Touch events (was: Towards 1.0)

Chase Douglas chase.douglas at
Mon Feb 20 09:23:28 PST 2012

On 02/17/2012 06:01 PM, Kristian Høgsberg wrote:
>  - input protocol restructuring: break up events into wl_pointer
> (enter/leave/motion/button/axis events, set_pointer_surface request),
> wl_keyboard (enter/leave/key events... what else... unicode event,
> set_map request? pending kb work), and wl_touch (down/up/motion/cancel
> events) interfaces


So the client window will receive touch events without delay, but may
receive a cancel? I am in favor of this approach, but you need to add a
way to tell the window when the window manager has "rejected" a touch
sequence as well. Otherwise the client will never know when they can
perform destructive operations with it.

-- Chase

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