[uim-commit] r1244 - branches/r5rs/scm

kzk at freedesktop.org kzk at freedesktop.org
Sun Aug 21 03:41:08 EST 2005

Author: kzk
Date: 2005-08-20 10:41:05 -0700 (Sat, 20 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 1244

* adopt slib's srfi-1 procedures
* change key.scm's equation proc

* scm/slib-mulapply.scm
* scm/slib-sc2.scm
* scm/slib-srfi-1.scm
* scm/slib-comlist.scm
  - new file

* scm/util.scm
  - require "slib-mulapply.scm" and "slib-srfi-1.scm"
  - (string-escape): now returns newly allocated str
  - (char-downcase, char-upcase): restored because current uim handles
    char as integer
  - (list-tabulate, make-list, iota, last, append!,
     concatenate, concatenate!, zip, append-reverse,
     find, any, every, fold, unfold, filter, filter-map,
     remove, delete, alist-delete): replaced with SLIB's srfi-1 procs
     This may be slow, but current iterate_list have some problems
     with R5RS compatibility.
  - (bitwise-not, bitwise-and, bitwise-or, bitwise-xor): restored

* scm/custom.scm
  - (custom-list-as-literal, custom-value-as-literal): change the way
    to use "string-escape" 
  - (prealloc-heaps-for-heavy-job): not supported now

* scm/key.scm
  - (valid-key-str?, valid-strict-key-str?): use "eqv?" instead of "="
     because first argument can be symbol
  - (define-key): restored because it seems to work now

Modified: branches/r5rs/scm/custom.scm
--- branches/r5rs/scm/custom.scm	2005-08-20 16:56:51 UTC (rev 1243)
+++ branches/r5rs/scm/custom.scm	2005-08-20 17:41:05 UTC (rev 1244)
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
 				 ((symbol? elem)
 				  (symbol->string elem))
 				 ((string? elem)
-				  (string-escape elem))
+				  (set! elem (string-escape elem)))
@@ -679,9 +679,9 @@
        ((eq? type 'integer)
 	(digit->string val))
        ((eq? type 'string)
-	(string-escape val))
+	(set! val (string-escape val)))
        ((eq? type 'pathname)
-	(string-escape val))
+	(set! val (string-escape val)))
        ((eq? type 'choice)
 	(string-append "'" (symbol->string val)))
        ((or (eq? type 'ordered-list)
@@ -745,5 +745,5 @@
 		     (_ "Hidden settings")
 		     (_ "Hidden settings of this group. This group is invisible from uim_custom clients. Exists for internal variable management."))

Modified: branches/r5rs/scm/key.scm
--- branches/r5rs/scm/key.scm	2005-08-20 16:56:51 UTC (rev 1243)
+++ branches/r5rs/scm/key.scm	2005-08-20 17:41:05 UTC (rev 1244)
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
 	   (key-state   (nth 3 parsed)))
       (and (string? key-str)
 	   (string=? rest "")
-	   (not (= key -1))))))
+	   (not (eqv? key -1))))))
 ;; 'strict-key-str' stands for key-str without translator-prefixes and
 ;; emacs like prefix
@@ -335,11 +335,11 @@
 	(set! res (and (string? key-str)
 		       (string=? rest "")
 		       (null? translators)
-		       (not (= key -1)))))
+		       (not (eqv? key -1)))))
       (set! enable-emacs-like-key-prefix? saved-enable-eprefix?)
-;(define-key left-key? "left")
-;(define-key right-key? "right")
-;(define-key switch-im-key? '("<Control>Shift_key" "<Shift>Control_key"))
+(define-key left-key? "left")
+(define-key right-key? "right")
+(define-key switch-im-key? '("<Control>Shift_key" "<Shift>Control_key"))

