[telepathy-spec/master] Nano version

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Thu Sep 24 05:46:41 PDT 2009

 NEWS         | 1142 +---------------------------------------------------------
 spec/all.xml |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1138 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 74b747f..d0733ef 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ This file contains the same edited highlights as the announcement emails.
 For full details, see the ChangeLog in tarballs, or "git log" in Git
+telepathy-spec 0.19.0 (UNRELEASED)
 telepathy-spec 0.18.0 (2009-09-24)
@@ -132,1140 +137,3 @@ experimental.
 The spec is much more informative, with syntax for too much new stuff to
 describe here.
-telepathy-spec 0.17.28 (2009-09-14)
-The "build your own desk" release.
-New stable API:
-* The ContactCapabilities interface is now considered to be stable, with the
-  same semantics as in draft 2
-* The InitialAudio and InitialVideo properties have been added to the
-  StreamedMedia channel type, with the same semantics as the draft versions
-* The ImmutableStreams property has been added to the StreamedMedia channel
-  type, with minor changes to its semantics so it is better-defined (wjt)
-* fd.o #23409: CallStates has an In_Progress state, similar to SIP 183
-  Session Progress (mikhailz/smcv)
-Additions to stable API:
-* CreateChannel and EnsureChannel may raise PermissionDenied, for instance if
-  a server refuses to perform a contact search (cassidy)
-telepathy-spec 0.17.27 (2009-08-16)
-The "goths in hot weather" release.
-API changes:
-* The D-Bus error equivalent of Name_In_Use is no longer considered to be
-  NotYours; instead, we've split up the three cases, as new errors
-  RegistrationExists, AlreadyConnected and ConnectionReplaced (smcv)
-New stable API:
-* The Location interface is now considered stable, with some changes to the
-  set of known keys (smcv, pierlux, cassidy)
-  - "language" has been added
-  - "horizontal-error-m" is now called accuracy as per XEP-0080
-  - "error" has been removed (it was in arc-minutes, which are a bizarre unit,
-    and was deprecated in XEP-0080)
-  - "climb", "vertical-error-m" and "accuracy-level" have been removed
-  - "countrycode" is still there, despite its omission from XEP-0080; we've
-    asked for its inclusion in the XEP
-* The Debug interface is now considered stable, with no further changes
-* New D-Bus errors: ResourceUnavailable, ServiceBusy, RegistrationExists,
-  AlreadyConnected and ConnectionReplaced (smcv)
-* New Media_Stream_Error codes: Codec_Negotiation_Failed, Connection_Failed,
-  Network_Error, No_Codecs, Invalid_CM_Behavior, Media_Error (Tester)
-* New well-known CM parameter: keepalive-interval (wjt)
-* ConnectionManager explicitly allows byte ('y') parameters, serialized in
-  .manager files as ASCII decimal numbers (smcv)
-* ConnectionRefused etc. can be used as more specific versions of NetworkError
-  when a Connection breaks (smcv)
-* StreamedMedia channels have a new pseudo-capability Immutable_Streams,
-  indicating that streams cannot be added or removed, for instance in calls
-  using Google's Jingle variants (smcv)
-* Each Handler has a new Capabilities property, listing "capability tokens"
-  which will later be used by the ContactCapabilities interface; the
-  MediaSignalling interface defines an initial set of capability tokens (smcv)
-* Media_Stream_Error_EOS never really made sense and is now deprecated (Tester)
-Changes to experimental API:
-* ContactCapabilities.DRAFT2 replaces the previous draft (smcv)
-  - Handlers now have a list of capability tokens indicating supported
-    transports, codecs etc., which cannot be expressed easily in terms of
-    filters
-  - As a result, the NAT traversal flags in MediaSignalling.FUTURE no longer
-    exist, and that pseudo-interface has been removed
-  - SetSelfCapabilities is replaced by UpdateCapabilities, which gives the
-    CM a set of structs representing clients, and requires the CM to remember
-    which client has which capabilities
-* ContactSearch.DRAFT2 replaces the previous draft (cassidy)
-  - SearchResultReceived now contains multiple rows
-New experimental API:
-* StreamedMedia.FUTURE.ImmutableStreams is similar to the Immutable_Streams
-  pseudo-capability (wjt)
-Tools and formatting:
-* There is now specific markup for contact attributes and for handler
-  capability tokens, and the spec tools have been extended to turn it into
-  nice HTML (smcv)
-telepathy-spec 0.17.26 (2009-06-09)
-New stable API:
-* ChannelDispatcher is finally declared to be stable, as is its optional
-  OperationList interface. The ChannelDispatchOperation and ChannelRequest
-  objects that it exports are also considered to be stable.
-* The Client interface is also declared stable, along with client types
-  Observer, Approver and Handler, and the optional Requests interface for
-  Handlers.
