[telepathy-doc/master] An IRC MUC example with working TpProperties

Davyd Madeley davyd at madeley.id.au
Mon May 11 01:42:30 PDT 2009

 configure.ac                                       |    1 +
 docs/examples/Makefile.am                          |    1 +
 .../examples/glib_telepathy_properties/Makefile.am |    9 +
 docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/example.c  |  466 ++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/Makefile.am
 create mode 100644 docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/example.c

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index c8d5182..d7c28f0 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT([
+      docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/Makefile
diff --git a/docs/examples/Makefile.am b/docs/examples/Makefile.am
index 65312e9..9da1381 100644
--- a/docs/examples/Makefile.am
+++ b/docs/examples/Makefile.am
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ example_dirs = \
 	glib_get_roster \
 	glib_salut_ft \
 	glib_jabber_muc \
+	glib_telepathy_properties \
 	pygtk_chat_client \
 	python_get_parameters \
 	python_iface_messaging \
diff --git a/docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/Makefile.am b/docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409e2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+noinst_PROGRAMS = example
+example_SOURCES = \
+	example.c
+include $(top_srcdir)/docs/rsync-dist.make
diff --git a/docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/example.c b/docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/example.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0bfd18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/glib_telepathy_properties/example.c
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <telepathy-glib/connection-manager.h>
+#include <telepathy-glib/connection.h>
+#include <telepathy-glib/channel.h>
+#include <telepathy-glib/interfaces.h>
+#include <telepathy-glib/gtypes.h>
+#include <telepathy-glib/util.h>
+#include <telepathy-glib/enums.h>
+#include <telepathy-glib/debug.h>
+static GMainLoop *loop = NULL;
+static TpDBusDaemon *bus_daemon = NULL;
+static TpConnection *conn = NULL;
+static void
+handle_error (const GError *error)
+	if (error)
+	{
+		g_print ("ERROR: %s\n", error->message);
+		tp_cli_connection_call_disconnect (conn, -1, NULL,
+	}
+static void
+new_channels_cb (TpConnection		*conn,
+                 const GPtrArray	*channels,
+		 gpointer		 user_data,
+		 GObject		*weak_obj)
+	GError *error = NULL;
+	/* channels has the D-Bus type a(oa{sv}), which decomposes to:
+	 *  - a GPtrArray containing a GValueArray for each channel
+	 *  - each GValueArray contains
+	 *     - an object path
+	 *     - an a{sv} map
+	 */
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < channels->len; i++)
+	{
+		GValueArray *channel = g_ptr_array_index (channels, i);
+		char *object_path = g_value_get_boxed (
+				g_value_array_get_nth (channel, 0));
+		GHashTable *map = g_value_get_boxed (
+				g_value_array_get_nth (channel, 1));
+		const char *type = tp_asv_get_string (map,
+				TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".ChannelType");
+		const char *id = tp_asv_get_string (map,
+				TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".TargetID");
+		g_print ("New channel %s: %s\n", type, id);
+	}
+static void
+get_channels_cb (TpProxy	*proxy,
+		 const GValue	*value,
+		 const GError	*in_error,
+		 gpointer	 user_data,
+		 GObject	*weak_obj)
+	handle_error (in_error);
+	g_return_if_fail (G_VALUE_HOLDS (value,
+	GPtrArray *channels = g_value_get_boxed (value);
+	new_channels_cb (conn, channels, user_data, weak_obj);
+static void
+create_roomlist_cb (TpConnection	*conn,
+		    const char		*object_path,
+		    GHashTable		*props,
+		    const GError	*in_error,
+		    gpointer		 user_data,
+		    GObject		*weak_obj)
+	handle_error (in_error);
+	GError *error = NULL;
+	g_print (" > create_roomlist_cb (%s)\n", object_path);
+	TpChannel *channel = tp_channel_new_from_properties (conn,
+			object_path, props, &error);