Added: branches/r5rs/scm/slib-comlist.scm
--- branches/r5rs/scm/slib-comlist.scm	2005-08-20 16:56:51 UTC (rev 1243)
+++ branches/r5rs/scm/slib-comlist.scm	2005-08-20 17:41:05 UTC (rev 1244)
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+;;"comlist.scm" Implementation of COMMON LISP list functions for Scheme
+; Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 1995, 2001, 2003 Aubrey Jaffer.
+; Copyright (C) 2000 Colin Walters
+;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it,
+;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is
+;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
+;1.  Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+;in full.
+;2.  I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of
+;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
+;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;3.  In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
+;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
+;each case.
+;;; Some of these functions may be already defined in your Scheme.
+;;; Comment out those definitions for functions which are already defined.
+;;; Some tail-recursive optimizations made by
+;;; Colin Walters <walters at cis.ohio-state.edu>
+;;; AGJ restored order July 2001.
+;;;@ From: hugh at ear.mit.edu (Hugh Secker-Walker)
+(define (make-list k . init)
+  (set! init (if (pair? init) (car init)))
+  (do ((k (+ -1 k) (+ -1 k))
+       (result '() (cons init result)))
+      ((negative? k) result)))
+(define (copy-list lst) (append lst '()))
+(define (adjoin obj lst) (if (memv obj lst) lst (cons obj lst)))
+(define union
+  (letrec ((onion
+	    (lambda (lst1 lst2)
+	      (if (null? lst1)
+		  lst2
+		  (onion (cdr lst1) (comlist:adjoin (car lst1) lst2))))))
+    (lambda (lst1 lst2)
+      (cond ((null? lst1) lst2)
+	    ((null? lst2) lst1)
+	    ((null? (cdr lst1)) (comlist:adjoin (car lst1) lst2))
+	    ((null? (cdr lst2)) (comlist:adjoin (car lst2) lst1))
+	    ((< (length lst2) (length lst1)) (onion (reverse lst2) lst1))
+	    (else (onion (reverse lst1) lst2))))))
+(define (intersection lst1 lst2)
+  (if (null? lst2)
+      lst2
+      (let build-intersection ((lst1 lst1)
+			       (result '()))
+	(cond ((null? lst1) (reverse result))
+	      ((memv (car lst1) lst2)
+	       (build-intersection (cdr lst1) (cons (car lst1) result)))
+	      (else
+	       (build-intersection (cdr lst1) result))))))
+(define (set-difference lst1 lst2)
+  (if (null? lst2)
+      lst1
+      (let build-difference ((lst1 lst1)
+			     (result '()))
+	(cond ((null? lst1) (reverse result))
+	      ((memv (car lst1) lst2) (build-difference (cdr lst1) result))
+	      (else (build-difference (cdr lst1) (cons (car lst1) result)))))))
+(define (subset? lst1 lst2)
+  (or (eq? lst1 lst2)
+      (let loop ((lst1 lst1))
+	(or (null? lst1)
+	    (and (memv (car lst1) lst2)
+		 (loop (cdr lst1)))))))
+(define (position obj lst)
+  (define pos (lambda (n lst)
+		(cond ((null? lst) #f)
+		      ((eqv? obj (car lst)) n)
+		      (else (pos (+ 1 n) (cdr lst))))))
+  (pos 0 lst))
+(define (reduce-init pred? init lst)
+  (if (null? lst)
+      init
+      (comlist:reduce-init pred? (pred? init (car lst)) (cdr lst))))
+(define (reduce pred? lst)
+  (cond ((null? lst) lst)
+	((null? (cdr lst)) (car lst))
+	(else (comlist:reduce-init pred? (car lst) (cdr lst)))))
+(define (some pred lst . rest)
+  (cond ((null? rest)
+	 (let mapf ((lst lst))
+	   (and (not (null? lst))
+		(or (pred (car lst)) (mapf (cdr lst))))))
+	(else (let mapf ((lst lst) (rest rest))
+		(and (not (null? lst))
+		     (or (apply pred (car lst) (map car rest))
+			 (mapf (cdr lst) (map cdr rest))))))))
+(define (every pred lst . rest)
+  (cond ((null? rest)
+	 (let mapf ((lst lst))
+	   (or (null? lst)
+	       (and (pred (car lst)) (mapf (cdr lst))))))
+	(else (let mapf ((lst lst) (rest rest))
+		(or (null? lst)
+		    (and (apply pred (car lst) (map car rest))
+			 (mapf (cdr lst) (map cdr rest))))))))
+(define (notany pred . ls) (not (apply comlist:some pred ls)))
+(define (notevery pred . ls) (not (apply comlist:every pred ls)))
+(define (list-of?? predicate . bound)
+  (define (errout) (apply slib:error 'list-of?? predicate bound))
+  (case (length bound)
+    ((0)
+     (lambda (obj)
+       (and (list? obj)
+	    (comlist:every predicate obj))))
+    ((1)
+     (set! bound (car bound))
+     (cond ((negative? bound)
+	    (set! bound (- bound))
+	    (lambda (obj)
+	      (and (list? obj)
+		   (<= bound (length obj))
+		   (comlist:every predicate obj))))
+	   (else
+	    (lambda (obj)
+	      (and (list? obj)
+		   (<= (length obj) bound)
+		   (comlist:every predicate obj))))))
+    ((2)
+     (let ((low (car bound))
+	   (high (cadr bound)))
+       (cond ((or (negative? low) (negative? high)) (errout))
+	     ((< high low)
+	      (set! high (car bound))
+	      (set! low (cadr bound))))
+       (lambda (obj)
+	 (and (list? obj)
+	      (<= low (length obj) high)
+	      (comlist:every predicate obj)))))
+    (else (errout))))
+(define (find-if pred? lst)
+  (cond ((null? lst) #f)
+	((pred? (car lst)) (car lst))
+	(else (comlist:find-if pred? (cdr lst)))))
+(define (member-if pred? lst)
+  (cond ((null? lst) #f)
+	((pred? (car lst)) lst)
+	(else (comlist:member-if pred? (cdr lst)))))