-* The punctuation used in naming the new errors from 0.17.25 has been
-  corrected, meaning that code-generation tools will produce the right names
-  (this change was already backported into the copies of telepathy-spec found
-  in telepathy-glib and telepathy-qt4).
-telepathy-spec 0.17.25 (2009-05-27)
-The "75cl of Vino" release.
-Changes to stable API:
-* Socket_Access_Control_Credentials: the byte sent with the credentials is not
-  guaranteed to be '\0' any more.
-New stable API:
-* Three new errors have been added: ConnectionRefused, ConnectionFailed and
-  ConnectionLost. They will be used to report stream tube connection problems.
-* Channel.Interface.Tube is now undrafted.
-* Channel.Type.StreamTube is now undrafted with the following changes:
-  - The access_control_param in the Offer method has been removed. It doesn't
-    make any sense in that context.
-  - The NewConnection signal has been renamed to NewRemoteConnection and gained
-    two new arguments which are used to identify the connection.
-  - The NewLocalConnection signal has been added. This is the equivalent of
-    NewRemoteConnection on the accepting side.
-  - The ConnectionClosed signal has been added to report tube connection
-    problems.
-* Channel.Type.DBusTube is now undrafted with the following changes:
-  - The Offer and Accept methods now have an access_control argument used
-    to choose the access control policy on the tube D-Bus server.
-  - The channel now has a SupportedAccessControls D-Bus property containing
-    the supported access control types.
-* Channel.Type.Tubes is now deprecated in favor of the new tube API.
-* Socket_Access_Control_Netmask is now deprecated as it has never been
-  implemented and doesn't really make sense.
-telepathy-spec 0.17.24 (2009-05-07)
-The "robot finds kitten" release.
-Changes to stable API:
-* fd.o #20905: Account.UpdateParameters now returns a list of the parameter
-  changes that will not take effect until Reconnect is called.
-* fd.o #19428: AccountManager.CreateAccount now additionally takes a map of
-  properties to set on the new account immediately. CreateAccount fails without
-  creating an account if these cannot be set.
-Changes to experimental API:
-* In new-style Tubes, OfferStreamTube, AcceptDBusTube etc. are just called
-  Offer and Accept, since the interfaces are mutually exclusive; similarly,
-  StreamTubeNewConnection is now just called NewConnection
-New stable API:
-* fd.o #20905: Account.Reconnect allows a UI to require that the Account be
-  reconnected with a single method call.
-* AccountManager.SupportedAccountProperties lists properties that can be passed
-  to CreateAccount.
-New experimental API:
-* A new Debug interface allows debug logs from processes such as connection
-  managers to be gathered by a UI. telepathy-gabble implements the current
-  draft, and Empathy contains a client for it.
-* fd.o #19183: clarify the relationship between Requests.NewChannels and
-  the deprecated RequestChannel method.
-telepathy-spec 0.17.23 (2009-04-21)
-The "the future is mandatory" release.
-Changes to stable API:
-* fd.o #14620: Connection.Connect is defined to be idempotent, matching what
-  has always been implemented in practice. (smcv)
-* All Connections must implement the Requests and Contacts interfaces, which
-  are no longer considered optional. RequestChannel, ListChannels and listening
-  for NewChannel are now deprecated. (smcv)
-* All Connections that implement the deprecated Presence interface must also
-  implement the non-deprecated SimplePresence interface; clients should not
-  attempt to support the old Presence interface. (smcv)
-Changes to experimental API:
-* fd.o #21148: ChannelDispatcher, ChannelDispatchOperation, ChannelRequest,
-  Client, Observer, Approver and Handler are considered to be a little less
-  experimental. We don't yet recommend generating bindings for them in stable
-  libraries, but hopefully they won't change much more now. Accordingly,
-  the .DRAFT suffix has been removed. (smcv)
-* fd.o #21180: Handler: added an a{sv} parameter to HandleChannels for future
-  expansion. (smcv)
-* fd.o #20908: Observer: added a Requests_Satisfied parameter to
-  ObserveChannels. (smcv)
-* fd.o #21093: Approver: altered AddDispatchOperation to pass the channels as
-  a top-level argument, since the Channels property of the CDO is mutable (smcv)
-* fd.o #21176: Handler: moved request notification to a new
-  Client.Interface.Requests interface. (smcv)
-Additions to stable API:
-* CreateChannel and EnsureChannel may raise Offline. (wjt)
-* fd.o #21109: added a Terminated error; Group change reason None is either
-  Terminated or Cancelled, depending on the actor. (smcv)
-* fd.o #20920: StreamedMedia: RequestStreams may raise NotImplemented and
-  NotCapable, and should prefer them over InvalidArgument and NotAvailable.
