telepathy-gabble: Remove the olde jingletest

Will Thompson wjt at
Thu Dec 6 04:46:06 PST 2012

Module: telepathy-gabble
Branch: master
Commit: 89239d474941b766d2f41e9ee2a89094a3d4d980

Author: Will Thompson <will.thompson at>
Date:   Mon Nov 26 09:50:12 2012 +0000

Remove the olde jingletest


 tests/twisted/           |    1 -
 tests/twisted/jingle/  |  227 -----------------------------------
 tests/twisted/jingle/ |    3 -
 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/twisted/ b/tests/twisted/
index bd39290..e59e858 100644
--- a/tests/twisted/
+++ b/tests/twisted/
@@ -262,7 +262,6 @@ TWISTED_OTHER_FILES = \
 	jingle/ \
 	jingle/ \
 	jingle/ \
-	jingle/ \
 	jingle-share/ \
 	jingle-share/ \ \
diff --git a/tests/twisted/jingle/ b/tests/twisted/jingle/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1048050..0000000
--- a/tests/twisted/jingle/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-Jingle (XEP-0166) testing support.
-import random
-from gabbletest import make_presence
-from twisted.words.xish import domish
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.client import IQ
-import dbus
-from caps_helper import send_disco_reply
-class JingleTest:
-    def __init__(self, stream, local_jid, remote_jid):
- = stream
-        self.local_jid = local_jid
-        self.remote_jid = remote_jid
-        self.remote_bare_jid = remote_jid.split('/', 1)[0]
-        self.session_id = 'sess' + str(int(random.random() * 10000))
-        self.google_mode = False
-        # Default caps for the remote end
-        self.remote_caps = { 'ext': '', 'ver': '0.0.0',
-                 'node': '' }
-        # Default feats for remote end
-        self.remote_feats = [ '',
-              '',
-              '',
-              # was previously in bundles:
-              '',
-              '',
-              '']
-        # Default audio codecs for the remote end
-        self.audio_codecs = [ ('GSM', 3, 8000), ('PCMA', 8, 8000), ('PCMU', 0, 8000) ]
-        # Default video codecs for the remote end. I have no idea what's
-        # a suitable value here...
-        self.video_codecs = [ ('WTF', 42, 80000) ]
-        # Default candidates for the remote end
-        self.remote_transports = [
-              ( "", # host
-                666, # port
-                0, # protocol = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_BASE_PROTO_UDP
-                "RTP", # protocol subtype
-                "AVP", # profile
-                1.0, # preference
-                0, # transport type = TP_MEDIA_STREAM_TRANSPORT_TYPE_LOCAL,
-                "username",
-                "password" ) ]
-    def get_video_codecs_dbus(self):
-        return dbus.Array([ (id, name, 0, rate, 0, {} ) for (name, id, rate) in self.video_codecs ],
-            signature='(usuuua{ss})')
-    def get_audio_codecs_dbus(self):
-        return dbus.Array([ (id, name, 0, rate, 0, {} ) for (name, id, rate) in self.audio_codecs ],
-            signature='(usuuua{ss})')
-    def get_remote_transports_dbus(self):
-        return dbus.Array([
-            (dbus.UInt32(1 + i), host, port, proto, subtype,
-                profile, pref, transtype, user, pwd)
-                for i, (host, port, proto, subtype, profile,
-                    pref, transtype, user, pwd)
-                in enumerate(self.remote_transports) ],
-            signature='(usuussduss)')
-    def _jingle_stanza(self, action):
-        iq = IQ(, 'set')
-        iq['from'] = self.remote_jid
-        iq['to'] = self.local_jid
-        jingle = domish.Element(("", 'jingle'))
-        if self.direction == 'incoming':
-            jingle['initiator'] = self.remote_jid
-        elif self.direction == 'outgoing':
-            jingle['initiator'] = self.local_jid
-        jingle['action'] = action
-        jingle['sid'] = self.session_id
-        iq.addChild(jingle)
-        return (iq, jingle)
-    def _gtalk_stanza(self, action):
-        iq = IQ(, 'set')
-        iq['from'] = self.remote_jid
-        iq['to'] = self.local_jid
-        sess = domish.Element(("", 'session'))
-        if self.direction == 'incoming':
-            sess['initiator'] = self.remote_jid
-        elif self.direction == 'outgoing':
-            sess['initiator'] = self.local_jid
-        sess['type'] = action
