[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-gabble/master] rename offer-private-dbus-tube-ibb.py to offer-private-dbus-tube.py

Guillaume Desmottes guillaume.desmottes at collabora.co.uk
Fri Feb 27 06:08:55 PST 2009

 tests/twisted/Makefile.am                          |    2 +-
 tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube-ibb.py |  311 --------------------
 tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube.py     |  311 ++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 312 insertions(+), 312 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube-ibb.py
 create mode 100644 tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube.py

diff --git a/tests/twisted/Makefile.am b/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
index defb425..b7cba5e 100644
--- a/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/twisted/Makefile.am
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ TWISTED_TESTS = \
 	tubes/offer-muc-dbus-tube.py \
 	tubes/offer-muc-stream-tube.py \
 	tubes/offer-no-caps.py \
-	tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube-ibb.py \
+	tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube.py \
 	tubes/offer-private-stream-tube.py \
 	tubes/request-invalid-dbus-tube.py \
 	tubes/ensure-si-tube.py \
diff --git a/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube-ibb.py b/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube-ibb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b8e57..0000000
--- a/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube-ibb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-"""Test D-Bus private tube support"""
-import dbus
-from dbus.connection import Connection
-from dbus.lowlevel import SignalMessage
-from servicetest import call_async, EventPattern, unwrap
-from gabbletest import exec_test, make_result_iq, sync_stream
-import constants as cs
-import tubetestutil as t
-from twisted.words.xish import domish, xpath
-import ns
-from bytestream import parse_si_offer, create_si_reply
-sample_parameters = dbus.Dictionary({
-    's': 'hello',
-    'ay': dbus.ByteArray('hello'),
-    'u': dbus.UInt32(123),
-    'i': dbus.Int32(-123),
-    }, signature='sv')
-# FIXME: stolen from jingletest.py. Should be shared by all tests
-def make_presence(fromjid, tojid, caps=None):
-    el = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'presence',))
-    el['from'] = fromjid
-    el['to'] = tojid
-    if caps:
-        cel = domish.Element(('http://jabber.org/protocol/caps', 'c'))
-        for key,value in caps.items():
-            cel[key] = value
-        el.addChild(cel)
-    return el
-def make_caps_disco_reply(stream, req, features):
-    iq = make_result_iq(stream, req)
-    query = iq.firstChildElement()
-    for f in features:
-        el = domish.Element((None, 'feature'))
-        el['var'] = f
-        query.addChild(el)
-    return iq
-def alice_accepts_tube(q, stream, iq_event, dbus_tube_id, bytestream_cls):
-    iq = iq_event.stanza
-    profile, dbus_stream_id, bytestreams = parse_si_offer(iq)
-    assert profile == ns.TUBES
-    assert bytestreams == [ns.BYTESTREAMS, ns.IBB]
-    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq/si/tube[@xmlns="%s"]'
-        % ns.TUBES, iq)
-    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
-    tube = tube_nodes[0]
-    tube['type'] = 'dbus'
-    assert tube['initiator'] == 'test at localhost'
-    assert tube['service'] == 'com.example.TestCase'
-    assert tube['id'] == str(dbus_tube_id)
-    params = {}
-    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tube/parameters/parameter', tube)
-    for node in parameter_nodes:
-        assert node['name'] not in params
-        params[node['name']] = (node['type'], str(node))
-    assert params == {'ay': ('bytes', 'aGVsbG8='),
-                      's': ('str', 'hello'),
-                      'i': ('int', '-123'),
-                      'u': ('uint', '123'),
-                     }
-    # Alice accepts the tube
-    bytestream = bytestream_cls(stream, q, dbus_stream_id, 'test at localhost/Resource',
-        'alice at localhost/Test', False)
-    result, si = create_si_reply(stream, iq, bytestream.initiator, bytestream.get_ns())
-    si.addElement((ns.TUBES, 'tube'))
-    stream.send(result)
-    bytestream.wait_bytestream_open()
-    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='TubeStateChanged',
-        args=[dbus_tube_id, cs.TUBE_STATE_OPEN])
-    return bytestream
-def send_dbus_message_to_alice(q, stream, dbus_tube_adr, bytestream):
-    tube = Connection(dbus_tube_adr)
-    signal = SignalMessage('/', 'foo.bar', 'baz')
-    signal.append(42, signature='u')
-    tube.send_message(signal)
-    binary = bytestream.get_data()
-    # little and big endian versions of: SIGNAL, NO_REPLY, protocol v1,
-    # 4-byte payload
-    assert binary.startswith('l\x04\x01\x01' '\x04\x00\x00\x00') or \
-           binary.startswith('B\x04\x01\x01' '\x00\x00\x00\x04')
-    # little and big endian versions of the 4-byte payload, UInt32(42)
-    assert (binary[0] == 'l' and binary.endswith('\x2a\x00\x00\x00')) or \
-           (binary[0] == 'B' and binary.endswith('\x00\x00\x00\x2a'))
-    # XXX: verify that it's actually in the "sender" slot, rather than just
-    # being in the message somewhere