-  (smcv)
-* fd.o #20920: Group: AddMember may raise NotCapable. (smcv)
-* Accounts have a HasBeenOnline property. (smcv)
-Additions to experimental API:
-* fd.o #21013: ChannelRequest: added a PreferredHandler property. (smcv)
-* fd.o #21180: ChannelRequest: added an Interfaces property. (smcv)
-* fd.o #21090: Approver: AddDispatchOperation is called for all channel
-  dispatch operations where at least of the channels matches the filter. (smcv)
-* fd.o #21089: Observer: ObserveChannels only sees channels that match the
-  filter. (smcv)
-* fd.o #21112: FileTransfer: clarified how RequestableChannelClasses and
-  ContentHashType relate. (wjt)
-* fd.o #21179: added some recommendations for a high-quality channel dispatcher   implementation. (smcv)
-* The new-style (multi-page) HTML output has a devhelp index and various
-  visual improvements. (davyd, wjt)
-* The new-style HTML spec is uploaded correctly. (smcv, wjt)
-telepathy-spec 0.17.22 (2009-03-24)
-The "remember that orange juice moves diagonally" release.
-API changes:
-* fd.o #20772: the implicit direction and state of new StreamedMedia streams
-  has been clarified in a possibly incompatible way: CMs need to emit extra
-  signals whenever a stream is added with state != Disconnected,
-  direction != Receive or pending-send != Pending_Local_Send
-* Reverted a change to RequestStreams that claimed that it should be
-  idempotent, and explicitly documented the opposite
-Changes to experimental API:
-* In MediaSignalling.FUTURE, GoogleP2PTransportAvailable is now
-  GTalkP2PTransportAvailable to be consistent with 'gtalk-p2p' NATTraversal,
-  MSNTransportAvailable is now WLM85TransportAvailable, and
-  WLM2009TransportAvailable has been added
-* In MediaSignalling.FUTURE and StreamedMedia.FUTURE, removed strange fallback
-  behaviour if no clients have any of the relevant capabilities, because
-  clients wouldn't be able to rely on it
-* In ContactSearch, extend the state machine to support paged searches, and
-  rethink how paged/limited searches work
-New API:
-* fd.o #19558: Media.StreamHandler has new NATTraversal, STUNServers,
-  CreatedLocally and RelayInfo properties which can be used to select
-  a transport, and used by the transport to traverse NATs
-* Media.StreamHandler documents two more NAT traversal methods, wlm-8.5 and
-  wlm-2009
-* Avatars now exposes avatar requirements as properties, and adds recommended
-  sizes
-* MediaSignalling's nat-traversal, stun-server and stun-port Telepathy
-  properties are deprecated in favour of per-stream D-Bus properties
-* The 'stun' value for NATTraversal and nat-traversal is deprecated; 'none'
-  and 'stun' should behave identically
-* StreamedMedia: clarified that removing all streams may close the channel,
-  but that that isn't how clients should terminate calls
-* StreamedMedia: documented and recommended Gabble's behaviour, which is that
-  accepting calls automatically accepts the proposed direction for all streams
-* fd.o #20771: telepathy-spec now contains a new parser written in Python,
-  and a new HTML rendering that uses it. Code generation tools will hopefully
-  migrate to this parser in future.
-  For the moment, both the old XSLT-generated HTML (one big file) and the
-  new Python-generated HTML (multiple pages) are generated by telepathy-spec's
-  Makefile.
-telepathy-spec 0.17.21 (2009-03-17)
-The "no new parser yet" release.
-API changes:
-* It is now explicitly stated that removing the SelfHandle from a Group is the
-  recommended way to depart gracefully. All connection managers should allow
-  this (telepathy-glib 0.7.27 will have the necessary support code in
-  TpGroupMixin).
-Changes to experimental API:
-* In ContactInfo the vCard TYPE type-parameter is represented as, for instance,
-  "type=work" rather than just "work", and other type-parameters such as
-  "language" are supported using similar syntax
-* Tube parameters for outgoing tubes are now set when offering the tube, not
-  when requesting it
-* Generic Tube capabilities should be advertised on protocols like XMPP even
-  if no client supports a particular tube type, to reduce the "barrier to
-  entry" for Tube apps
-New API:
-* The new Message_Depart flag in Channel_Group_Flags indicates whether a
-  message can be provided when departing from a Group
-* ice-udp is available as an additional value for MediaSignalling channels'
-  nat-traversal Telepathy property, and NAT_Traversal_ICE_UDP is a new
-  channel-type-specific capability for StreamedMedia channels
-* The old (complex) Presence interface is deprecated in favour of
-  SimplePresence; new client code should use SimplePresence, and connection
-  managers with Presence should implement SimplePresence as soon as possible
-* Setting a status of type Offline, Unknown or Error for yourself is explicitly
-  forbidden
-(Version 0.17.19 was mistakenly tagged as telepathy-spec-0.17.20, so 0.17.20
-was not used as a release version to avoid confusion.)
-telepathy-spec 0.17.19 (2009-01-28)
-The "out of cheese error" release.
