[PATCH] window: Use new xkbcommon include path

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Thu Feb 16 15:29:46 PST 2012


2012/2/16 Kristian Høgsberg <krh at bitplanet.net>:
> 2012/2/16 Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org>:
>> 2012/2/16 Kristian Høgsberg <krh at bitplanet.net>:
>>> Thanks, applied.  Looks better, but what about standalone keysyms and
>>> modifier masks?
>> Thanks, but, 'standalone'? I'm not quite sure I follow ...
> I've been thinking about whether we should pull the keysym and
> modifier defs from xproto into the xkbcommon namespace, so we can use
> xkbcommon without the xproto files.

Yes, sorry, I'm with you now.  Some of the changes I've been working
on involve splitting X11-specific code out to separate API, so for the
modifiers we can use virtual modifiers exclusively rather than relying
on a mapping back to core modifiers and then using those X-specific
defines.  For the keysyms, I think it definitely makes sense to pull
(at least a subset of) the keysyms into xkbcommon, and then make
xproto depend on xkbcommon rather than vice-versa.

Annoyingly though, this would also involve getting our own equivalent
to X_EXPORT/WL_EXPORT and friends.


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