-def offer_old_dbus_tube(q, bus, conn, stream, self_handle, alice_handle, bytestream_cls):
-    # request tubes channel (old API)
-    tubes_path = conn.RequestChannel(cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES, cs.HT_CONTACT,
-            alice_handle, True)
-    tubes_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, tubes_path)
-    tubes_iface = dbus.Interface(tubes_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES)
-    tubes_chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tubes_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
-    # Exercise basic Channel Properties from spec 0.17.7
-    channel_props = tubes_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
-    assert channel_props.get('TargetHandle') == alice_handle,\
-            (channel_props.get('TargetHandle'), alice_handle)
-    assert channel_props.get('TargetHandleType') == cs.HT_CONTACT,\
-            channel_props.get('TargetHandleType')
-    assert channel_props.get('ChannelType') == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES,\
-            channel_props.get('ChannelType')
-    assert 'Interfaces' in channel_props, channel_props
-    assert channel_props['Interfaces'] == [], channel_props['Interfaces']
-    assert channel_props['TargetID'] == 'alice at localhost', channel_props['TargetID']
-    assert channel_props['Requested'] == True
-    assert channel_props['InitiatorID'] == 'test at localhost'
-    assert channel_props['InitiatorHandle'] == conn.GetSelfHandle()
-    # Offer a D-Bus tube using old API
-    call_async(q, tubes_iface, 'OfferDBusTube',
-            'com.example.TestCase', sample_parameters)
-    new_tube_event, iq_event, offer_return_event = \
-        q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
-        EventPattern('stream-iq', to='alice at localhost/Test'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferDBusTube'))
-    # handle new_tube_event
-    dbus_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
-    assert new_tube_event.args[1] == self_handle
-    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 0       # DBUS
-    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'com.example.TestCase'
-    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == sample_parameters
-    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING
-    # handle offer_return_event
-    assert offer_return_event.value[0] == dbus_tube_id
-    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
-    assert len(tubes) == 1
-    expected_tube = (dbus_tube_id, self_handle, cs.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS,
-        'com.example.TestCase', sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING)
-    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)
-    bytestream = alice_accepts_tube(q, stream, iq_event, dbus_tube_id, bytestream_cls)
-    dbus_tube_adr = tubes_iface.GetDBusTubeAddress(dbus_tube_id)
-    send_dbus_message_to_alice(q, stream, dbus_tube_adr, bytestream)
-    # close the tube
-    tubes_iface.CloseTube(dbus_tube_id)
-    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='TubeClosed', args=[dbus_tube_id])
-    # and close the tubes channel
-    tubes_chan_iface.Close()
-    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='Closed')
-def offer_new_dbus_tube(q, bus, conn, stream, self_handle, alice_handle, bytestream_cls):
-    requestotron = dbus.Interface(conn, cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS)
-    # Offer a tube to Alice (new API)
-    call_async(q, requestotron, 'CreateChannel',
-             cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE: cs.HT_CONTACT,
-             cs.TARGET_ID: 'alice at localhost',
-             cs.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME: 'com.example.TestCase'
-            }, byte_arrays=True)
-    cc_ret, nc = q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='CreateChannel'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'),
-        )
-    tube_path, tube_props = cc_ret.value
-    new_channel_details = nc.args[0]
-    # check tube channel properties
-    assert tube_props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE
-    assert tube_props[cs.INTERFACES] == [cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE]
-    assert tube_props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_CONTACT
-    assert tube_props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == alice_handle
-    assert tube_props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'alice at localhost'
-    assert tube_props[cs.REQUESTED] == True
-    assert tube_props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
-    assert tube_props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == "test at localhost"
-    assert tube_props[cs.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME] == 'com.example.TestCase'
-    assert cs.DBUS_TUBE_DBUS_NAMES not in tube_props
-    assert cs.TUBE_PARAMETERS not in tube_props
-    assert cs.TUBE_STATE not in tube_props
-    # Under the current implementation, creating a new-style Tube channel
-    # ensures that an old-style Tubes channel exists, even though Tube channels
-    # aren't visible on the Tubes channel until they're offered.  Another
-    # correct implementation would have the Tubes channel spring up only when
-    # the Tube is offered.