+(define (remove obj lst)
+  (define head (list '*head*))
+  (let remove ((lst lst)
+	       (tail head))
+    (cond ((null? lst))
+	  ((eqv? obj (car lst)) (remove (cdr lst) tail))
+	  (else
+	   (set-cdr! tail (list (car lst)))
+	   (remove (cdr lst) (cdr tail)))))
+  (cdr head))
+(define (remove-if pred? lst)
+  (let remove-if ((lst lst)
+		  (result '()))
+    (cond ((null? lst) (reverse result))
+	  ((pred? (car lst)) (remove-if (cdr lst) result))
+	  (else (remove-if (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) result))))))
+(define (remove-if-not pred? lst)
+  (let remove-if-not ((lst lst)
+		      (result '()))
+    (cond ((null? lst) (reverse result))
+	  ((pred? (car lst)) (remove-if-not (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) result)))
+	  (else (remove-if-not (cdr lst) result)))))
+(define nconc
+  (if (provided? "rev2-procedures") append!
+      (lambda args
+	(cond ((null? args) '())
+	      ((null? (cdr args)) (car args))
+	      ((null? (car args)) (apply comlist:nconc (cdr args)))
+	      (else
+	       (set-cdr! (last-pair (car args))
+			 (apply comlist:nconc (cdr args)))
+	       (car args))))))
+;;;@ From: hugh at ear.mit.edu (Hugh Secker-Walker)
+(define (nreverse rev-it)
+;;; Reverse order of elements of LIST by mutating cdrs.
+  (cond ((null? rev-it) rev-it)
+	((not (list? rev-it))
+	 (slib:error "nreverse: Not a list in arg1" rev-it))
+	(else (do ((reved '() rev-it)
+		   (rev-cdr (cdr rev-it) (cdr rev-cdr))
+		   (rev-it rev-it rev-cdr))
+		  ((begin (set-cdr! rev-it reved) (null? rev-cdr)) rev-it)))))
+(define (last lst n)
+  (comlist:nthcdr (- (length lst) n) lst))
+(define (butlast lst n)
+  (comlist:butnthcdr (- (length lst) n) lst))
+(define (nthcdr n lst)
+  (if (zero? n) lst (comlist:nthcdr (+ -1 n) (cdr lst))))
+(define (butnthcdr k lst)
+  (cond ((negative? k) lst) ;(slib:error "negative argument to butnthcdr" k)
+					; SIMSYNCH FIFO8 uses negative k.
+	((or (zero? k) (null? lst)) '())
+	(else (let ((ans (list (car lst))))
+		(do ((lst (cdr lst) (cdr lst))
+		     (tail ans (cdr tail))
+		     (k (+ -2 k) (+ -1 k)))
+		    ((or (negative? k) (null? lst)) ans)
+		  (set-cdr! tail (list (car lst))))))))
+(define (and? . args)
+  (cond ((null? args) #t)
+	((car args) (apply comlist:and? (cdr args)))
+	(else #f)))
+(define (or? . args)
+  (cond ((null? args) #f)
+	((car args) #t)
+	(else (apply comlist:or? (cdr args)))))
+;;;@ Checks to see if a list has any duplicate MEMBERs.
+(define (has-duplicates? lst)
+  (cond ((null? lst) #f)
+	((member (car lst) (cdr lst)) #t)
+	(else (comlist:has-duplicates? (cdr lst)))))
+;;;@ remove duplicates of MEMBERs of a list
+(define remove-duplicates
+  (letrec ((rem-dup
+	    (lambda (lst nlst)
+	      (cond ((null? lst) (reverse nlst))
+		    ((member (car lst) nlst) (rem-dup (cdr lst) nlst))
+		    (else (rem-dup (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) nlst)))))))
+    (lambda (lst)
+      (rem-dup lst '()))))
+(define list*
+  (letrec ((list*1 (lambda (obj)
+		     (if (null? (cdr obj))
+			 (car obj)
+			 (cons (car obj) (list*1 (cdr obj)))))))
+    (lambda (obj1 . obj2)
+      (if (null? obj2)
+	  obj1
+	  (cons obj1 (list*1 obj2))))))
+(define (atom? obj)
+  (not (pair? obj)))
+(define (delete obj lst)
+  (let delete ((lst lst))
+    (cond ((null? lst) '())
+	  ((equal? obj (car lst)) (delete (cdr lst)))
+	  (else
+	   (set-cdr! lst (delete (cdr lst)))
+	   lst))))
+(define (delete-if pred lst)
+  (let delete-if ((lst lst))
+    (cond ((null? lst) '())
+	  ((pred (car lst)) (delete-if (cdr lst)))
+	  (else
+	   (set-cdr! lst (delete-if (cdr lst)))
+	   lst))))
+(define (delete-if-not pred lst)
+  (let delete-if ((lst lst))
+    (cond ((null? lst) '())
+	  ((not (pred (car lst))) (delete-if (cdr lst)))
+	  (else
+	   (set-cdr! lst (delete-if (cdr lst)))
+	   lst))))
+;;; internal versions safe from name collisions.
+;;(define comlist:make-list make-list)
+;;(define comlist:copy-list copy-list)
+(define comlist:adjoin adjoin)
+;;(define comlist:union union)
+;;(define comlist:intersection intersection)
+;;(define comlist:set-difference set-difference)
+;;(define comlist:subset? subset?)
+;;(define comlist:position position)
+(define comlist:reduce-init reduce-init)
+;;(define comlist:reduce reduce) ; reduce is also in collect.scm
+(define comlist:some some)
+(define comlist:every every)
+;;(define comlist:notevery notevery)
+;;(define comlist:notany notany)
+(define comlist:find-if find-if)
+(define comlist:member-if member-if)
+;;(define comlist:remove remove)
+;;(define comlist:remove-if remove-if)
+;;(define comlist:remove-if-not remove-if-not)
+(define comlist:nconc nconc)
+;;(define comlist:nreverse nreverse)
+;;(define comlist:last last)
+;;(define comlist:butlast butlast)
+(define comlist:nthcdr nthcdr)
+(define comlist:butnthcdr butnthcdr)
+(define comlist:and? and?)
+(define comlist:or? or?)
+(define comlist:has-duplicates? has-duplicates?)
+;;(define comlist:remove-duplicates remove-duplicates)
+;;(define comlist:delete-if-not delete-if-not)
+;;(define comlist:delete-if delete-if)
+;;(define comlist:delete delete)
+;;(define comlist:atom? atom?)
+;;(define atom atom?)
+;;(define comlist:atom atom?)
+;;(define comlist:list* list*)
+;;(define comlist:list-of?? list-of??)
+(provide "comlist")

