Harini<br><br>There is one IM application, called Ereséva[1], that you to get code and ideas from when programming with Tapioca. It is written in Python and uses tapioca-python, which is a binding for tapioca-glib, and is not difficult to map the code from python to C.
<br><br>I suppose you want the things you do on the whiteboard to appear in the whiteboards of the other people connected, if so you will need to transport application data besides the text messages and voip, and what you need for this is using Tubes. The general idea is explained here[1].
<br><br>Tapioca doesn't have tubes implementation yet, in this case I recommend to take a look at telepathy-glib/libtelepathy.<br><br>Any problems don't hesitate and ask.<br clear="all"><br>[1] <a href="http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Shared_Sugar_Activities">
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Shared_Sugar_Activities</a><br><br>Regards,<br><br>-- <br>Marcelo Lira dos Santos<br><a href="http://setanta.wordpress.com" target="_blank">
http://setanta.wordpress.com</a><br>@CInLUG: <a href="http://www.cin.ufpe.br/%7Ecinlug" target="_blank">http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~cinlug</a><br>@Ciência Livre: <a href="http://www.ciencialivre.pro.br" target="_blank">http://www.ciencialivre.pro.br
<a href="http://www.indt.org.br" target="_blank">http://www.indt.org.br</a>