-    #
-    # Anyway. Given the current implementation, they should be announced together.
-    assert len(new_channel_details) == 2, unwrap(new_channel_details)
-    found_tubes = False
-    found_tube = False
-    for path, details in new_channel_details:
-        if details[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
-            found_tubes = True
-            tubes_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
-            tubes_iface = dbus.Interface(tubes_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES)
-        elif details[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE:
-            found_tube = True
-            assert tube_path == path, (tube_path, path)
-        else:
-            assert False, (path, details)
-    assert found_tube and found_tubes, unwrap(new_channel_details)
-    # The tube's not offered, so it shouldn't be shown on the old interface.
-    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
-    assert len(tubes) == 0, tubes
-    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, tube_path)
-    tube_chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
-    dbus_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE)
-    # check State and Parameters
-    props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE,
-        byte_arrays=True)
-    assert props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_NOT_OFFERED
-    # check ServiceName and DBusNames
-    props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
-    assert props['ServiceName'] == 'com.example.TestCase'
-    assert props['DBusNames'] == {}
-    # Only when we offer the tube should it appear on the Tubes channel and an
-    # IQ be sent to Alice. We sync the stream to ensure the IQ would have
-    # arrived if it had been sent.
-    sync_stream(q, stream)
-    call_async(q, dbus_tube_iface, 'OfferDBusTube', sample_parameters)
-    offer_return_event, iq_event, new_tube_event, state_event = q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferDBusTube'),
-        EventPattern('stream-iq', to='alice at localhost/Test'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='TubeChannelStateChanged'),
-        )
-    tube_address = offer_return_event.value[0]
-    assert len(tube_address) > 0
-    assert state_event.args[0] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING
-    # Now the tube's been offered, it should be shown on the old interface
-    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
-    assert len(tubes) == 1
-    expected_tube = (None, self_handle, cs.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS, 'com.example.TestCase',
-        sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING)
-    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)
-    status = tube_chan.Get(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, 'State', dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
-    assert status == cs.TUBE_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING
-    tube_chan_iface.Close()
-    q.expect_many(
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='Closed'),
-        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='ChannelClosed'))
-def test(q, bus, conn, stream, bytestream_cls):
-    conn.Connect()
-    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0, 1])
-    t.check_conn_properties(q, conn)
-    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
-    alice_handle = conn.RequestHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, ["alice at localhost"])[0]
-    # send Alice's presence
-    caps =  { 'ext': '', 'ver': '0.0.0',
-        'node': 'http://example.com/fake-client0' }
-    presence = make_presence('alice at localhost/Test', 'test at localhost', caps)
-    stream.send(presence)
-    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='PresencesChanged',
-        args = [{alice_handle: (2L, u'available', u'')}])
-    # reply to disco query
-    event = q.expect('stream-iq', to='alice at localhost/Test', query_ns=ns.DISCO_INFO)
-    stream.send(make_caps_disco_reply(stream, event.stanza, [ns.TUBES]))
-    sync_stream(q, stream)
-    offer_old_dbus_tube(q, bus, conn, stream, self_handle, alice_handle, bytestream_cls)
-    offer_new_dbus_tube(q, bus, conn, stream, self_handle, alice_handle, bytestream_cls)
-    # OK, we're done
-    conn.Disconnect()
-    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[2, 1])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    t.exec_tube_test(test)
