[telepathy-mission-control/master] Add a regression test for the ChannelDispatchOperation.Claim() method

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Wed May 20 02:23:58 PDT 2009

 test/twisted/dispatcher/dispatch-text.py |  112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/twisted/dispatcher/dispatch-text.py b/test/twisted/dispatcher/dispatch-text.py
index 1313a5f..43194b6 100644
--- a/test/twisted/dispatcher/dispatch-text.py
+++ b/test/twisted/dispatcher/dispatch-text.py
@@ -155,5 +155,117 @@ def test(q, bus, mc):
     # Now there are no more active channel dispatch operations
     assert cd_props.Get(cs.CD_IFACE_OP_LIST, 'DispatchOperations') == []
+    # From now on, it is an error to get HandleChannels (because we're
+    # testing Claim())
+    forbidden = [
+            EventPattern('dbus-method-call', method='HandleChannels'),
+            ]
+    q.forbid_events(forbidden)
+    # Another channel
+    channel_properties = dbus.Dictionary(text_fixed_properties,
+            signature='sv')
+    channel_properties[cs.CHANNEL + '.TargetID'] = 'mercutio'
+    channel_properties[cs.CHANNEL + '.TargetHandle'] = \
+            conn.ensure_handle(cs.HT_CONTACT, 'mercutio')
+    channel_properties[cs.CHANNEL + '.InitiatorID'] = 'mercutio'
+    channel_properties[cs.CHANNEL + '.InitiatorHandle'] = \
+            conn.ensure_handle(cs.HT_CONTACT, 'mercutio')
+    channel_properties[cs.CHANNEL + '.Requested'] = False
+    channel_properties[cs.CHANNEL + '.Interfaces'] = dbus.Array(signature='s')
+    chan = SimulatedChannel(conn, channel_properties)
+    chan.announce()
+    # A channel dispatch operation is created
+    e = q.expect('dbus-signal',
+            path=cs.CD_PATH,
+            interface=cs.CD_IFACE_OP_LIST,
+            signal='NewDispatchOperation')
+    cdo_path = e.args[0]
+    cdo_properties = e.args[1]
+    assert cdo_properties[cs.CDO + '.Account'] == account.object_path
+    assert cdo_properties[cs.CDO + '.Connection'] == conn.object_path
+    assert cs.CDO + '.Interfaces' in cdo_properties
+    handlers = cdo_properties[cs.CDO + '.PossibleHandlers'][:]
+    handlers.sort()
+    assert handlers == [cs.tp_name_prefix + '.Client.Empathy',
+            cs.tp_name_prefix + '.Client.Kopete'], handlers
+    assert cs.CD_IFACE_OP_LIST in cd_props.Get(cs.CD, 'Interfaces')
+    assert cd_props.Get(cs.CD_IFACE_OP_LIST, 'DispatchOperations') ==\
+            [(cdo_path, cdo_properties)]
+    cdo = bus.get_object(cs.CD, cdo_path)
+    cdo_iface = dbus.Interface(cdo, cs.CDO)
+    # Both Observers are told about the new channel
+    e, k = q.expect_many(
+            EventPattern('dbus-method-call',
+                path=empathy.object_path,
+                interface=cs.OBSERVER, method='ObserveChannels',
+                handled=False),
+            EventPattern('dbus-method-call',
+                path=kopete.object_path,
+                interface=cs.OBSERVER, method='ObserveChannels',
+                handled=False),
+            )
+    assert e.args[0] == account.object_path, e.args
+    assert e.args[1] == conn.object_path, e.args
+    assert e.args[3] == cdo_path, e.args
+    assert e.args[4] == [], e.args      # no requests satisfied
+    channels = e.args[2]
+    assert len(channels) == 1, channels
+    assert channels[0][0] == chan.object_path, channels
+    assert channels[0][1] == channel_properties, channels
+    assert k.args == e.args
+    # Both Observers indicate that they are ready to proceed
+    q.dbus_return(k.message, signature='')
+    q.dbus_return(e.message, signature='')
+    # The Approvers are next
+    e, k = q.expect_many(
+            EventPattern('dbus-method-call',
+                path=empathy.object_path,
+                interface=cs.APPROVER, method='AddDispatchOperation',
+                handled=False),
+            EventPattern('dbus-method-call',
+                path=kopete.object_path,
+                interface=cs.APPROVER, method='AddDispatchOperation',
+                handled=False),
+            )
+    assert e.args == [[(chan.object_path, channel_properties)],
+            cdo_path, cdo_properties]
+    assert k.args == e.args
+    q.dbus_return(e.message, signature='')
+    q.dbus_return(k.message, signature='')
+    # Both Approvers now have a flashing icon or something, trying to get the
+    # user's attention
+    # The user responds to Empathy first, and Empathy decides it wants the
+    # channel for itself
+    call_async(q, cdo_iface, 'Claim')
+    q.expect_many(
+            EventPattern('dbus-signal', path=cdo_path, signal='Finished'),
+            EventPattern('dbus-signal', path=cs.CD_PATH,
+                signal='DispatchOperationFinished', args=[cdo_path]),
+            EventPattern('dbus-return', method='Claim'),
+            )
+    # Now there are no more active channel dispatch operations
+    assert cd_props.Get(cs.CD_IFACE_OP_LIST, 'DispatchOperations') == []
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     exec_test(test, {})

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