[Telepathy] ANNOUNCE: folks 0.5.1

Travis Reitter travis.reitter at collabora.co.uk
Fri May 13 12:09:24 PDT 2011

libfolks 0.5.1 is now available for download from:




libfolks 0.5.1 — There is no Pepe Silvia!
Libfolks pulls together contacts from any number of
accounts supported by the libfolks backends. This
release includes a number of backends, including
Telepathy, libsocialweb, Tracker, and a simple key-file backend. We
would like to include additional backends
(especially evolution-data-server), so let us know if we
can help!

The 0.5.x series is not API or ABI stable, so please
proceed with caution (or develop against the stable
0.4.x series).
See the NEWS file for details on every break we make. In
future releases, we will have example programs that will
be kept up-to-date with the latest API as well.

In particular, this 0.5.1 release is a last major push
to clean up our API before becoming relatively stable.
As such, there are a number of API and ABI breaks (see

For more information, see the Folks wiki page:

Overview of changes from libfolks 0.5.0 to libfolks 0.5.1

Bugs fixed:
* Bug 645388 — Group channels are leaked
* Bug 647562 — Don't crash on duplicate group channels
* Bug 647121 — Crash in individual_store_contact_sort at
  empathy-individual-store.c line 1387
* Bug 645684 — Implement Iterator on LinkedHashSet
* Bug 640092 — Folks should minimize use of GLib.List
  (including its public API)
* Bug 648161 — Add GObject Introspection Support
* Bug 645186 — Make sure all connect() calls have
  appropriate disconnect() calls
* Bug 648533 — Add runtime debug signalling
* Bug 649790 — Vala uses the wrong includes
* Bug 649088 — Combining contacts doesn't work with
  german Umlauts

API changes:
* LinkedHashSet.list_iterator() is now disallowed
  (causes an assertion failure)
* LinkedHashSet.iterator() now returns a BidirIterator
  instead of just an Iterator
* ImDetails.im_addresses is now of type
  MultiMap<string, string>
* WebServiceDetails.web_service_addresses is now of type
  MultiMap<string, string>
* Removed LinkedHashSet in favour of Gee.HashSet
* Backend.persona_stores is now of type
  Map<string, PersonaStore>
* GroupDetails.groups is now of type Set<string>
* FieldDetails.parameters is now of type
  MultiMap<string, string>
* FieldDetails.get_parameter_values() now returns type
* FieldDetails.extend_parameters() now takes type
  MultiMap<string, string>
* PostalAddressDetails.postal_addresses is now of type
* EmailDetails.email_addresses is now of type
* PhoneDetails.phone_numbers is now of type
* UrlDetails.urls is now of type Set<FieldDetails>
* BackendStore.enabled_backends now has type
  Map<string, Backend>
  - The corresponding C function
    folks_backend_store_dup_enabled_backends() has been
    renamed folks_backend_store_get_enabled_backends(),
    and no longer returns an owned variable.
* Individual.personas now has type Set<Persona>
* Individual.personas_changed now uses
  Set<Persona>-typed parameters
* PersonaStore.personas_changed now uses
  Set<Persona>-typed parameters
* IndividualAggregator.individuals_changed now uses
  Set<Individual>-typed parameters
* IndividualAggregator.link_personas() now takes a
* IndividualAggregator.get_all_potential_matches() now
  returns a
  Map<Individual, Map<Individual, MatchResult>>
* IndividualAggregator.get_potential_matches() now
  returns a Map<Individual, MatchResult>
* IndividualAggregator.individuals now has type
  Map<string, Individual>
* PersonaStore.personas now has type Map<string,
* LocalIdDetails.local_ids now has type Set<string>
* NoteDetails.notes now has type Set<Note>
* RoleDetails.roles now has type Set<Role>
* PotentialMatch.known_email_aliases now has type
* PostalAddress.types now has type Set<string>
* Add Folks.Debug debug controller class
* All pc-files now only add the $includedir to the
  cflags, so all includes must be of the form

libfolks and depend upon core GNOME libraries (GLib, GIO, etc.), as well
as the recent releases of Vala and gobject-introspection.

The Telepathy backend also requires a recent release of telepathy-glib,
built to include its Vala bindings.

The Tracker backend requires a recent version of Tracker.

The Libsocialweb backend requires a recent version of libsocialweb,
built to include the Vala bindings.

For any questions, comments, feature proposals, etc., please refer to
the Telepathy mailing list or #telepathy on Freenode.
For bug reports, please file them with the GNOME Bugzilla module "folks"

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