diff --git a/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube.py b/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b8e57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/twisted/tubes/offer-private-dbus-tube.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+"""Test D-Bus private tube support"""
+import dbus
+from dbus.connection import Connection
+from dbus.lowlevel import SignalMessage
+from servicetest import call_async, EventPattern, unwrap
+from gabbletest import exec_test, make_result_iq, sync_stream
+import constants as cs
+import tubetestutil as t
+from twisted.words.xish import domish, xpath
+import ns
+from bytestream import parse_si_offer, create_si_reply
+sample_parameters = dbus.Dictionary({
+    's': 'hello',
+    'ay': dbus.ByteArray('hello'),
+    'u': dbus.UInt32(123),
+    'i': dbus.Int32(-123),
+    }, signature='sv')
+# FIXME: stolen from jingletest.py. Should be shared by all tests
+def make_presence(fromjid, tojid, caps=None):
+    el = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'presence',))
+    el['from'] = fromjid
+    el['to'] = tojid
+    if caps:
+        cel = domish.Element(('http://jabber.org/protocol/caps', 'c'))
+        for key,value in caps.items():
+            cel[key] = value
+        el.addChild(cel)
+    return el
+def make_caps_disco_reply(stream, req, features):
+    iq = make_result_iq(stream, req)
+    query = iq.firstChildElement()
+    for f in features:
+        el = domish.Element((None, 'feature'))
+        el['var'] = f
+        query.addChild(el)
+    return iq
+def alice_accepts_tube(q, stream, iq_event, dbus_tube_id, bytestream_cls):
+    iq = iq_event.stanza
+    profile, dbus_stream_id, bytestreams = parse_si_offer(iq)
+    assert profile == ns.TUBES
+    assert bytestreams == [ns.BYTESTREAMS, ns.IBB]
+    tube_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/iq/si/tube[@xmlns="%s"]'
+        % ns.TUBES, iq)
+    assert len(tube_nodes) == 1
+    tube = tube_nodes[0]
+    tube['type'] = 'dbus'
+    assert tube['initiator'] == 'test at localhost'
+    assert tube['service'] == 'com.example.TestCase'
+    assert tube['id'] == str(dbus_tube_id)
+    params = {}
+    parameter_nodes = xpath.queryForNodes('/tube/parameters/parameter', tube)
+    for node in parameter_nodes:
+        assert node['name'] not in params
+        params[node['name']] = (node['type'], str(node))
+    assert params == {'ay': ('bytes', 'aGVsbG8='),
+                      's': ('str', 'hello'),
+                      'i': ('int', '-123'),
+                      'u': ('uint', '123'),
+                     }
+    # Alice accepts the tube
+    bytestream = bytestream_cls(stream, q, dbus_stream_id, 'test at localhost/Resource',
+        'alice at localhost/Test', False)
+    result, si = create_si_reply(stream, iq, bytestream.initiator, bytestream.get_ns())
+    si.addElement((ns.TUBES, 'tube'))
+    stream.send(result)
+    bytestream.wait_bytestream_open()
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='TubeStateChanged',
+        args=[dbus_tube_id, cs.TUBE_STATE_OPEN])
+    return bytestream
+def send_dbus_message_to_alice(q, stream, dbus_tube_adr, bytestream):
+    tube = Connection(dbus_tube_adr)
+    signal = SignalMessage('/', 'foo.bar', 'baz')
+    signal.append(42, signature='u')
+    tube.send_message(signal)
+    binary = bytestream.get_data()
+    # little and big endian versions of: SIGNAL, NO_REPLY, protocol v1,
+    # 4-byte payload
+    assert binary.startswith('l\x04\x01\x01' '\x04\x00\x00\x00') or \
+           binary.startswith('B\x04\x01\x01' '\x00\x00\x00\x04')
+    # little and big endian versions of the 4-byte payload, UInt32(42)
+    assert (binary[0] == 'l' and binary.endswith('\x2a\x00\x00\x00')) or \
+           (binary[0] == 'B' and binary.endswith('\x00\x00\x00\x2a'))
+    # XXX: verify that it's actually in the "sender" slot, rather than just
+    # being in the message somewhere
+def offer_old_dbus_tube(q, bus, conn, stream, self_handle, alice_handle, bytestream_cls):
+    # request tubes channel (old API)
+    tubes_path = conn.RequestChannel(cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES, cs.HT_CONTACT,
+            alice_handle, True)
+    tubes_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, tubes_path)
+    tubes_iface = dbus.Interface(tubes_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES)
+    tubes_chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tubes_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
+    # Exercise basic Channel Properties from spec 0.17.7