+	handle_error (error);
+	tp_asv_dump (props);
+	/* we didn't really want this channel anyway */
+	tp_cli_channel_call_close (channel, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+	g_object_unref (channel);
+static void
+tp_properties_changed_cb (TpProxy	  *channel,
+			  const GPtrArray *properties,
+			  gpointer	   user_data,
+			  GObject	  *weak_obj)
+	g_print (" > tp_properties_changed_cb\n");
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < properties->len; i++)
+	{
+		GValueArray *property = g_ptr_array_index (properties, i);
+		GValue *value = g_value_get_boxed (g_value_array_get_nth (property, 1));
+		char *str = g_strdup_value_contents (value);
+		g_print ("Property %i: %s\n",
+			g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (property, 0)),
+			str);
+		g_free (str);
+	}
+static void
+tp_property_flags_changed_cb (TpProxy		*channel,
+			      const GPtrArray	*properties,
+			      gpointer		 user_data,
+			      GObject		*weak_obj)
+	g_print (" > tp_property_flags_changed_cb\n");
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < properties->len; i++)
+	{
+		GValueArray *property = g_ptr_array_index (properties, i);
+		g_print ("Property %i: %x\n",
+			g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (property, 0)),
+			g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (property, 1)));
+	}
+static void
+list_properties_cb (TpProxy		*channel,
+		    const GPtrArray	*available_properties,
+		    const GError	*in_error,
+		    gpointer		 user_data,
+		    GObject		*weak_obj)
+	handle_error (in_error);
+	g_print (" > list_properties_cb\n");
+	int set_props = GPOINTER_TO_INT (user_data);
+	GPtrArray *array = g_ptr_array_new ();
+	/* @available_properties is a GPtrArray of GValueArray structs
+	 * of signature (ussu) */
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < available_properties->len; i++)
+	{
+		GValueArray *prop = g_ptr_array_index (available_properties, i);
+		guint id = g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (prop, 0));
+		const char *name = g_value_get_string (g_value_array_get_nth (prop, 1));
+		const char *sig = g_value_get_string (g_value_array_get_nth (prop, 2));
+		guint flags = g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (prop, 3));
+		g_print ("%u %s (%s) %x\n", id, name, sig, flags);
+		/* pack the readable properties into a GArray */
+		if (!strcmp (name, "subject"))
+		{
+			GValueArray *values = g_value_array_new (2);
+			GValue box = { 0, }, value = { 0, };
+			g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_UINT);
+			g_value_set_uint (&value, id);
+			g_value_array_append (values, &value);
+			g_value_unset (&value);
+			g_value_init (&box, G_TYPE_VALUE);
+			g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_STRING);
+			g_value_set_static_string (&value, "Test Subject");
+			g_value_set_boxed (&box, &value);
+			g_value_array_append (values, &box);
+			g_value_unset (&value);
+			g_value_unset (&box);
+			g_ptr_array_add (array, values);
+		}
+	}
+	if (set_props)
+	{
+		GError *error = NULL;
+		/* FIXME: we should pass an ID map to this callback */
+		tp_cli_properties_interface_connect_to_properties_changed (
+				channel, tp_properties_changed_cb,
+				NULL, NULL, NULL, &error);
+		handle_error (error);
+		tp_cli_properties_interface_connect_to_property_flags_changed (
+				channel, tp_property_flags_changed_cb,
+				NULL, NULL, NULL, &error);
+		handle_error (error);
+		g_print ("Setting properties...\n");
+		tp_cli_properties_interface_call_set_properties (channel, -1,
+				array, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+	}
+	/* we need to unset array */
+	g_ptr_array_foreach (array, (GFunc) g_value_array_free, NULL);
+	g_ptr_array_free (array, TRUE);
+static void
+muc_channel_ready (TpChannel	*channel,
+		   const GError	*in_error,
+		   gpointer	 user_data)
+	g_print ("MUC channel (%s) ready\n",
+			tp_channel_get_identifier (channel));
+	/* exciting things about MUC channels are stored as Telepathy
+	 * Properties (not D-Bus properties). This interface is a little
+	 * awkward.