-Changes to experimental API:
-* Tube.Status is now called Tube.State to be more consistent
-New API:
-* Many new errors: NotCapable (a more specific form of NotAvailable),
-  and D-Bus error forms of all the Connection disconnection reasons and
-  all the error-like Group change reasons: Offline, Channel.Kicked,
-  Busy, DoesNotExist, NoAnswer, AuthenticationFailed, EncryptionNotAvailable,
-  EncryptionError, Cert.NotProvided, Cert.Untrusted, Cert.Expired,
-  Cert.NotActivated, Cert.FingerprintMismatch, Cert.HostnameMismatch,
-  Cert.SelfSigned, Cert.Invalid
-* ConnectionError, a signal which can emit extensible error information
-  from the Connection just before StatusChanged(Disconnected, ...) is signalled
-  (fd.o #17974)
-New experimental API:
-* A preliminary design for audio, video and transport capabilities has been
-  added to StreamedMedia.FUTURE and MediaSignalling.FUTURE
-  (this will also address fd.o #17246, requesting initial audio/video streams,
-  when it becomes stable)
-* The reason for the SelfHandle being removed from a Group before a channel
-  closes can be taken to be the error that the channel closed.
-  (telepathy-glib already had this interpretation.)
-* It is now possible to have hyperlinks (or other HTML with attributes)
-  in the specification markup format
-telepathy-spec 0.17.18 (2009-01-20)
-The "telekinesis" release.
-API changes:
-* Unix_Timestamp64 is now a signed 64-bit integer, not unsigned as it was
-  previously. In practice this shouldn't cause problems, as it only appeared
-  in variants, where implementations should be lenient about types in any case.
-* Changed the tp:name-for-bindings annotation on the Tubes channel type to
-  match what telepathy-glib historically generated, meaning that when
-  telepathy-glib code generation changes to use this annotation in 0.7.23,
-  it will not break ABI. (The only binding using tp:name-for-bindings so far
-  is telepathy-qt4, which is not ABI-stable yet anyway, so this change seems
-  unlikely to break things.)
-Changes to experimental API:
-* Improve the DBusTube interface: use maps (handle → D-Bus name) rather than
-  lists of structs for D-Bus names, make OfferDBusTube return the address that
-  will be used, remove GetDBusTubeAddress as a result, and turn GetDBusNames
-  into a property
-New API:
-* The FileTransfer channel type is now considered stable (much rejoicing)
-* A new type has been added, Rich_Presence_Access_Control, for use by
-  rich presence interfaces like Location
-New experimental API:
-* Replaced the old ContactInfo interface with a much-improved draft
-  (closes fd.o #19613, will close #13350 when stable)
-* Added the Location interface, hopefully the first of several "rich presence"
-  interfaces
-* MediaStreamHandler.RemoveRemoteCandidate is deprecated: it seemed like a
-  good idea at the time, but turned out not to be useful
-* SetStreamPlaying with argument FALSE is basically meaningless, and is now
-  deprecated
-* Sorted out the possible errors for RequestHandles, hopefully for the last
-  time (fd.o #19610)
-* Some clarifications to MediaStreamHandler
-* Added names for all 'out' parameters and made doc-generator.xsl warn
-  whenever this has not been done
-telepathy-spec 0.17.17 (2009-01-06)
-The "why is ³ a NameChar, but not ²?" release.
-New API:
-* Added Handle_Identifier_Map, an a{us} mapping handles to identifiers, and
-  a "contact-ids" detail of that type in the MembersChangedDetailed signal
-  (for round-trip reduction)
-* In the Messages interface, Message_Part_Index and Message_Part_Content_Map
-  now have explicit types
-* RequestHandles can now raise NotImplemented
-Spec markup enhancements:
-* Container types have an array-depth attribute indicating how deeply nested
-  an array of arrays ... of the type can sensibly be; the only use so far
-  is Message_Part, which can have an array depth of 2 (Message_Part[][])
-* The Requested property MUST NOT be accepted by CreateChannel, EnsureChannel
-  (it would make no sense)
-* The Members_Changed_Detailed flag on groups MUST NOT change during the
-  channel's lifetime
-* clarify the role of the Display_Name parameter to
-  AccountManager.CreateAccount
-telepathy-spec 0.17.16 (2008-12-12)
-The "alban-enhanced-contact-capabilities-with-complex-types-but-no-cup-of-coffee-because-wjt-is-trying-to-give-up" release.
-API changes:
-* Avatar tokens are now required to make the triple (connection manager name,
-  protocol, token) unique.
-  Previously, the triple (our account, their identifier, token) was required
-  to be unique, but this would require every avatar cache implementation to
-  be aware of a persistent identifier for the account.
