Hello everyone,<div><div><br>I am migrating from telepathy-farsight to telepathy-farstream, but I have some problems after the stream (the TfContent) was added. In my callback, I still connect to src-pad-added event and I do not connect to any of the events of the old TfStream, but I didn't change anything else yet.</div>
<div><br>In this configuration, I get this error message: tp-fs-Message: tf_stream_error: stream error errorno=7 error=add_remote_candidate not defined in stream transmitter class; and telepathy-gabble crashes.</div></div>
<div><br></div><div>Is there something obvious I did wrong? Is it important to connect the other signals of the TfContent? Are there any guidelines somewhere for migrating from farsight to farstream?</div><div>I can't find any updated documentation on how to do things with telepathy-farstream...</div>