[Uim] Release system of uim

Paul Hampson Paul.Hampson at anu.edu.au
Sat Dec 4 11:09:12 EET 2004

On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 07:31:56AM +0900, TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki wrote:
> We should have discussions about future of uim. In this mail, I want to
> discuss about release system.

> Yes, we already discussed this topic, but current system is a misstep
> obviously. We need new one.

> As you know, the number of uim users is growing, we have to provide
> stable release. For this purpose, I want to change release system.

> My prolosal is quite similar to linux's. That is:

> If minor version is even, that's stable release.
> If minor version is uneven, that's development release.

> For example, 0.5.x is development version to release 0.6.0 as stable
> release. There's no beta release. (1.0.0 is exception. Because it's very
> very important, I'll do beta release and release candidate.)

I just wanted to point out that the Linux kernel has recently
(in 2.6) changed to 2.6 being less stable, and the linux distributions
are responsible for picking a "stable" kernel they're happy with.

I think that this actually reflects the idea that the best way to get
lots of testing is to get testing versions into distribution, so people
don't have to compile it themselves.

As such, it would be nice (for me, as a Debian user) if a svn commit
triggered an automatic build of a Debian package. I'd love to add it
to my sources.list so my laptop gets the latest version every time I
update it. ^_^

Alternatively, if the Debian maintainer (or someone else) uploaded
CVS versions to Debian/experimental, that would also be nice, _and_
would get UIM's subversion head tested on Debian's array of

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, MCSE
7th year CompSci/Asian Studies student, ANU
The Boss, Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)
Paul.Hampson at Anu.edu.au

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