[telepathy-butterfly/master] Import Youness Alaoui patch to fix simplepresence (fd.o #22172)

Olivier Le Thanh Duong olivier at lethanh.be
Tue Jun 9 15:19:13 PDT 2009

Import Youness Alaoui patch from his papyon branch which fix
SimplePresence never firing the PresencesChanged signal.
This was caused by the fact that Presence and SimplePresence
both had the same methods (from ContactEventInterface) and both
were inherited from in Connection meant that only one of the two
instances of the same method was called.
 butterfly/connection.py      |    3 -
 butterfly/presence.py        |  143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 butterfly/simple_presence.py |  203 ------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 butterfly/simple_presence.py

diff --git a/butterfly/connection.py b/butterfly/connection.py
index 4c98191..d3b721a 100644
--- a/butterfly/connection.py
+++ b/butterfly/connection.py
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import pymsn
 import pymsn.event
 from butterfly.presence import ButterflyPresence
-from butterfly.simple_presence import ButterflySimplePresence
 from butterfly.aliasing import ButterflyAliasing
 from butterfly.avatars import ButterflyAvatars
 from butterfly.handle import ButterflyHandleFactory
@@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ logger = logging.getLogger('Butterfly.Connection')
 class ButterflyConnection(telepathy.server.Connection,
-        ButterflySimplePresence,
@@ -92,7 +90,6 @@ class ButterflyConnection(telepathy.server.Connection,
             # Call parent initializers
             telepathy.server.Connection.__init__(self, 'msn', account, 'butterfly')
-            ButterflySimplePresence.__init__(self)
diff --git a/butterfly/presence.py b/butterfly/presence.py
index 7475ca7..25746ba 100644
--- a/butterfly/presence.py
+++ b/butterfly/presence.py
@@ -16,30 +16,88 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Implementation of the SimplePresence specification at :
+# http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/spec.html#org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.SimplePresence
 import logging
 import time
 import telepathy
+import telepathy.constants
+import telepathy.errors
 import pymsn
 from butterfly.handle import ButterflyHandleFactory
 from butterfly.util.decorator import async
-from butterfly.simple_presence import ButterflyPresenceMapping
 __all__ = ['ButterflyPresence']
 logger = logging.getLogger('Butterfly.Presence')
+class ButterflyPresenceMapping(object):
+    ONLINE = 'available'
+    AWAY = 'away'
+    BUSY = 'dnd'
+    IDLE = 'xa'
+    BRB = 'brb'
+    PHONE = 'phone'
+    LUNCH = 'lunch'
+    INVISIBLE = 'hidden'
+    OFFLINE = 'offline'
+    to_pymsn = {
+            ONLINE:     pymsn.Presence.ONLINE,
+            AWAY:       pymsn.Presence.AWAY,
+            BUSY:       pymsn.Presence.BUSY,
+            IDLE:       pymsn.Presence.IDLE,
+            BRB:        pymsn.Presence.BE_RIGHT_BACK,
+            PHONE:      pymsn.Presence.ON_THE_PHONE,
+            LUNCH:      pymsn.Presence.OUT_TO_LUNCH,
+            INVISIBLE:  pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE,
+            OFFLINE:    pymsn.Presence.OFFLINE
+            }
+    to_telepathy = {
+            pymsn.Presence.ONLINE:         ONLINE,
+            pymsn.Presence.AWAY:           AWAY,
+            pymsn.Presence.BUSY:           BUSY,
+            pymsn.Presence.IDLE:           IDLE,
+            pymsn.Presence.BE_RIGHT_BACK:  BRB,
+            pymsn.Presence.ON_THE_PHONE:   PHONE,
+            pymsn.Presence.OUT_TO_LUNCH:   LUNCH,
+            pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE:      INVISIBLE,
+            pymsn.Presence.OFFLINE:        OFFLINE
+            }
+    to_presence_type = {
+            ONLINE:     telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE,
+            AWAY:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+            BUSY:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_BUSY,
+            IDLE:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_EXTENDED_AWAY,
+            BRB:        telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+            PHONE:      telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_BUSY,
+            LUNCH:      telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_EXTENDED_AWAY,
+            INVISIBLE:  telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_HIDDEN,
+            OFFLINE:    telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_OFFLINE
+            }
 class ButterflyPresence(telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfacePresence,
+        telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresence,
     def __init__(self):
+        telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresence.__init__(self)
         pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface.__init__(self, self.msn_client)
         pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface.__init__(self, self.msn_client)
+        dbus_interface = 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.SimplePresence'
+        self._implement_property_get(dbus_interface, {'Statuses' : self.get_statuses})
     def GetStatuses(self):
         # the arguments are in common to all on-line presences
         arguments = {'message' : 's'}
@@ -124,6 +182,86 @@ class ButterflyPresence(telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfacePresence,
             presences[handle] = (0, {presence : arguments}) # TODO: Timestamp
         return presences
+    # SimplePresence
+    def GetPresences(self, contacts):
+        return self.get_simple_presences(contacts)
+    def SetPresence(self, status, message):
+        if status == ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE:
+            self.Disconnect()
+        try:
+            presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_pymsn[status]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise telepathy.errors.InvalidArgument
+        message = message.encode("utf-8")
+        logger.info("Setting Presence to '%s'" % presence)
+        logger.info("Setting Personal message to '%s'" % message)
+        if self._status != telepathy.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED:
+            self._initial_presence = presence
+            self._initial_personal_message = message
+        else:
+            self.msn_client.profile.personal_message = message
+            self.msn_client.profile.presence = presence
+    def get_simple_presences(self, contacts):
+        presences = {}
+        for handle_id in contacts:
+            handle = self.handle(telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, handle_id)
+            try:
+                contact = handle.contact
+            except AttributeError:
+                contact = handle.profile
+            if contact is not None:
+                presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_telepathy[contact.presence]
+                personal_message = unicode(contact.personal_message, "utf-8")
+            else:
+                presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE
+                personal_message = u""
+            presence_type = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_presence_type[presence]
+            presences[handle] = (presence_type, presence, personal_message)
+        return presences
+    def get_statuses(self):
+        # you get one of these for each status
+        # {name:(Type, May_Set_On_Self, Can_Have_Message}
+        return {
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.ONLINE:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.AWAY:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.BUSY:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.IDLE:(
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.BRB:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.PHONE:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.LUNCH:(
+                True, True),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.INVISIBLE:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_HIDDEN,
+                True, False),
+            ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE:(
+                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_OFFLINE,
+                True, False)
+        }
     # pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface
     def on_contact_presence_changed(self, contact):
         handle = ButterflyHandleFactory(self, 'contact',
@@ -146,8 +284,11 @@ class ButterflyPresence(telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfacePresence,
     def _presence_changed(self, handle, presence, personal_message):
         presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_telepathy[presence]
+        presence_type = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_presence_type[presence]
         personal_message = unicode(personal_message, "utf-8")
+        self.PresencesChanged({handle: (presence_type, presence, personal_message)})
         arguments = {}
         if personal_message:
             arguments = {'message' : personal_message}
diff --git a/butterfly/simple_presence.py b/butterfly/simple_presence.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 245d179..0000000
--- a/butterfly/simple_presence.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# telepathy-butterfly - an MSN connection manager for Telepathy
-# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Ali Sabil <ali.sabil at gmail.com>
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Olivier Le Thanh Duong <olivier at lethanh.be>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-# Implementation of the SimplePresence specification at :
-# http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/spec.html#org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.SimplePresence
-import logging
-import time
-import telepathy
-import telepathy.constants
-import telepathy.errors
-import pymsn
-from butterfly.handle import ButterflyHandleFactory
-from butterfly.util.decorator import async
-__all__ = ['ButterflySimplePresence']
-logger = logging.getLogger('Butterfly.SimplePresence')
-class ButterflyPresenceMapping(object):
-    ONLINE = 'available'
-    AWAY = 'away'
-    BUSY = 'dnd'
-    IDLE = 'xa'
-    BRB = 'brb'
-    PHONE = 'phone'
-    LUNCH = 'lunch'
-    INVISIBLE = 'hidden'
-    OFFLINE = 'offline'
-    to_pymsn = {
-            ONLINE:     pymsn.Presence.ONLINE,
-            AWAY:       pymsn.Presence.AWAY,
-            BUSY:       pymsn.Presence.BUSY,
-            IDLE:       pymsn.Presence.IDLE,
-            BRB:        pymsn.Presence.BE_RIGHT_BACK,
-            PHONE:      pymsn.Presence.ON_THE_PHONE,
-            LUNCH:      pymsn.Presence.OUT_TO_LUNCH,
-            INVISIBLE:  pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE,
-            OFFLINE:    pymsn.Presence.OFFLINE
-            }
-    to_telepathy = {
-            pymsn.Presence.ONLINE:         ONLINE,
-            pymsn.Presence.AWAY:           AWAY,
-            pymsn.Presence.BUSY:           BUSY,
-            pymsn.Presence.IDLE:           IDLE,
-            pymsn.Presence.BE_RIGHT_BACK:  BRB,
-            pymsn.Presence.ON_THE_PHONE:   PHONE,
-            pymsn.Presence.OUT_TO_LUNCH:   LUNCH,
-            pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE:      INVISIBLE,
-            pymsn.Presence.OFFLINE:        OFFLINE
-            }
-    to_presence_type = {
-            ONLINE:     telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE,
-            AWAY:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
-            BUSY:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_BUSY,
-            IDLE:       telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_EXTENDED_AWAY,
