[Uim] Improvement of documentation

Martin Swift martin at swift.is
Tue Apr 3 19:46:55 EEST 2007

Dear all,

As you may remember there was some discussion about improving the user
documentation under this subject a few months ago. Since then, I've
dabbled with a revised version at
It is far from completion and the pages that are up are all in need of
revision. I just wanted to briefly give a quick status report and ask for
comments and critisisms.

The current pages (Introduction, Installation, Setup, Usage, Support
and Troubleshooting) are mostly rewritten from the Freedesktop.org
documentation so as to not omit anything of importance. I've rewritten
some of it, but tried to concentrate on adding content rather than
polishing prose.

There are some issues that I haven't been able to find the questions
to and I've labelled them as "Todo"s. If you browse through the docs,
please read these and let me know if you can shed any light on my
questions, or have any other comments.

I hope that you find the time to visit the site and look through the
docs. I would be very interested in hearing anything you have to say
about it (both positive and negative). If you feel comfortable editing
the MediaWiki source, please feel free to edit or add to the

Martin Swift


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