Added: branches/r5rs/scm/slib-mulapply.scm
--- branches/r5rs/scm/slib-mulapply.scm	2005-08-20 16:56:51 UTC (rev 1243)
+++ branches/r5rs/scm/slib-mulapply.scm	2005-08-20 17:41:05 UTC (rev 1244)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+; "mulapply.scm" Redefine APPLY take more than 2 arguments.
+;Copyright (C) 1991, 2003 Aubrey Jaffer
+;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it,
+;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is
+;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
+;1.  Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+;in full.
+;2.  I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of
+;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
+;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;3.  In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
+;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
+;each case.
+(define apply
+  (letrec ((apply-2 apply)
+	   (append-to-last
+	    (lambda (lst)
+	      (if (null? (cdr lst))
+		  (car lst)
+		  (cons (car lst) (append-to-last (cdr lst)))))))
+    (lambda args
+      (apply-2 (car args) (append-to-last (cdr args))))))
+(provide "mulapply")

Added: branches/r5rs/scm/slib-sc2.scm
--- branches/r5rs/scm/slib-sc2.scm	2005-08-20 16:56:51 UTC (rev 1243)
+++ branches/r5rs/scm/slib-sc2.scm	2005-08-20 17:41:05 UTC (rev 1244)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+;"sc2.scm" Implementation of rev2 procedures eliminated in subsequent versions.
+; Copyright (C) 1991, 1993 Aubrey Jaffer
+;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it,
+;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is
+;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
+;1.  Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+;in full.
+;2.  I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of
+;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
+;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;3.  In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
+;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
+;each case.
+(define (substring-move-left! string1 start1 end1 string2 start2)
+  (do ((i start1 (+ i 1))
+       (j start2 (+ j 1))
+       (l (- end1 start1) (- l 1)))
+      ((<= l 0))
+    (string-set! string2 j (string-ref string1 i))))
+(define (substring-move-right! string1 start1 end1 string2 start2)
+  (do ((i (+ start1 (- end1 start1) -1) (- i 1))
+       (j (+ start2 (- end1 start1) -1) (- j 1))
+       (l (- end1 start1) (- l 1)))
+      ((<= l 0))
+    (string-set! string2 j (string-ref string1 i))))
+(define (substring-fill! string start end char)
+  (do ((i start (+ i 1))
+       (l (- end start) (- l 1)))
+      ((<= l 0))
+    (string-set! string i char)))
+(define (string-null? str)
+  (= 0 (string-length str)))
+(define append!
+  (lambda args
+    (cond ((null? args) '())
+	  ((null? (cdr args)) (car args))
+	  ((null? (car args)) (apply append! (cdr args)))
+	  (else
+	   (set-cdr! (last-pair (car args))
+		     (apply append! (cdr args)))
+	   (car args)))))
+;;;; need to add code for OBJECT-HASH and OBJECT-UNHASH
+(define 1+
+  (let ((+ +))
+    (lambda (n) (+ n 1))))
+(define -1+
+  (let ((+ +))
+    (lambda (n) (+ n -1))))
+(define <? <)
+(define <=? <=)
+(define =? =)
+(define >? >)
+(define >=? >=)
+(provide "rev2-procedures")