-            BRB:        telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
-            PHONE:      telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_BUSY,
-            LUNCH:      telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_EXTENDED_AWAY,
-            INVISIBLE:  telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_HIDDEN,
-            OFFLINE:    telepathy.constants.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_OFFLINE
-            }
-class ButterflySimplePresence(
-        telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresence,
-        pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface,
-        pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface):
-    def __init__(self):
-        telepathy.server.ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresence.__init__(self)
-        pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface.__init__(self, self.msn_client)
-        pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface.__init__(self, self.msn_client)
-        dbus_interface = 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.SimplePresence'
-        self._implement_property_get(dbus_interface, {'Statuses' : self.get_statuses})
-    def GetPresences(self, contacts):
-        return self.get_simple_presences(contacts)
-    def SetPresence(self, status, message):
-        if status == ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE:
-            self.Disconnect()
-        try:
-            presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_pymsn[status]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise telepathy.errors.InvalidArgument
-        message = message.encode("utf-8")
-        logger.info("Setting Presence to '%s'" % presence)
-        logger.info("Setting Personal message to '%s'" % message)
-        if self._status != telepathy.CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED:
-            self._initial_presence = presence
-            self._initial_personal_message = message
-        else:
-            self.msn_client.profile.personal_message = message
-            self.msn_client.profile.presence = presence
-    def get_simple_presences(self, contacts):
-        presences = {}
-        for handle_id in contacts:
-            handle = self.handle(telepathy.HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, handle_id)
-            try:
-                contact = handle.contact
-            except AttributeError:
-                contact = handle.profile
-            if contact is not None:
-                presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_telepathy[contact.presence]
-                personal_message = unicode(contact.personal_message, "utf-8")
-            else:
-                presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE
-                personal_message = u""
-            presence_type = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_presence_type[presence]
-            presences[handle] = (presence_type, presence, personal_message)
-        return presences
-    # pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface
-    def on_contact_presence_changed(self, contact):
-        handle = ButterflyHandleFactory(self, 'contact',
-                contact.account, contact.network_id)
-        logger.info("Contact %r presence changed to '%s'" % (handle, contact.presence))
-        self._presence_changed(handle, contact.presence, contact.personal_message)
-    # pymsn.event.ContactEventInterface
-    on_contact_personal_message_changed = on_contact_presence_changed
-    # pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface
-    def on_profile_presence_changed(self):
-        profile = self.msn_client.profile
-        self._presence_changed(ButterflyHandleFactory(self, 'self'),
-                profile.presence, profile.personal_message)
-    # pymsn.event.ProfileEventInterface
-    on_profile_personal_message_changed = on_profile_presence_changed
-    @async
-    def _presence_changed(self, handle, presence, personal_message):
-        presence = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_telepathy[presence]
-        personal_message = unicode(personal_message, "utf-8")
-        presence_type = ButterflyPresenceMapping.to_presence_type[presence]
-        self.PresenceChanged({handle: (presence_type, presence, personal_message)})
-    def get_statuses(self):
-        # you get one of these for each status
-        # {name:(Type, May_Set_On_Self, Can_Have_Message}
-        return {
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.ONLINE:(
-                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AVAILABLE,
-                True, True),
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.AWAY:(
-                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
-                True, True),
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.BUSY:(
-                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
-                True, True),
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.IDLE:(
-                True, True),
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.BRB:(
-                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
-                True, True),
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.PHONE:(
-                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_AWAY,
-                True, True),
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.LUNCH:(
-                True, True),
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.INVISIBLE:(
-                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_HIDDEN,
-                True, False),
-            ButterflyPresenceMapping.OFFLINE:(
-                telepathy.CONNECTION_PRESENCE_TYPE_OFFLINE,
-                True, False)
-        }

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