Hi!<br><br>I'm working in an application to handle media channels based on "text-handler" example from telepathy-glib.<br>The purpose of my program is to answer a SIP call from an Empathy client. I don't mind handling the stream yet, I just want to answer it properly (if it's possible to separate it).<br>
<br>As far as I know, the preferred way to create a channel is via method call on the Client by the ChannelDispatcher. This will <br>call the HandleChannels method in the client where I should choose which channel (Streamed Media, in my case) I want, and make sure the channel is ready.<br>
<br>Accordingly to the telepathy specification, handlers are the user interface for one single channel and they must suit the channel characteristics. In my case, it must implement the MediaSignalling interface.<br><br>To accept the call, I try to add the local pending member (the channel self handle) to the group's members and expect that telepathy negotiate the call for me. <br>
The problem is that it seems that the local user is not added to the group members.<br><br>Anyway, I tried to go further and create the session handler using "tp_cli_channel_interface_media_signalling_call_get_session_handlers". It calls the callback function and there I can retrieve the it's properties object_path and media_type. Then I create the object and when I call tp_cli_media_session_handler_call_ready it says "Method "Ready" with signature "" on interface "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Media.SessionHandler" doesn't exist"<br>
<br>For now, I can see in telepathy-sofiasip logs that the remote user sends a "CANCEL" message with reason "NO ANSWER". <br><br>I'm looking foward to hearing from you what I've missed to accept the call.<br>
<br>Here is my application source code: <a href="http://pastebin.com/8DtGXQjK">http://pastebin.com/8DtGXQjK</a><br><br>Here is my telepathy-sofiasip log: <a href="http://pastebin.com/GKjNUzSU">http://pastebin.com/GKjNUzSU</a><br>
<br>Regards,<br><br>Pedro Zamuner<br><br>