My idea is simple: build a unique abstract "megagui" that integrates all the features (Personal Image, Nickname, Personal Message, Status,...).<br>Each "protocol" will enable the widget that represents a feature i.e.:<br>
<br>MSN -> Personal Message supported? YES -> ENABLE INPUTBOX ON MAIN GUI;<br>TALK -> Personal Message supported? NO -> DISABLE INPUTBOX ON MAIN GUI;<br><br>MSN -> Avatar supported? YES -> enable personal image widget;<br>
IRC -> Avatar Supported? NO -> disable personal image widget;<br><br>In order to make it _REALLY_ functional all the widgets has to stay in main window because the user wants to have a visual-feedback.<br><br>You'll say to me "It's chaos", and i'll reply "it's true!" indeed i made a mockup: to make everything clean in Gnome Style you can make a Tabbed Panel with the protocol icon (or simply text) to switch between the GUIs.<br>
Why this?Empathy gui is really UGLY...You cannot distinguish between a friend connected with msn/jabber/talk (and this abstraction is not good).<br><br>Hoping that you'll agree with my proposal.<br>Thank you for your attention.<br>
<br>Orfeo aka Otacon<br>