Added: branches/r5rs/scm/slib-srfi-1.scm
--- branches/r5rs/scm/slib-srfi-1.scm	2005-08-20 16:56:51 UTC (rev 1243)
+++ branches/r5rs/scm/slib-srfi-1.scm	2005-08-20 17:41:05 UTC (rev 1244)
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+;;; "srfi-1.scm" SRFI-1 list-processing library		-*-scheme-*-
+;; Copyright 2001 Aubrey Jaffer
+;; Copyright 2003 Sven Hartrumpf
+;; Copyright 2003-2004 Lars Buitinck
+;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it,
+;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is
+;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings.
+;1.  Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+;in full.
+;2.  I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of
+;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
+;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;3.  In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
+;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
+;each case.
+;			   Some pieces from:
+;;; Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by Olin Shivers. You may do as you please with
+;;; this code as long as you do not remove this copyright notice or
+;;; hold me liable for its use. Please send bug reports to shivers at ai.mit.edu.
+;;;     -Olin
+;;@code{(require 'srfi-1)}
+;;@ftindex srfi-1
+;;Implements the @dfn{SRFI-1} @dfn{list-processing library} as described
+;;at @url{http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html}
+(require "slib-mulapply.scm")
+(require "slib-sc2.scm")		;for append!
+(require "slib-comlist.scm")
+;;@subheading Constructors
+;; @code{(define (xcons d a) (cons a d))}.
+(define (xcons d a) (cons a d))
+;; Returns a list of length @1.  Element @var{i} is
+;;@code{(@2 @var{i})} for 0 <= @var{i} < @1.
+(define (list-tabulate len proc)
+  (do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1))
+       (ans '() (cons (proc i) ans)))
+      ((< i 0) ans)))
+;;@args obj1 obj2
+(define cons* list*)
+;;@args flist
+(define list-copy copy-list)
+;;@args count start step
+;;@args count start
+;;@args count
+;;Returns a list of @1 numbers: (@2, @2+ at 3, @dots{},  @2+(@1-1)*@3).
+(define (iota count . args)
+  (let ((start (if (null? args) 0 (car args)))
+	(step (if (or (null? args) (null? (cdr args))) 1 (cadr args))))
+    (list-tabulate count (lambda (idx) (+ start (* step idx))))))
+;;Returns a circular list of @1, @2, @dots{}.
+(define (circular-list obj1 . obj2)
+  (let ((ans (cons obj1 obj2)))
+    (set-cdr! (last-pair ans) ans)
+    ans))
+;;@subheading Predicates
+;;@args obj
+(define proper-list? list?)
+(define (circular-list? x)
+  (let lp ((x x) (lag x))
+    (and (pair? x)
+	 (let ((x (cdr x)))
+	   (and (pair? x)
+		(let ((x   (cdr x))
+		      (lag (cdr lag)))
+		  (or (eq? x lag) (lp x lag))))))))
+(define (dotted-list? obj)
+  (not (or (proper-list? obj) (circular-list? obj))))
+;;@args obj
+(define null-list? null?)
+(define (not-pair? obj) (not (pair? obj)))
+(define (list= =pred . lists)
+  (or (null? lists)			; special case
+      (let lp1 ((list-a (car lists)) (others (cdr lists)))
+	(or (null? others)
+	    (let ((list-b (car others))
+		  (others (cdr others)))
+	      (if (eq? list-a list-b)	; EQ? => LIST=
+		  (lp1 list-b others)
+		  (let lp2 ((list-a list-a) (list-b list-b))
+		    (if (null-list? list-a)
+			(and (null-list? list-b)
+			     (lp1 list-b others))
+			(and (not (null-list? list-b))
+			     (=pred (car list-a) (car list-b))
+			     (lp2 (cdr list-a) (cdr list-b)))))))))))
+;;@subheading Selectors
+;;@args pair
+(define first  car)
+;;@args pair
+(define second cadr)
+;;@args pair
+(define third  caddr)
+;;@args pair
+(define fourth cadddr)
+(define (fifth   pair) (car    (cddddr pair)))
+(define (sixth   pair) (cadr   (cddddr pair)))
+(define (seventh pair) (caddr  (cddddr pair)))
+(define (eighth  pair) (cadddr (cddddr pair)))
+(define (ninth   pair) (car  (cddddr (cddddr pair))))
+(define (tenth   pair) (cadr (cddddr (cddddr pair))))
+(define (car+cdr pair) (values (car pair) (cdr pair)))
+;;@args lst k
+(define (drop lst k) (nthcdr k lst))
+(define (take lst k) (butnthcdr k lst))
+(define (take! lst k)
+  (if (or (null? lst) (<= k 0))
+    '()
+    (begin (set-cdr! (drop (- k 1) lst) '()) lst)))
+;;@args lst k
+(define take-right last)
+;;@args lst k
+(define drop-right butlast)
+;;@args lst k
+(define drop-right! drop-right)
+(define (split-at lst k)
+  (let loop ((l '()) (r lst) (k k))
+    (if (or (null? r) (= k 0))
+      (values (reverse! l) r)
+      (loop (cons (car r) l) (cdr r) (- k 1)))))
+(define (split-at! lst k)
+  (if (= k 0)
+    (values '() lst)
+    (let* ((half (drop lst (- k 1)))
+	   (r (cdr half)))
+      (set-cdr! half '())
+      (values lst r))))
+(define (last lst . k)
+  (if (null? k)
+      (car (last-pair lst))
+      (apply take-right lst k)))
+;;@subheading Miscellaneous
+(define (length+ clist) (and (list? clist) (length clist)))
+;;Append and append! are provided by R4RS and rev2-procedures.
+(define (concatenate  lists) (reduce-right append  '() lists))
+(define (concatenate! lists) (reduce-right append! '() lists))
+;;Reverse is provided by R4RS.
+;;@args lst
+(define reverse! nreverse)
+(define (append-reverse rev-head tail)
+  (let lp ((rev-head rev-head) (tail tail))
+    (if (null-list? rev-head) tail
+	(lp (cdr rev-head) (cons (car rev-head) tail)))))
+(define (append-reverse! rev-head tail)
+  (let lp ((rev-head rev-head) (tail tail))
+    (if (null-list? rev-head) tail
+	(let ((next-rev (cdr rev-head)))
+	  (set-cdr! rev-head tail)
+	  (lp next-rev rev-head)))))
+(define (zip list1 . list2) (apply map list list1 list2))
+(define (unzip1 lst) (map car lst))
+(define (unzip2 lst) (values (map car lst) (map cadr lst)))
+(define (unzip3 lst) (values (map car lst) (map cadr lst) (map caddr lst)))
+(define (unzip4 lst) (values (map car lst) (map cadr lst) (map caddr lst)
+			     (map cadddr lst)))
+(define (unzip5 lst) (values (map car lst) (map cadr lst) (map caddr lst)
+			     (map cadddr lst) (map fifth lst)))
+(define (count pred list1 . list2)
+  (cond ((null? list2)
+	 (let mapf ((l list1) (count 0))
+	   (if (null? l)
+	       count (mapf (cdr l)
+			   (+ count (if (pred (car l)) 1 0))))))
+	(else (let mapf ((l list1) (rest list2) (count 0))
+		(if (null? l)
+		    count
+		    (mapf (cdr l)
+			  (map cdr rest)
+			  (+ count (if (apply pred (car l) (map car rest))
+				       1 0))))))))
+;;@subheading Fold and Unfold
+;;@args kons knil clist1 clist2 ...
+(define (fold f z l1 . l)
+  (set! l (cons l1 l))
+  (if (any null? l)
+      z
+      (apply fold (cons* f (apply f (append! (map car l) (list z)))