-Changes to experimental API:
-* ChannelDispatcher: CreateChannel MUST return before AddRequest is called
-* Observer: give the ChannelDispatchOperation, if any, to ObserveChannels
-New API:
-* The MembersChangedDetailed signal on the Group interface indicates change
-  metadata in an extensible way, including an optional D-Bus error name
-* The Messages interface introduced in 0.17.5 is finally considered to be
-  stable, and libraries should generate bindings for it
-* Connection manager parameters with the new flag
-  Conn_Mgr_Param_Flag_DBus_Property are D-Bus properties on the Connection,
-  and the AccountManager SHOULD write changes through to the Connection when
-  they are changed
-* 'as' (string array) connection manager parameters can now have a default
-  value in a .manager file
-New experimental API:
-* ContactCapabilities is intended to replace Capabilities, providing greater
-  extensibility
-* Many improvements to cross-references, including a fix for fd.o #18219
-* In Requests.CreateChannel, the request MUST include ChannelType
-* In StreamedMedia, describe Requests semantics
-* `make upload-branch` tries to name the HTML upload after the current git
-  branch, and prints a possible URL (which is correct if the local username
-  is the same as the fd.o username)
-telepathy-spec 0.17.15 (2008-11-21)
-The "new shipment of groove" release.
-API changes:
-* Account.Nickname is now of type 's', rather than the meaningless 'as'.
-  This matches what was actually implemented in Mission Control 5.
-API additions:
-* Introduce the Avatar type (a struct containing a byte array and a MIME type)
-  and use it on the Account.Interface.Avatar.Avatar property
-Changes to experimental API:
-* Add the sending flags that were in effect to the MessageSent signal, so
-  Observers can tell whether a delivery report was requested
-* Incoming Messages SHOULD always have a message-received timestamp
-Additions to experimental API:
-* Messages: add delivery-dbus-error, delivery-dbus-error-message
-* Add the Account property to ChannelRequest objects (passed straight through
-  from CreateChannel and EnsureChannel)
-* Add Channel.Type.FileTransfer, a channel used to send a single file to a
-  contact
-* Add Channel.Type.StreamTube and Channel.Type.DBusTube, the new "one
-  channel per tube" version of Tubes
-* Add a use-case description for a channel closing while undispatched
-* Many enhancements to cross-references and other minor corrections
-telepathy-spec 0.17.14 (2008-10-30)
-The "down with the sickness" release.
-API changes:
-* CreateChannel and (if a new channel is created) EnsureChannel are now
-  guaranteed to return before NewChannels announces the channel (previously
-  it was the other way round)
-* NewChannels is now guaranteed to be emitted before NewChannel
-Changes to experimental API:
-* DeliveryReporting is no longer a separate interface - it's been incorporated
-  into Messages. As a result, delivery reports no longer have the 'interface'
-  key in their header part, and are only distinguished by their 'message-type'
-* The meaning of Messages.MessagePartSupportFlags has been altered to remove
-  the redundant Data_Only flag, which should in practice always have been set.
-  The following equivalence holds:
-    old_value = (new_value * 2) + 1
-    new_value = floor(old_value / 2)
-* The 'type' key in message parts is now called 'content-type' and there is
-  now a 'message-token' in the header part
-* Messages.SendMessage is now required to return before Messages.MessageSent
-  is emitted; previously the order was unspecified
-New API:
-* The Destroyable interface is now considered stable, and Text channels
-  SHOULD implement it
-* Text.Send SHOULD return before Text.Sent is emitted
-* Channel_Text_Message_Flag_Scrollback (or 'scrollback' in the Messages
-  header) indicates an incoming message that is a replay of a message from
-  the past, e.g. when joining an XMPP MUC or an IRC proxy that records backlog
-  (fd.o #14483)
-* Channel_Text_Message_Flag_Rescued (or 'rescued' in the Messages header)
-  indicates an incoming message that has already been seen on this Connection,
-  and was transferred to a new copy of a channel when that channel was
-  closed with the message still unacknowledged
-* The 'stored' ContactList indicates all the contacts stored in a persistent
-  contact list on the server (e.g. the XMPP roster), and is not present at all
-  if there is no such list (e.g. in SIP presence) (fd.o #16480)
-telepathy-spec 0.17.13 (2008-10-13)
-The "from the future" release.
-API changes:
-* The Account.Connection property is now an object path, or '/' for none.
-* Connection managers with the Requests interface must include the new
-  Requested property in the channel details.
-New API:
-* Requested, InitiatorHandle and InitiatorID have been added to the Channel
-  interface as stable API.
-Fixes in experimental API:
-* ChannelDispatchOperation.ChannelLost now gets the object path of the lost
-  channel.
-* When approvers start up, they are given all existing matching
-  ChannelDispatchOperations
-telepathy-spec 0.17.12 (2008-09-26)
-The "drilling holes in walls" release.
-New API:
-* Added EnsureChannel to the Requests interface. This returns an existing
-  channel if possible, or creates a new channel otherwise; it also makes
-  sure that only one caller considers itself to be responsible for
-  dispatching or handling the new channel.