-        sess['id'] = self.session_id
-        iq.addChild(sess)
-        return (iq, sess)
-    def send_remote_presence(self):
-        presence = make_presence(self.remote_jid, self.local_jid,
-            caps=self.remote_caps)
-    def send_remote_disco_reply(self, stanza):
-        send_disco_reply(, stanza, [], self.remote_feats)
-    def incoming_call(self, codec_parameters=None):
-        self.direction = 'incoming'
-        if self.google_mode:
-            iq, sess = self._gtalk_stanza('initiate')
-            desc_ns = ''
-        else:
-            iq, jingle = self._jingle_stanza('session-initiate')
-            desc_ns = ''
-        content = domish.Element((None, 'content'))
-        content['creator'] = 'initiator'
-        content['name'] = 'audio1'
-        content['senders'] = 'both'
-        desc = domish.Element((desc_ns, 'description'))
-        for codec, id, rate in self.audio_codecs:
-            p = domish.Element((None, 'payload-type'))
-            p['name'] = codec
-            p['id'] = str(id)
-            if self.google_mode:
-                p['clockrate'] = p['bitrate'] = str(rate)
-            else:
-                p['rate'] = str(rate)
-            if codec_parameters is not None:
-                for name, value in codec_parameters.iteritems():
-                    param = domish.Element((None, 'parameter'))
-                    param['name'] = name
-                    param['value'] = value
-                    p.addChild(param)
-            desc.addChild(p)
-        xport = domish.Element(("", 'transport'))
-        if self.google_mode:
-            sess.addChild(desc)
-            sess.addChild(xport)
-        else:
-            jingle.addChild(content)
-            content.addChild(desc)
-            content.addChild(xport)
-    def create_content_node(self, name, type, codecs):
-        content = domish.Element((None, 'content'))
-        content['creator'] = 'initiator'
-        content['name'] = name
-        content['senders'] = 'both'
-        desc = domish.Element(("" + type, 'description'))
-        for codec, id, rate in codecs:
-            p = domish.Element((None, 'payload-type'))
-            p['name'] = codec
-            p['id'] = str(id)
-            p['rate'] = str(rate)
-            desc.addChild(p)
-        content.addChild(desc)
-        xport = domish.Element(("", 'transport'))
-        content.addChild(xport)
-        return content
-    def outgoing_call_reply(self, session_id, accept, with_video=False):
-        self.session_id = session_id
-        self.direction = 'outgoing'
-        if not accept:
-            self.remote_terminate()
-            return
-        iq, jingle = self._jingle_stanza('session-accept')
-        jingle.addChild(self.create_content_node('Audio', 'audio',
-            self.audio_codecs))
-        if with_video:
-            jingle.addChild(self.create_content_node('Video', 'video',
-                self.video_codecs))
-    def remote_terminate(self):
-        if self.google_mode:
-            iq, _ = self._gtalk_stanza('terminate')
-        else:
-            iq, _ = self._jingle_stanza('session-terminate')
-    def send_remote_candidates(self):
-        iq, el = self._gtalk_stanza('candidates')
-        for t in self.remote_transports:
-            c = domish.Element((None, 'candidate'))
-            c['generation'] = '0'
-            c['network'] = '0'
-            c['type'] = 'local'
-            c['protocol'] = 'udp'
-            c['preference'] = str(t[5])
-            c['password'] = t[8]
-            c['username'] = t[7]
-            c['port'] = str(t[1])
-            c['address'] = t[0]
-            c['name'] = t[3].lower()
-            el.addChild(c)
diff --git a/tests/twisted/jingle/ b/tests/twisted/jingle/
index 688d9ec..64eaa40 100644
--- a/tests/twisted/jingle/
+++ b/tests/twisted/jingle/
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
 # unreadable), but to make the expressions denser and more concise.
 # Helper classes support different dialects so the test can
 # be invoked for different (possibly all) dialects.
-# This can be used in parallel with the old API, but should
-# obsolete it in time.
 from functools import partial
 from twisted.words.xish import domish, xpath

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