+			 (map cdr l)))))
+;;@args kons knil clist1 clist2 ...
+(define (fold-right f z l1 . l)
+  (set! l (cons l1 l))
+  (if (any null? l)
+      z
+      (apply f (append! (map car l)
+			(list (apply fold-right (cons* f z (map cdr l))))))))
+;;@args kons knil clist1 clist2 ...
+(define (pair-fold f z l)		;XXX should be multi-arg
+  (if (null? l)
+      z
+      (let ((tail (cdr l)))
+	(pair-fold f (f l z) tail))))
+;;@args kons knil clist1 clist2 ...
+(define (pair-fold-right f z l)		;XXX should be multi-arg
+  (if (null? l)
+      z
+      (f l (pair-fold-right f z (cdr l)))))
+(define (reduce f ridentity list)
+  (if (null? list) ridentity (fold f (car list) (cdr list))))
+(define (reduce-right f ridentity list)
+  (if (null? list)
+      ridentity
+      (let red ((l (cdr list)) (ridentity (car list)))
+	(if (null? list)
+	    ridentity
+	    (f ridentity (red (cdr list) (car list)))))))
+;;; We stop when CLIST1 runs out, not when any list runs out.
+;;@args f clist1 clist2 ...
+(define (map! f clist1 . lists)
+  (if (pair? lists)
+      (let lp ((clist1 clist1) (lists lists))
+	(if (not (null-list? clist1))
+	    (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+              (lambda () (%cars+cdrs/no-test lists))
+              (lambda (heads tails)
+                (set-car! clist1 (apply f (car clist1) heads))
+                (lp (cdr clist1) tails)))))
+      ;; Fast path.
+      (pair-for-each (lambda (pair) (set-car! pair (f (car pair)))) clist1))
+  clist1)
+;;@args f clist1 clist2 ...
+(define (pair-for-each proc clist1 . lists)
+  (if (pair? lists)
+      (let lp ((lists (cons clist1 lists)))
+	(let ((tails (%cdrs lists)))
+	  (if (pair? tails)
+	      (begin (apply proc lists)
+		     (lp tails)))))
+      ;; Fast path.
+      (let lp ((lis clist1))
+	(if (not (null-list? lis))
+	    (let ((tail (cdr lis)))	; Grab the cdr now,
+	      (proc lis)		; in case PROC SET-CDR!s LIS.
+	      (lp tail))))))
+(define (filter-map f l1 . l)
+  (let loop ((l (cons l1 l)) (r '()))
+    (if (any null? l)
+      (reverse! r)
+      (let ((x (apply f (map car l))))
+	(loop (map! cdr l) (if x (cons x r) r))))))
+;;@subheading Filtering and Partitioning
+;;@args pred list
+(define (filter pred lis)			; Sleazing with EQ? makes this one faster.
+  (let recur ((lis lis))
+    (if (null-list? lis) lis			; Use NOT-PAIR? to handle dotted lists.
+	(let ((head (car lis))
+	      (tail (cdr lis)))
+	  (if (pred head)
+	      (let ((new-tail (recur tail)))	; Replicate the RECUR call so
+		(if (eq? tail new-tail) lis
+		    (cons head new-tail)))
+	      (recur tail))))))			; this one can be a tail call.
+;;@args pred list
+(define (filter! p? l)
+  (call-with-values (lambda () (partition! p? l))
+		    (lambda (x y) x)))
+;;@args pred list
+(define (partition pred lis)
+  (let recur ((lis lis))
+    (if (null-list? lis) (values lis lis)	; Use NOT-PAIR? to handle dotted lists.
+	(let ((elt (car lis))
+	      (tail (cdr lis)))
+	  (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+            (lambda () (recur tail))
+            (lambda (in out)
+              (if (pred elt)
+                (values (if (pair? out) (cons elt in) lis) out)
+                (values in (if (pair? in) (cons elt out) lis)))))))))
+;;@args pred list
+(define remove
+  (let ((comlist:remove remove))
+    (lambda (pred l)
+      (if (procedure? pred)
+	  (filter (lambda (x) (not (pred x))) l)
+	  (comlist:remove pred l))))) ; 'remove' has incompatible semantics in comlist of SLIB!
+;;@args pred list
+(define (partition! p? l)
+  (if (null? l)
+    (values l l)
+    (let ((p-ptr (cons '*unused* l)) (not-ptr (cons '*unused* l)))
+      (let loop ((l l) (p-prev p-ptr) (not-prev not-ptr))
+	(cond ((null? l)	(values (cdr p-ptr) (cdr not-ptr)))
+	      ((p? (car l))	(begin (set-cdr! not-prev (cdr l))
+				       (loop (cdr l) l not-prev)))
+	      (else		(begin (set-cdr! p-prev (cdr l))
+				       (loop (cdr l) p-prev l))))))))
+;;@args pred list
+(define (remove! pred l) (filter! (lambda (x) (not (pred x))) l))
+;;@subheading Searching
+;;@args pred clist
+(define find find-if)
+;;@args pred clist
+(define find-tail member-if)
+;;@args pred list
+(define (span pred lis)
+  (let recur ((lis lis))
+    (if (null-list? lis) (values '() '())
+	(let ((x (car lis)))
+	  (if (pred x)
+	      (call-with-values ; eliminated a receive call
+                (lambda () (recur (cdr lis)))
+                (lambda (prefix suffix)
+                  (values (cons x prefix) suffix)))
+	      (values '() lis))))))
+;;@args pred list
+(define (span! p? lst)
+  (let loop ((l lst) (prev (cons '*unused* lst)))
+    (cond ((null? l)	(values lst '()))
+	  ((p? (car l))	(loop (cdr l) l))
+	  (else		(begin (set-cdr! prev '()) (values lst l))))))
+;;@args pred list
+(define (break p? l) (span (lambda (x) (not (p? x))) l))
+;;@args pred list
+(define (break! p? l) (span! (lambda (x) (not (p? x))) l))
+;;@args pred clist1 clist2 ...
+(define (any pred lis1 . lists)
+  (if (pair? lists)
+      ;; N-ary case
+      (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+        (lambda () (%cars+cdrs (cons lis1 lists)))
+        (lambda (heads tails)
+          (and (pair? heads)
+               (let lp ((heads heads) (tails tails))
+                 (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+                   (lambda () (%cars+cdrs tails))
+                   (lambda (next-heads next-tails)
+                     (if (pair? next-heads)
+                       (or (apply pred heads) (lp next-heads next-tails))
+                       (apply pred heads)))))))) ; Last PRED app is tail call.
+      ;; Fast path
+      (and (not (null-list? lis1))
+	   (let lp ((head (car lis1)) (tail (cdr lis1)))
+	     (if (null-list? tail)
+		 (pred head)		; Last PRED app is tail call.
+		 (or (pred head) (lp (car tail) (cdr tail))))))))
+;;@args pred clist1 clist2 ...
+(define (list-index pred lis1 . lists)
+  (if (pair? lists)
+      ;; N-ary case
+      (let lp ((lists (cons lis1 lists)) (n 0))
+        (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+          (lambda () (%cars+cdrs lists))
+                (lambda (heads tails)
+            (and (pair? heads)
+                 (if (apply pred heads) n
+                   (lp tails (+ n 1)))))))
+      ;; Fast path
+      (let lp ((lis lis1) (n 0))
+	(and (not (null-list? lis))
+	     (if (pred (car lis)) n (lp (cdr lis) (+ n 1)))))))
+;;@args obj list =
+;;@args obj list
+(define member
+  (let ((old-member member))
+    (lambda (obj list . pred)
+      (if (null? pred)
+	  (old-member obj list)
+	  (let ((pred (car pred)))
