[PATCH 0/2] Support for high DPI outputs via scaling

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Wed May 8 13:27:40 PDT 2013

Todd Showalter wrote:

>     I'm dubious about handling things this way...

If I understand his proposal, it is almost identical to the "scaler" 

Right now if a hi-def output has a scale of 2, the client aware of this 
draws the buffer twice as large and sends a scale of 2 to his api. I 
believe the identical behavior is achieved by sending a scale of 1/2 to 
the proposed scaler api. This includes how event positions are handled.

So I think the proposal can be shorted down to this:

1. Add a scale to the outputs. This goes along with the output transform 
which specifies 90 degree rotations/reflections.

2. Clients that want to draw hi-res surfaces to match the output use the 
scaler api to apply the inverse scale to their surfaces.

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