+    channel_props = tubes_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    assert channel_props.get('TargetHandle') == alice_handle,\
+            (channel_props.get('TargetHandle'), alice_handle)
+    assert channel_props.get('TargetHandleType') == cs.HT_CONTACT,\
+            channel_props.get('TargetHandleType')
+    assert channel_props.get('ChannelType') == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES,\
+            channel_props.get('ChannelType')
+    assert 'Interfaces' in channel_props, channel_props
+    assert channel_props['Interfaces'] == [], channel_props['Interfaces']
+    assert channel_props['TargetID'] == 'alice at localhost', channel_props['TargetID']
+    assert channel_props['Requested'] == True
+    assert channel_props['InitiatorID'] == 'test at localhost'
+    assert channel_props['InitiatorHandle'] == conn.GetSelfHandle()
+    # Offer a D-Bus tube using old API
+    call_async(q, tubes_iface, 'OfferDBusTube',
+            'com.example.TestCase', sample_parameters)
+    new_tube_event, iq_event, offer_return_event = \
+        q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
+        EventPattern('stream-iq', to='alice at localhost/Test'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferDBusTube'))
+    # handle new_tube_event
+    dbus_tube_id = new_tube_event.args[0]
+    assert new_tube_event.args[1] == self_handle
+    assert new_tube_event.args[2] == 0       # DBUS
+    assert new_tube_event.args[3] == 'com.example.TestCase'
+    assert new_tube_event.args[4] == sample_parameters
+    assert new_tube_event.args[5] == cs.TUBE_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING
+    # handle offer_return_event
+    assert offer_return_event.value[0] == dbus_tube_id
+    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
+    assert len(tubes) == 1
+    expected_tube = (dbus_tube_id, self_handle, cs.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS,
+        'com.example.TestCase', sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING)
+    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)
+    bytestream = alice_accepts_tube(q, stream, iq_event, dbus_tube_id, bytestream_cls)
+    dbus_tube_adr = tubes_iface.GetDBusTubeAddress(dbus_tube_id)
+    send_dbus_message_to_alice(q, stream, dbus_tube_adr, bytestream)
+    # close the tube
+    tubes_iface.CloseTube(dbus_tube_id)
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='TubeClosed', args=[dbus_tube_id])
+    # and close the tubes channel
+    tubes_chan_iface.Close()
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='Closed')
+def offer_new_dbus_tube(q, bus, conn, stream, self_handle, alice_handle, bytestream_cls):
+    requestotron = dbus.Interface(conn, cs.CONN_IFACE_REQUESTS)
+    # Offer a tube to Alice (new API)
+    call_async(q, requestotron, 'CreateChannel',
+             cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE: cs.HT_CONTACT,
+             cs.TARGET_ID: 'alice at localhost',
+             cs.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME: 'com.example.TestCase'
+            }, byte_arrays=True)
+    cc_ret, nc = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='CreateChannel'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'),
+        )
+    tube_path, tube_props = cc_ret.value
+    new_channel_details = nc.args[0]
+    # check tube channel properties
+    assert tube_props[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE
+    assert tube_props[cs.INTERFACES] == [cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE]
+    assert tube_props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE] == cs.HT_CONTACT
+    assert tube_props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE] == alice_handle
+    assert tube_props[cs.TARGET_ID] == 'alice at localhost'
+    assert tube_props[cs.REQUESTED] == True
+    assert tube_props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE] == self_handle
+    assert tube_props[cs.INITIATOR_ID] == "test at localhost"
+    assert tube_props[cs.DBUS_TUBE_SERVICE_NAME] == 'com.example.TestCase'
+    assert cs.DBUS_TUBE_DBUS_NAMES not in tube_props
+    assert cs.TUBE_PARAMETERS not in tube_props
+    assert cs.TUBE_STATE not in tube_props
+    # Under the current implementation, creating a new-style Tube channel
+    # ensures that an old-style Tubes channel exists, even though Tube channels
+    # aren't visible on the Tubes channel until they're offered.  Another
+    # correct implementation would have the Tubes channel spring up only when
+    # the Tube is offered.
