid, [
+        jp.Jingle(jt2.sid, jt2.peer, 'content-add', [
+            jp.Content('videostream', 'initiator', 'both', [
+                jp.Description('video', [
+                    jp.PayloadType(name, str(rate), str(id)) for
+                        (name, id, rate) in jt2.video_codecs ]),
+            jp.TransportGoogleP2P() ]) ]) ])
+    stream.send(jp.xml(node))
+    added, nsh = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StreamAdded'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewStreamHandler'),
+        )
+    video_stream_id, h, type = added.args
+    assert h == remote_handle, (h, remote_handle)
+    assert type == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO, type
+    stream_handler_path, stream_id, media_type, direction = nsh.args
+    assert stream_id == video_stream_id, (stream_id, video_stream_id)
+    assert media_type == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO, type
+    # FIXME: As above
+    #assert direction == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_RECEIVE, direction
+    video_handler = make_channel_proxy(conn, stream_handler_path,
+        'Media.StreamHandler')
+    video_handler.NewNativeCandidate("fake", jt2.get_remote_transports_dbus())
+    video_handler.Ready(jt2.get_video_codecs_dbus())
+    video_handler.StreamState(cs.MEDIA_STREAM_STATE_CONNECTED)
+    video_handler.SupportedCodecs(jt2.get_video_codecs_dbus())
+    e, _, _ = q.expect_many(
+        # Peer gets the transport
+        EventPattern('stream-iq', iq_type='set',
+            predicate=lambda e: e.query['action'] =='transport-info'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='SetStreamPlaying', args=[True]),
+        # It's not entirely clear that this *needs* to fire here...
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='SetStreamSending', args=[False]),
+        )
+    assert e.query.name == 'jingle'
+    assert e.query['initiator'] == remote_jid
+    stream.send(make_result_iq(stream, e.stanza))
+    q.expect('stream-iq', predicate=lambda e: (e.query.name == 'jingle' and
+                e.query['action'] == 'content-accept'))
+    # Okay, so now the stream's playing but not sending, and we should be still
+    # pending local send:
+    streams = sm.ListStreams()
+    assert len(streams) == 2, streams
+    video_streams = [s for s in streams if s[2] == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO]
+    assert len(video_streams) == 1, streams
+    stream_id, h, _, state, direction, pending = video_streams[0]
+    assert stream_id == video_stream_id, (stream_id, video_stream_id)
+    assert h == remote_handle, (h, remote_handle)
+    assert state == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_STATE_CONNECTED, state
+    assert direction == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_RECEIVE, direction
+    assert pending == cs.MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_LOCAL_SEND, pending
+    # Let's accept the stream; the direction should change, and we should be
+    # told to start sending.
+    call_async(q, sm, 'RequestStreamDirection', video_stream_id,
+    # The stream's direction should change, and we should be told to start
+    # playing.
+    q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='StreamDirectionChanged',
+            args=[video_stream_id, cs.MEDIA_STREAM_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL, 0]),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='SetStreamSending', args=[True]),
+        )
+    # That'll do, pig. That'll do.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    exec_test(test)

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