[Telepathy] Proposed MC api

Xavier Claessens xclaesse at gmail.com
Thu May 31 06:42:38 PDT 2007

On lun, 2007-05-28 at 13:35 +0300, Naba Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> Proposed MC API:
Here is an addition for favorite chatrooms. The idea is to store
favortie chatrooms in MC and let it dispatch channels for all rooms that
have the auto-connect param to TRUE when an account get connected.

* GetFavoriteChatrooms () -> a(s: accoun, s: room, b: auto-connect)
* AddFavoriteChatroom (s:account, s:room)
* RemoveFavoriteChatroom (s:account, s:room)
* SetAutoConnectFavoriteChatroom (s:account, s:room, b:auto-connect)

* FavoriteChatroomAdded (s:account, s:room)
* FavoriteChatroomRemoved (s:account, s:room)
* FavoriteChatroomAutoConnectChanged (s:account, s:room, b:

I'm not sure it's something for the MC, what do you think ?

Xavier Claessens.

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