+	    (find-tail (lambda (ob) (pred ob obj)) list))))))
+;;@subheading Deleting
+;;@args x list =
+;;@args x list
+(define (delete-duplicates l =?)
+  (let loop ((l l) (r '()))
+    (if (null? l)
+      (reverse! r)
+      (loop (cdr l)
+	    (if (member (car l) r =?) r (cons (car l) r))))))
+;;@args x list =
+;;@args x list
+(define delete-duplicates! delete-duplicates)
+;;@subheading Association lists
+;;@args obj alist pred
+;;@args obj alist
+(define assoc
+  (let ((old-assoc assoc))
+    (lambda (obj alist . pred)
+      (if (null? pred)
+	  (old-assoc obj alist)
+	  (let ((pred (car pred)))
+	    (find (lambda (pair) (pred obj (car pair))) alist))))))
+;; XXX maybe define the following in alist and require that module here?
+;;@args key datum alist
+(define (alist-cons k d l) (cons (cons k d) l))
+;;@args alist
+(define (alist-copy l)
+  (map (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (cdr x))) l))
+;;@args key alist =
+;;@args key alist
+(define (alist-delete k l . opt)
+  (let ((key=? (if (pair? opt) (car opt) equal?)))
+    (remove (lambda (x) (key=? (car x) k)) l)))
+;;@args key alist =
+;;@args key alist
+(define (alist-delete! k l . opt)
+  (let ((key=? (if (pair? opt) (car opt) equal?)))
+    (remove! (lambda (x) (key=? (car x) k)) l)))
+;;@subheading Set operations
+;;@args = list1 @dots{}
+;;Determine if a  transitive subset relation exists between the lists @2
+;;@dots{}, using @1 to determine equality of list members.
+(define (lset<= =? . l)
+  (or (null? l)
+      (letrec ((subset? (lambda (l1 l2)
+			  (or (eq? l1 l2)
+			      (every (lambda (x) (member x l2)) l1)))))
+	(let loop ((l1 (car l)) (l (cdr l)))
+	  (or (null? l)
+	      (let ((l2 (car l)))
+		(and (subset? l1 l2)
+		     (loop l2 (cdr l)))))))))
+;;@args = list1 list2 @dots{}
+(define (lset= =? . l)
+  (or (null? l)
+      (let loop ((l1 (car l)) (l (cdr l)))
+	(or (null? l)
+	    (let ((l2 (car l)))
+	      (and (lset<= =? l1 l2)
+		   (lset<= =? l2 l1)
+		   (loop (if (< (length l1) (length l2)) l1 l2)
+			 (cdr l))))))))
+;;@args list elt1 @dots{}
+(define (lset-adjoin =? l1 . l2)
+  (let ((adjoin (lambda (x l)
+		  (if (member x l =?) l (cons x l)))))
+    (fold adjoin l1 l2)))
+;;@args = list1 @dots{}
+(define (lset-union =? . l)
+  (let ((union (lambda (l1 l2)
+		 (if (or (null? l2) (eq? l1 l2))
+		   l1
+		   (apply lset-adjoin (cons* =? l2 l1))))))
+    (fold union '() l)))
+;;@args = list1 list2 @dots{}
+(define (lset-intersection =? l1 . l)
+  (let loop ((l l) (r l1))
+    (cond ((null? l)		r)
+	  ((null? (car l))	'())
+	  (else (loop (cdr l)
+		      (filter (lambda (x) (member x (car l) =?)) r))))))
+;;@args = list1 list2 ...
+(define (lset-difference =? l1 . l)
+  (call-with-current-continuation
+   (lambda (return)
+     (let ((diff (lambda (l1 l2)
+		   (cond ((null? l2)	(return '()))
+			 ((null? l1)	l2)
+			 (else		(remove (lambda (x) (member x l1 =?))
+						l2))))))
+       (fold diff l1 l)))))
+;; Alternatively definition of lset-difference, for large numbers of sets.
+;(define (lset-difference =? l1 . l)
+;  (set! l (cdr (delete-duplicates! (cons l1 l) eq?)))
+;  (case (length l)
+;    ((0)	l1)
+;    ((1)	(remove (lambda (x) (member x l1 =?)) (car l)))
+;    (else	(apply (lset-difference! (cons* =? (list-copy l1) l))))))
+;;@args = list1 ...
+(define (lset-xor =? . l)
+  (let ((xor (lambda (l1 l2) (lset-union =? (lset-difference =? l1 l2)
+					    (lset-difference =? l2 l1)))))
+    (fold xor '() l)))
+;;@args = list1 list2 ...
+(define (lset-diff+intersection =? l1 . l)
+  (let ((u (apply lset-union (cons =? l))))
+    (values (lset-difference   =? l1 u)
+	    (lset-intersection =? l1 u))))
+;;These are linear-update variants.  They are allowed, but not
+;;required, to use the cons cells in their first list parameter to
+;;construct their answer.  @code{lset-union!} is permitted to recycle
+;;cons cells from any of its list arguments.
+;;@args = list1 list2 ...
+(define lset-intersection! lset-intersection)
+;;@args = list1 list2 ...
+(define (lset-difference! =? l1 . l)
+  (let loop ((l l) (d l1))
+    (if (or (null? l) (null? d))
+      d
+      (loop (cdr l)
+	    (let ((l1 (car l)))
+	      (if (null? l1) d (remove! (lambda (x) (member x l1 =?)) d)))))))
+;;@args = list1 ...
+(define (lset-union! =? . l)
+  (let loop ((l l) (u '()))
+    (if (null? l)
+      u
+      (loop (cdr l)
+	    (cond ((null? (car l))	u)
+		  ((eq? (car l) u)	u)
+		  ((null? u)		(car l))
+		  (else (append-reverse! (lset-difference! =? (car l) u)
+					 u)))))))
+;;@args = list1 ...
+(define lset-xor!		lset-xor)
+;;@args = list1 list2 ...
+(define lset-diff+intersection!	lset-diff+intersection)
+;;;; helper functions from the reference implementation:
+;;; LISTS is a (not very long) non-empty list of lists.
+;;; Return two lists: the cars & the cdrs of the lists.
+;;; However, if any of the lists is empty, just abort and return [() ()].
+(define (%cars+cdrs lists)
+  (call-with-current-continuation
+    (lambda (abort)
+      (let recur ((lists lists))
+        (if (pair? lists)
+	    (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+              (lambda () (car+cdr lists))
+              (lambda (list other-lists)
+                (if (null-list? list) (abort '() '()) ; LIST is empty -- bail out
+                  (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+                    (lambda () (car+cdr list))
+                    (lambda (a d)
+                      (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+                        (lambda () (recur other-lists))
+                        (lambda (cars cdrs)
+                          (values (cons a cars) (cons d cdrs)))))))))
+            (values '() '()))))))
+;;; Like %CARS+CDRS, but blow up if any list is empty.
+(define (%cars+cdrs/no-test lists)
+  (let recur ((lists lists))
+    (if (pair? lists)
+      (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+        (lambda () (car+cdr lists))
+        (lambda (list other-lists)
+          (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+            (lambda () (car+cdr list))
+            (lambda (a d)
+              (call-with-values ; expanded a receive call
+                (lambda () (recur other-lists))
+                (lambda (cars cdrs)
+                  (values (cons a cars) (cons d cdrs))))))))
+      (values '() '()))))
+(define (%cdrs lists)
+  (call-with-current-continuation
+    (lambda (abort)
+      (let recur ((lists lists))
+	(if (pair? lists)
+	    (let ((lis (car lists)))
+	      (if (null-list? lis) (abort '())
+		  (cons (cdr lis) (recur (cdr lists)))))
+	    '())))))