-* Added new errors Cancelled and NotYours to support the ChannelDispatcher.
-* Added a Forwarded flag to Channel.Interface.CallState
-New experimental API:
-* Added the Client and ChannelDispatcher machinery. The ChannelDispatcher
-  is a central service dependent on the AccountManager (in practice, it will
-  usually be in the same process) which provides functionality for requesting
-  channels, and is also responsible for dispatching channels to appropriate
-  clients. The Client interface is used to discover appropriate clients.
-  When finished, this will supersede the ChannelHandler interface for clients,
-  and Mission Control 4's D-Bus API.
-* Added a Destroyable interface so the channel dispatcher has a way to
-  kill off unhandleable channels (e.g. if we don't have a Text UI for some
-  reason)
-* doc/*.txt contain various thoughts about use cases for new functionality,
-  which provide further rationale for why the ChannelDispatcher is so
-  complicated :-)
-telepathy-spec 0.17.11 (2008-09-12)
-The "release the global implementor lock" release.
-New API:
-* Connection.Interface.Requests has been declared to be stable.
-  (fd.o #15418, and partially addresses #14606)
-  The EnsureChannel method introduced by Simon's dispatcher-clients branch has
-  not yet been added, but will be added in a future spec release.
-* Account.Interface.Avatar (introduced in 0.17.6) is now included in the HTML
-  spec.
-telepathy-spec 0.17.10 (2008-09-09)
-The "brass plaque" release.
-API changes:
-* Text channels with any pending messages should "respawn" when closed (the
-  channel is replaced by an incoming channel with the same incoming message
-  queue). This avoids a race condition that could cause messages to be lost,
-  by always behaving as though Close() had won the race.
-* Connection bus names and object paths are now required to have exactly 7
-  components, rather than at least 7, and Channel object paths are required
-  to have their Connection's object path in the first 7 components.
-* It is recommended that the account manager cannot be service-activated
-  by using the Telepathy bus name. Clients can activate a particular
-  implementation if they want to.
-* Connection managers where the result of GetSelfHandle can change while
-  in the CONNECTED state (Idle is the only known example) must emit the new
-  SelfHandleChanged signal when this happens.
-* Passing suppress_handler=FALSE to RequestChannel is discouraged.
-New API:
-* Connection has a new SelfHandle property, which matches the result of
-  GetSelfHandle and has change notification via the new SelfHandleChanged
-  signal
-* DBus_Error_Name and DBus_Well_Known_Name string types have been added
-  in preparation for use in the ChannelDispatcher API. A Unix_Timestamp64 type
-  has been added so we won't have to change the spec as 2038 approaches :-)
-Tools changes:
-* doc-generator.xsl requires methods, signals and properties to have a
-  tp:name-for-bindings attribute in Ugly_Case. This can be used by code
-  generation tools to convert to languages' naming conventions (CamelCase,
-  javaCamelCase, UPPER_CASE, lower_case) using tr(1) or XPath's translate().
-* There is now a better README, loosely based on the one in telepathy-glib
-* Some of the things we do and don't consider to be API guarantees
-  are now documented in README
-* telepathy-spec is now maintained in git. See README for details.
-telepathy-spec 0.17.9 (2008-08-15)
-The "-otron" release.
-API changes:
-* The special behaviour of the self handle in GetKnownAvatarTokens has been
-  changed to match what's actually been implemented; the spec now explains
-  under what circumstances clients (or the account manager) should reset the
-  avatar
-New API:
-* Connection.Interface.Aliasing.GetAliases is like RequestAliases but returns
-  immediately, rather than waiting for network round-trips to complete
-* Connection.Interface.Contacts (also known as "the inspectotron") allows
-  retrieval of various contact attributes, and optionally holding the handles,
-  in a single D-Bus round-trip. (Methods and properties have been renamed
-  since the draft version, but it's basically the same)
-New experimental API:
-* The ChannelBundle interface is a new concept: an object path that relates
-  a bundle of related channels, and remains in existence as long as any
-  channel in the bundle exists
-* The Requests interface ("the requestotron") is intended to replace
-  RequestChannel when it's ready: it allows channels to be created by
-  specifying an extensible hash table of D-Bus properties, rather than just
-  a channel type and a handle
-telepathy-spec 0.17.8 (2008-07-23)
-The "more spec branches than brain cells" release.
-API changes:
-* Use of handle = 0 in the Capabilities interface, to denote "capabilities of
-  the connection itself", is deprecated; it was never very clear what it meant,
-  it's not sufficiently expressive to describe new API that we plan to add,
-  and as far as I know, no connection manager implements it anyway.
-New API:
-* Connection.Interface.SimplePresence provides a simpler API for presence;
-  the old presence API turned out to be far more complicated than we needed
-  in practice
-* ConnectionManager now has an Interfaces property for possible future
-  expansion
-New experimental API:
-* Connection.Interface.Contacts (also known as "the inspectotron") allows
-  retrieval of various contact attributes, and optionally holding the handles,
-  in a single D-Bus round-trip (as usual, we plan to make this official once
-  we've tried implementing it).