+    #
+    # Anyway. Given the current implementation, they should be announced together.
+    assert len(new_channel_details) == 2, unwrap(new_channel_details)
+    found_tubes = False
+    found_tube = False
+    for path, details in new_channel_details:
+        if details[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES:
+            found_tubes = True
+            tubes_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path)
+            tubes_iface = dbus.Interface(tubes_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES)
+        elif details[cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE:
+            found_tube = True
+            assert tube_path == path, (tube_path, path)
+        else:
+            assert False, (path, details)
+    assert found_tube and found_tubes, unwrap(new_channel_details)
+    # The tube's not offered, so it shouldn't be shown on the old interface.
+    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
+    assert len(tubes) == 0, tubes
+    tube_chan = bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, tube_path)
+    tube_chan_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL)
+    dbus_tube_iface = dbus.Interface(tube_chan, cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE)
+    # check State and Parameters
+    props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE,
+        byte_arrays=True)
+    assert props['State'] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_NOT_OFFERED
+    # check ServiceName and DBusNames
+    props = tube_chan.GetAll(cs.CHANNEL_TYPE_DBUS_TUBE, dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    assert props['ServiceName'] == 'com.example.TestCase'
+    assert props['DBusNames'] == {}
+    # Only when we offer the tube should it appear on the Tubes channel and an
+    # IQ be sent to Alice. We sync the stream to ensure the IQ would have
+    # arrived if it had been sent.
+    sync_stream(q, stream)
+    call_async(q, dbus_tube_iface, 'OfferDBusTube', sample_parameters)
+    offer_return_event, iq_event, new_tube_event, state_event = q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-return', method='OfferDBusTube'),
+        EventPattern('stream-iq', to='alice at localhost/Test'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewTube'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='TubeChannelStateChanged'),
+        )
+    tube_address = offer_return_event.value[0]
+    assert len(tube_address) > 0
+    assert state_event.args[0] == cs.TUBE_CHANNEL_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING
+    # Now the tube's been offered, it should be shown on the old interface
+    tubes = tubes_iface.ListTubes(byte_arrays=True)
+    assert len(tubes) == 1
+    expected_tube = (None, self_handle, cs.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS, 'com.example.TestCase',
+        sample_parameters, cs.TUBE_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING)
+    t.check_tube_in_tubes(expected_tube, tubes)
+    status = tube_chan.Get(cs.CHANNEL_IFACE_TUBE, 'State', dbus_interface=cs.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+    assert status == cs.TUBE_STATE_REMOTE_PENDING
+    tube_chan_iface.Close()
+    q.expect_many(
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='Closed'),
+        EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='ChannelClosed'))
+def test(q, bus, conn, stream, bytestream_cls):
+    conn.Connect()
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0, 1])
+    t.check_conn_properties(q, conn)
+    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
+    alice_handle = conn.RequestHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, ["alice at localhost"])[0]
+    # send Alice's presence
+    caps =  { 'ext': '', 'ver': '0.0.0',
+        'node': 'http://example.com/fake-client0' }
+    presence = make_presence('alice at localhost/Test', 'test at localhost', caps)
+    stream.send(presence)
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='PresencesChanged',
+        args = [{alice_handle: (2L, u'available', u'')}])
+    # reply to disco query
+    event = q.expect('stream-iq', to='alice at localhost/Test', query_ns=ns.DISCO_INFO)
+    stream.send(make_caps_disco_reply(stream, event.stanza, [ns.TUBES]))
+    sync_stream(q, stream)
+    offer_old_dbus_tube(q, bus, conn, stream, self_handle, alice_handle, bytestream_cls)
+    offer_new_dbus_tube(q, bus, conn, stream, self_handle, alice_handle, bytestream_cls)
+    # OK, we're done
+    conn.Disconnect()
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[2, 1])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    t.exec_tube_test(test)

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