[PATCH wayland] protocol: Add set_xwayland request for new shell surface type

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 15:10:25 PST 2012

Tiago Vignatti wrote:

> About the availability of it to regular Wayland clients, I agree, it's a 
> problem. Bill Spitzak pointed this out on the previous set. It sets a 
> bad example because it exposes global position to all regular clients 
> and we don't want this.

Actually I prefer this. I think if you put it into some xwayland api, 
then all that is going to happen is that clients are going to use the 
xwayland api, rather than the shell api. So moving it to X makes client 
behavior worse, not better.

You have to realize that any commercial multi-platform software is going 
to get this information, no matter how hard it is, because it is 
difficult to imagine any scheme were adding #ifdefs and a new 
implementation to software that positions windows correctly on X, 
Windows, and OS/X, is a smaller amount of work. The fact that the X api 
needs this information means it is there, and the hackers are going to 
get it, no matter how much you wish they did not.

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