+	 * First we need to get a list of available properties */
+	tp_cli_properties_interface_call_list_properties (channel, -1,
+			list_properties_cb, GINT_TO_POINTER (1), NULL, NULL);
+static void
+create_muc_cb (TpConnection	*conn,
+	       gboolean		 yours,
+	       const char	*object_path,
+	       GHashTable	*props,
+	       const GError	*in_error,
+	       gpointer		 user_data,
+	       GObject		*weak_obj)
+	handle_error (in_error);
+	GError *error = NULL;
+	g_print (" > create_muc_cb (%s)\n", object_path);
+	TpChannel *channel = tp_channel_new_from_properties (conn,
+			object_path, props, &error);
+	handle_error (error);
+	tp_channel_call_when_ready (channel, muc_channel_ready, NULL);
+static void
+muc_request_channel_cb (TpConnection	*conn,
+			const char	*object_path,
+			const GError	*in_error,
+			gpointer	 user_data,
+			GObject		*weak_obj)
+	handle_error (in_error);
+	GError *error = NULL;
+	g_print (" > muc_request_channel_cb (%s)\n", object_path);
+	TpHandle handle = GPOINTER_TO_INT (user_data);
+	TpChannel *channel = tp_channel_new (conn,
+			object_path,
+			handle,
+			&error);
+	handle_error (error);
+	tp_channel_call_when_ready (channel, muc_channel_ready, NULL);
+static void
+request_handles_cb (TpConnection	*conn,
+		    TpHandleType	 handle_type,
+		    guint		 n_handles,
+		    const TpHandle	*handles,
+		    const char * const	*ids,
+		    const GError	*in_error,
+		    gpointer		 user_data,
+		    GObject		*weak_object)
+	g_print (" > request_handles_cb\n");
+	handle_error (in_error);
+	g_return_if_fail (n_handles == 1);
+	/* since there is no error, and only 1 handle, let us assume that it
+	 * is the handle for the room #test */
+	tp_cli_connection_call_request_channel (conn, -1,
+			TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, handles[0],
+			TRUE,
+			muc_request_channel_cb,
+			GINT_TO_POINTER (handles[0]), NULL, NULL);
+static void
+conn_ready (TpConnection	*conn,
+            const GError	*in_error,
+	    gpointer		 user_data)
+	GError *error = NULL;
+	g_print (" > conn_ready\n");
+	handle_error (in_error);
+	/* check if the Requests interface is available */
+	if (tp_proxy_has_interface_by_id (conn,
+	{
+		/* make a connection to a MUC channel */
+		GHashTable *map = tp_asv_new (
+			TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".TargetID", G_TYPE_STRING, "#test",
+			NULL);
+		tp_cli_connection_interface_requests_call_ensure_channel (
+				conn, -1, map,
+				create_muc_cb,
+		g_hash_table_destroy (map);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		g_print ("Requests interface is not available\n");
+		/* we need a handle for the channel we are going to join */
+		const char *handles[] = { "#test", NULL };
+		tp_connection_request_handles (conn, -1, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM,
+				handles, request_handles_cb,
+	}
+static void
+status_changed_cb (TpConnection	*conn,
+                   guint	 status,
+		   guint	 reason,
+		   gpointer	 user_data,
+		   GObject	*weak_object)
+	{
+		g_print ("Disconnected\n");
+		g_main_loop_quit (loop);
+	}
+	{
+		g_print ("Connected\n");
+	}
+static void
+request_connection_cb (TpConnectionManager	*cm,
+                       const char		*bus_name,
+		       const char		*object_path,
+		       const GError		*in_error,
+		       gpointer			 user_data,
+		       GObject			*weak_object)
+	GError *error = NULL;
+	if (in_error) g_error ("%s", in_error->message);
+	conn = tp_connection_new (bus_daemon, bus_name, object_path, &error);
+	if (error) g_error ("%s", error->message);
+	tp_connection_call_when_ready (conn, conn_ready, NULL);
+	tp_cli_connection_connect_to_status_changed (conn, status_changed_cb,
+			NULL, NULL, NULL, &error);
+	handle_error (error);
+	/* initiate the connection */
+	tp_cli_connection_call_connect (conn, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+static void
+cm_ready (TpConnectionManager	*cm,
+	  const GError		*in_error,
+	  gpointer		 user_data,
+	  GObject		*weak_obj)
+	char **argv = (char **) user_data;
+	g_print (" > cm_ready\n");
+	if (in_error) g_error ("%s", in_error->message);
+	/* request a new connection */
+	GHashTable *parameters = tp_asv_new (
+			"account", G_TYPE_STRING, argv[1],
+			"server", G_TYPE_STRING, argv[2],
+			NULL);
+	tp_cli_connection_manager_call_request_connection (cm, -1,
+			"irc",
+			parameters,
+			request_connection_cb,
+	g_hash_table_destroy (parameters);
+static void
+interrupt_cb (int signal)
+	g_print ("Interrupt\n");
+	/* disconnect */
+	tp_cli_connection_call_disconnect (conn, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+	GError *error = NULL;
+	g_type_init ();
+	if (argc != 3)
+	{
+		g_error ("Must provide username and server!");
+	}
+	/* create a main loop */
+	loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
+	/* acquire a connection to the D-Bus daemon */
+	bus_daemon = tp_dbus_daemon_dup (&error);
+	if (bus_daemon == NULL)
+	{
+		g_error ("%s", error->message);
+	}
+	/* we want to request the gabble CM */
+	TpConnectionManager *cm = tp_connection_manager_new (bus_daemon,
+			"idle", NULL, &error);
+	if (error) g_error ("%s", error->message);
+	tp_connection_manager_call_when_ready (cm, cm_ready,
+			argv, NULL, NULL);
+	/* set up a signal handler */
+	struct sigaction sa = { 0 };
+	sa.sa_handler = interrupt_cb;
+	sigaction (SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
+	g_main_loop_run (loop);
+	g_object_unref (bus_daemon);
+	return 0;

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