[Uim] Web page management

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Tue Jul 27 08:46:04 EEST 2004

Web page is quite important, because most people don't check other
stuff such as MailingList, subversion repository.

So, we should make reader-friendly web page and update it frequently
wherever possible. We must improve our project page.

There are a few improvement proposals.

First, there is a restriction of ContentsManagementSystem. We cannot use
any CMS if we keep our official URI http://uim.freedesktop.org/, because
it's a part of wiki of freedesktop.org. (Of course we'll be able to use
our own CMS if we submit a request, but I don't want to so.) Though I
think the best way to update frequently is using CMS. So, next way is
splitting news page to other URI. (E.G.

There is a question, which CMS we should use? I want to add a new
article from web interface, edit articles from web interface, customize
appearance. WiKi is useful, but it doesn't have a concept of article...
Does anyone have a good answer?

Second, the top page of uim web page lacks appropriate description of
uim, relation of uim and other softwares. Input method world is complex
and confusable, most people don't understand overview of input method.
Is there a person who have a will to write these descriptions?

Third, supported language list is out of date. But now uim support too
many scripts to show them at the top of http://uim.freedesktop.org/.
This is obvious, so I'll split this list to other page after I release

If you feel there are more problems, please reply.


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