-* To avoid naming conflicts and general confusion, we explicitly recommend
-  against naming connection managers after the protocol they implement, or
-  after a library they use
-Tools changes:
-* doc-generator.xsl is a lot pickier about the spec's format, and will now
-  fail on various sorts of invalid markup
-* doc-generator.xsl recognises <tp:dbus-ref> (to reference a D-Bus interface,
-  method, signal or property) and <tp:member-ref> (to reference a method,
-  signal or property of the current interface)
-Release notes for projects using doc-generator.xsl:
-* You'll probably need to clean up your spec markup!
-* Set the allow-undefined-interfaces XSLT parameter to a true value (e.g.
-  run xsltproc with --param allow-undefined-interfaces "true()") if you are
-  compiling documentation for interfaces that depend on a third-party spec
-  (e.g. Telepathy extensions that reference the main Telepathy spec)
-telepathy-spec 0.17.7 (2008-05-06)
-The "propertifying the countryside" release.
-API changes:
-* The Channel interface now contains properties:
-  - TargetHandleType/TargetHandle (the same thing that GetHandle returns),
-    deprecating GetHandle
-  - ChannelType (the same thing that GetChannelType returns), deprecating
-    GetChannelType
-  - Interfaces (the same thing that GetInterfaces returns), deprecating
-    GetInterfaces
-* Channels are no longer guaranteed unique per (channel type, handle type,
-  handle) triple, even when the handle type is nonzero
-New experimental API:
-* The Channel.FUTURE interface contains functionality targeted for inclusion
-  in the core Channel interface after we have some implementation experience:
-  - TargetHandleID (the ID obtained by inspecting the TargetHandle)
-  - InitiatorHandle (the initiator of the channel)
-  - InitiatorID (the ID obtained by inspecting the InitiatorHandle)
-* Correct various references to obsolete API
-* Mark things that were added or deprecated in 0.17.6 as such, rather than
-  saying "0.17.UNRELEASED"
-Additional documentation:
-* Lists of use-cases for future functionality have been added, and we've
-  started to propose implementations for use in the future Requests API.
-  Please discuss these on the Telepathy mailing list
-  <mailto:telepathy at lists.freedesktop.org> or in #telepathy on
-  irc.freenode.net, and see http://monkey.collabora.co.uk/
-  for further use-cases and implementation proposals.
-Notes to packagers:
-* Compiling the dispatch/request use-cases to HTML requires rst2html
-  from the Python docutils package (python-docutils in Debian and Fedora).
-telepathy-spec 0.17.6 (2008-05-26)
-The "GetAll()" release.
-API changes:
-* The core Account interface no longer has an Avatar property, so that clients
-  can safely call GetAll for properties without flooding the bus with avatars
-API additions:
-* Group interface state is now in terms of properties, so you can use GetAll
-  to get a full state snapshot:
-  - Group.GroupFlags property (deprecating GetGroupFlags method)
-  - Group.SelfHandle property and Group.SelfHandleChanged signal (deprecating
-    GetSelfHandle method, and adding change-notification)
-  - Group.HandleOwners property and Group.HandleOwnersChanged signal
-    (deprecating GetHandleOwners method, and adding change-notification)
-  - Group.LocalPendingMembers, Group.Members, Group.RemotePendingMembers
-    properties (deprecating GetMembers, GetLocalPendingMembers,
-    GetLocalPendingMembersWithInfo, GetRemotePendingMembers and GetAllMembers
-    methods)
-* Account.Interface.Avatar replaces the Account.Avatar property
-* Messages, DeliveryReporting are correctly marked as experimental
-Tools changes:
-* Correctly pass through HTML attributes into the HTML spec
-* Add markup <tp:type>Name_Of_Type</tp:type> which generates HTML links
-telepathy-spec 0.17.5 (2008-05-21)
-The "Channel.Type.Text 2.0 (beta)" release.
-New experimental APIs:
-* Channel.Interface.Messages: extensible version of Text with support for
-  MIME-style attachments, alternatives, etc. and extensible metadata
-* Channel.Interface.HTML: a brief sketch of how we intend to use Messages
-  to get formatted message support in future (unfinished!)
-* Channel.Interface.DeliveryReporting: an enhanced version of the Text
-  interface's rather simplistic SendError signal
-* Make it completely clear that suppress_handler does NOT mean incoming vs
-  outgoing channels
-* Annotate a lot of changes with the version in which they were introduced
-Tools changes:
-* Show when things were added/changed/deprecated in the HTML spec
-telepathy-spec 0.17.4 (2008-05-09)
-API changes:
-* Improve the Hold interface: instead of a boolean "held?" we now have
-  a quad-state arrangement (unheld, held, trying to hold, trying to unhold)
-  which turns out to be more useful for clients. This API has already been
-  implemented as an extension in telepathy-gabble 0.7.3 and in
-  telepathy-sofiasip 0.5.8.
