Harini,<br><br>try first to build and run the test on your host system instead inside scratchbox, just to get it working and understand better the system. I'm not so new to Tapioca, but used it only on the desktop, I tried in scratchbox once, but it was a little messy. I take some notes that can be helpful, but I couldn't get to the end (shortage of time issues :/ )
<br><br>Regards,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Marcelo Lira dos Santos<br><a href="http://setanta.wordpress.com">http://setanta.wordpress.com</a><br>@CInLUG: <a href="http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~cinlug">http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~cinlug
</a><br>@Ciência Livre: <a href="http://www.ciencialivre.pro.br">http://www.ciencialivre.pro.br</a><br>@INdT: <a href="http://www.indt.org.br">http://www.indt.org.br</a>