[Uim] Some uim problems (+ update on romaja method)

David Oftedal david at start.no
Wed Dec 24 15:04:50 EET 2003

I've changed the romaja scheme a bit... I'm now using "n" and "ng" 
instead of "nn" and "ng". The problem of reversed letters has suddenly 

I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to separate hangeul from each 
other though... Writing the word "hangeul" works surprisingly well, 
since the engine pairs the g with the e, making the output "han geul".

However, if you want to write "hang eul", instead, that's not possible, 
because there's no way to break off the editing of the first character. 
Of course, you could always type something like "hangl <backspace> eul".

There's a more serious problem, though, that I think needs fixing.

When you input a character using any of the uim methods, it isn't 
transferred to the document until you type another letter. The character 
you've typed in simply appears as white on a black background, and if 
you press return, an arrow key etc., the character just disappears.

For instance, typing "a" with the IPA map will give you an a with 
inverted colors that will disappear if you press certain keys.

The same happens in uim-anthy; When I type in "watashi", for instance, I 
get the correct kanji, but it appears in white on a black background, 
and disappears if I press return.

That means it's impossible to use linebreaks when typing with uim, for 
one thing, which is pretty bad if you like neat documents.

Any ideas on how this could be fixed?

-Dave Oftedal

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