Seats support

Jason Ekstrand jason at
Wed Apr 17 13:48:58 PDT 2013

The seat concept is meant for each seat to correspond to one human
interface to the desktop.  For example, say you have a fancy laptop
with a touchscreen as well as both a trackpad and a nub.  And let's
say that we further complicate the situation by plugging in an
external keyboard/mouse.  All of those devices would be one one seat.
The wl_pointer would be an agrigate from all three pointing devices
and the wl_keyboard would get key events from both keyboards.  the
wl_touch would just be the one touch screen in this case.

As of right now, weston doesn't have a way (as far as I know) to split
your devices into multiple seats.  Then again, I don't really see why
you would want to unless you plan to have two people working on the
same computer simultaneously (I guess that's a possibility).

The only back-end that currently provides multiple seats is
Hardening's RDP back-end that provides one seat for each connected RDP

I hope that helps,
--Jason Ekstrand

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 3:26 AM, Andrew Voron <voland62 at> wrote:
> Hello.
> I want to clarify a seats supporting by wayland(and weston). By "seats
> support" I mean an ability to define in weston.ini file some "seats" and
> imput(keyboard, mouse) and output (monitors) channels for each of that
> seats. If the answer is YES, can you point me any docs related to this
> stuff. If NO, could you explain, please, a "seat" metaphor of the protocol,
> and how it maps in weston implementation (I saw the wl_seat struct is goes
> through all the code for ex.)
> Tnx for advance.
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