[Uim] [Docs] Information for email list help requests

Martin Swift martin at swift.is
Fri Dec 29 03:23:09 PST 2006

Hi gang,

Currently the Support chapter structure is as follows:
 * FAQs
 * Troubleshooting
 * UIM mailing list
 * Requesting features and reporting bugs

This order reflects the order of pages by which I think users should 
look through with their problems. That suggests contacting this email
list after going through the Troubleshooting page.

I imagine that it would be helpful for everyone if there was some set
of guidelines about what to include in any support requests to the
list. Can anyone suggest what should be included in such a guideline?

Uim, dictionary and GTK/QT/X11 versions (when applicable) versions are
obvious. Is there anything else? Logs?



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