minimized and stick windows

Bill Spitzak spitzak at
Wed May 15 22:02:53 PDT 2013

Mikko Levonmaa wrote:

> i.e. when going from maximized/fullscreen to the default state the
> compositor could remember the last size and propose that to the client.

The client has to know the default size:

1. It may have initially shown maximized. The compositor therefore has 
not seen it in normal state and does not know the size.

2. The state of the client may have changed while it was maximized such 
that it's normal size has changed.

An actual example of a bug we have run into repeatedly on Windows and in 
Qt (though underlying X you can fix it) is that we want to save our 
window state in a file, and we want to save both the fact that it is 
maximized and what the un-maximized size is. This is not possible if 
only the compositor knows it.

On Windows we are forced to blink a maximized window when created so 
that Windows sees the normal size and remembers it. On X a big kludge is 
done to get around Qt emulating the Windows bug.

It would be nice if Wayland avoided this problem.

So as I see it, if the user hits the "un-maximize" hot key:

1. The compositor sends a state_change event that turns off maximize

2. Client figures out it's un-maximized size, and configures the 
surface, drawing the new resized image.

3. Client sends the state_change request to tell the compositor that 
this new image is not maximized.

4. Client does a commit so the new size, image, and non-maximized state 
are all updated atomically.

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