[Uim] traditional Chinese py input?

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Thu Jan 22 21:10:07 EET 2004


Sorry, I think there's a confusion which came from the lack of

Following is how to add new input method for uim.

1. Create new input method

2. Put your input method to scm/ and add new
line '(require "your-im.scm")' to loader.scm

3. Exec $sh test.sh at top directory of uim's source

4. Right click at text entry widget and select your input method

That's all to test your input method. 

To add your input method to your system, some additional works may be

If you are using package such RPM, deb, .ebuild, the easiest way is to
add the new input method to source of package and rebuild the package.
On the other hand, if you are using uim from source, you may have to
update your /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules by hand.

If this process doesn't go well, mail me your input method. (Or if you
want to add you input method to uim's source tarball.)



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