-API additions:
-* Add the Enabled and NormalizedName properties to the Account interface
-* The Hold interface is now marked as stable, please include it in bindings
-* Explain the intended interaction between the Hold API presented to
-  streaming clients (MediaStreamHandler), and signalling to the remote contact
-* ListPendingMessages documentation shows up correctly in the HTML spec
-Tools changes:
-* Some simplifications in doc-generator.xsl
-telepathy-spec 0.17.3 (2008-04-03)
-The "please hold" release.
-API changes:
-* Change documented semantics of SendError to match what Gabble and Haze
-  have always done: Send emits Sent when the message is submitted, or no
-  signal on failure, and SendError is emitted *after* Sent if an error is
-  detected later
-* Explain that AcknowledgePendingMessages is where "message received"
-  acknowledgements should be sent
-* Some interfaces we've never actually implemented, which we do not believe
-  are necessarily very well thought-out, have been removed from the HTML
-  specification to reduce confusion:
-  - ContactInfo (XML vCards over D-Bus... what were we thinking?)
-  - ContactSearch (server-side searches like XEP-0055)
-  - Forwarding (an incomplete implementation of call-forwarding in telephony)
-  - Privacy (a much more complex version of the 'block' API)
-  - Transfer (transferring contacts between calls in telephony)
-* Whether other people have put us on hold is now signalled as a call state
-* The scope of the Hold interface has been reduced; it now only manipulates
-  whether we have put the call on hold, not whether other people have put
-  us on hold (note that the Hold interface is still considered experimental,
-  and it's likely to change in the next release)
-API additions:
-* Media.StreamHandler now has a SetStreamHeld signal to ask streaming clients
-  (stream-engine) to release or acquire the necessary resources for media
-  streaming, and HoldState and UnholdFailure methods so the streaming client
-  can indicate success or failure; these can be used to implement the
-  Hold interface
-* Passing clear=TRUE to ListPendingMessages (the client cannot guarantee that
-  the messages will actually be shown to the user or logged, if this is done)
-Tools changes:
-* Allow arrays of mappings
-* Allow rationale to be interleaved with HTML in docstrings
-telepathy-spec 0.17.2 (2008-03-06)
-Significant API changes:
-* Alter usage of StreamedMedia channels to not abuse Group semantics,
-  and allow better call state signalling - RequestStreams is now allowed on
-  contacts not in the channel, and will add them to remote-pending state
-  when an attempt has been made to contact them
-* Explicitly say that clients must support CMs with no .manager file
-  (telepathy-glib implements the required semantics, libtelepathy does not)
-* Explicitly specify that IANA service names are valid and recommended
-  for stream-tube service names (with dns-sd.org as a secondary source)
-* Some avatar-related clarifications
-New APIs:
-* Add Account, AccountManager interfaces (a D-Bus API for the account
-  management functionality in Mission Control)
-* Add CallState interface (SIP 180 Ringing, 182 Queued, etc., or equivalent)
-* Add Conn_Mgr_Param_Flag_Secret, a generic way to indicate passwords etc.
-  in connection manager parameters
-Tools changes:
-* Support <tp:rationale> in docstrings
-* Support D-Bus core Properties
-telepathy-spec 0.17.1
-* Add Channel.Interface.CallMerging for manipulating PBX, GSM, etc. multi-party
-  conversations
-* Channel.Interface.Hold is now per channel, not per member
-* Document .manager files
-* Document exactly how to form Connection and ConnectionManager bus names and
-  object paths
-* Connection manager names must now match [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
-* Protocol names must now match [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]*
-* More well-known protocol names (qq, sametime, myspace)
-* Clarifications include:
-  - avatars interface
-  - Group.AddMembers() must not complain if you re-add people who're already
-    present
-  - clients shouldn't call MediaSessionHandler.Ready until they've connected
-    to NewStreamHandler
-* Tools and code generation:
-  - spec format improvements to support other specs that reference this one
-  - added ls-interfaces.xsl
-telepathy-spec 0.17.0
-* Add a "Busy" presence type, to align Telepathy with Mission Control
-* Annotate unstable/deprecated interfaces likely to cause havoc in APIs
-* Annotate types of just about everything
-* Name structure etc. types for easy reference
-* Add ChannelHandler, which is used by Nokia's Mission Control
diff --git a/spec/all.xml b/spec/all.xml
index 5670af3..1b970f6 100644
--- a/spec/all.xml
+++ b/spec/all.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <tp:title>Telepathy D-Bus Interface Specification</tp:title>
 <tp:copyright>Copyright © 2005-2009 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
 <tp:copyright>Copyright © 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>

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