Modified: branches/r5rs/scm/util.scm
--- branches/r5rs/scm/util.scm	2005-08-20 16:56:51 UTC (rev 1243)
+++ branches/r5rs/scm/util.scm	2005-08-20 17:41:05 UTC (rev 1244)
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
+(require "slib-mulapply.scm")
+(require "slib-srfi-1.scm")
 ;; Current uim implementation treats char as integer
@@ -38,8 +40,7 @@
 ;; TODO: write test
 (define string-escape
   (lambda (s)
-    (let ((buf (string-append "\"\"" s s)))
-      (print-to-string s buf))))
+    (string-append "\"\"" s s)))
 ;; TODO: write test
 (define string->char
@@ -265,6 +266,18 @@
 	(- c 48)
+(define char-downcase
+  (lambda (c)
+    (if (char-upper-case? c)
+	(+ c 32)
+	c)))
+(define char-upcase
+  (lambda (c)
+    (if (char-lower-case? c)
+	(- c 32)
+	c)))
 ;; backward compatibility: should be obsoleted
@@ -290,224 +303,29 @@
 ;; SRFI procedures (don't expect 100% compatibility)
-;;(define take)
-;;(define drop)
-;;(define take-right)
-;;(define drop-right)
-;;(define split-at)
-(define list-tabulate
-  (lambda (n init-proc)
-    (if (< n 0)
-	(error "bad length for list-tabulate")
-	(let self ((i (- n 1))
-		   (res ()))
-	  (if (< i 0)
-	      res
-	      (self (- i 1)
-		    (cons (init-proc i) res)))))))
-;; This procedure does not conform to the SRFI-1 specification. The
-;; argument 'fill' is required.
-(define make-list
-  (lambda (n fill)
-    (list-tabulate n
-		   (lambda (i)
-		     fill))))
-;; This procedure does not conform to the SRFI-1 specification. The
-;; optional argument 'step' is not supported.
-(define iota
-  (lambda args
-    (let ((count (car args))
-	  (start (if (not (null? (cdr args)))
-		     (cadr args)
-		     0)))
-      (list-tabulate (- count start)
-		     (lambda (i)
-		       (+ start i))))))
 (define last-pair
   (lambda (lst)
     (if (pair? (cdr lst))
 	(last-pair (cdr lst))
-;; TODO: write test
-(define last
-  (lambda (lst)
-    (car (last-pair lst))))
-;; only accepts 2 lists
-;; TODO: write test
-(define append! nconc)
-(define concatenate
-  (lambda (lists)
-    (apply append lists)))
-(define concatenate!
-  (lambda (lists)
-    ;;(fold-right append! () lists)
-    (fold append! () (reverse lists))))
-(define zip
-  (lambda lists
-      (let ((runs-out? (apply proc-or (map null? lists))))
-	(if runs-out?
-	    ()
-	    (let* ((elms (map car lists))
-		   (rests (map cdr lists)))
-	      (cons elms (apply zip rests)))))))
 (define append-map
   (lambda args
     (concatenate! (apply map args))))
-(define append-reverse
-  (lambda (rev-head tail)
-    (fold cons tail rev-head)))
-(define find
-  (lambda (f lst)
-    (cond
-     ((null? lst)
-      #f)
-     ((f (car lst))
-      (car lst))
-     (else
-      (find f (cdr lst))))))
-;; TODO: write test
-;; replaced with faster C version
-;;(define find-tail
-;;  (lambda (pred lst)
-;;    (cond
-;;     ((null? lst)
-;;      #f)
-;;     ((pred (car lst))
-;;      lst)
-;;     (else
-;;      (find-tail pred (cdr lst))))))
-(define any
-  (lambda args
-    (let* ((pred (car args))
-	   (lists (cdr args)))
-      (iterate-lists (lambda (state elms)
-		       (if (null? elms)
-			   '(#t . #f)
-			   (let ((res (apply pred elms)))
-			     (cons res res))))
-		     #f lists))))       
-(define every
-  (lambda args
-    (let* ((pred (car args))
-	   (lists (cdr args)))
-      (iterate-lists (lambda (state elms)
-		       (if (null? elms)
-			   '(#t . #t)
-			   (let ((res (apply pred elms)))
-			     (cons (not res) res))))
-		     #f lists))))	       
-(define fold
-  (lambda args
-    (let* ((kons (car args))
-	   (knil (cadr args))
-	   (lists (cddr args)))
-      (iterate-lists (lambda (state elms)
-		       (if (null? elms)
-			   (cons #t state)
-			   (cons #f (apply kons (append elms (list state))))))
-		     knil lists))))
-(define unfold
-  (lambda args
-    (let ((term? (list-ref args 0))
-	  (kar   (list-ref args 1))
-	  (kdr   (list-ref args 2))
-	  (seed  (list-ref args 3))
-	  (tail-gen (if (= (length args)
-			   5)
-			(list-ref args 4)
-			(lambda (x) ()))))
-      (if (term? seed)
-	  (tail-gen seed)
-	  (cons (kar seed)
-		(unfold term? kar kdr (kdr seed) tail-gen))))))
-(define filter
-  (lambda args
-    (let ((pred (car args))
-	  (lst (cadr args)))
-      (iterate-lists (lambda (state elms)
-		       (if (null? elms)
-			   (cons #t (reverse state))
-			   (let ((elm (car elms)))
-			     (cons #f (if (pred elm)
-					  (cons elm state)
-					  state)))))
-		     () (list lst)))))
-(define filter-map
-  (lambda args
-    (let ((f (car args))
-	  (lists (cdr args)))
-      (iterate-lists (lambda (state elms)
-		       (if (null? elms)
-			   (cons #t (reverse state))
-			   (let ((mapped (apply f elms)))
-			     (cons #f (if mapped
-					  (cons mapped state)
-					  state)))))
-		     () lists))))
-(define remove
-  (lambda (pred lst)
-    (filter (lambda (elm)
-	      (not (pred elm)))
-	    lst)))
-;; TODO: write test
-(define delete
-  (lambda args
-    (let ((x (car args))
-	  (lst (cadr args))
-	  (val=? (if (null? (cddr args))
-		     equal?
-		     (car (cddr args)))))
-      (filter (lambda (elm)
-		(not (val=? elm x)))
-	      lst))))
-(define alist-delete
-  (lambda args
-    (let ((key (car args))
-	  (alist (cadr args))
-	  (key=? (if (null? (cddr args))
-		     equal?
-		     (car (cddr args)))))
-    (remove (lambda (elm)
-	      (key=? (car elm)
-		     key))
-	    alist))))
 ;; SRFI-60 procedures
 ;; Siod's bit operation procedures take only two arguments
 ;; TODO: write tests
-;(define bitwise-not bit-not)
-;(define bitwise-and
-;  (lambda xs
-;    (fold bit-and (bitwise-not 0) xs)))
-;(define bitwise-or
-;  (lambda xs
-;    (fold bit-or 0 xs)))
-;(define bitwise-xor
-;  (lambda xs
-;    (fold bit-xor 0 xs)))
+(define bitwise-not bit-not)
+(define bitwise-and
+  (lambda xs
+    (fold bit-and (bitwise-not 0) xs)))
+(define bitwise-or
+  (lambda xs
+    (fold bit-or 0 xs)))
+(define bitwise-xor
+  (lambda xs
+    (fold bit-xor 0 xs)))
 ;; uim-specific utilities

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