Wayland surface units (Re: [PATCH 2/2] protocol: Support scaled outputs and surfaces)

Alexander Larsson alexl at redhat.com
Wed May 22 03:14:34 PDT 2013

On ons, 2013-05-22 at 13:01 +0300, Pekka Paalanen wrote:

> > For the record, Microsoft uses "DIP", for Device-independent-pixels, and
> > Apple uses "Points" for the non-hardware coordinates (in the app level
> > APIs).
> And we have no well-known equivalent in the FOSS or Linux world?

Not that I know of.

> DIP would sound fine otherwise, except Microsoft seems to tie it to the
> physical units via dpi again. Meh.
> "pel" sounds nice...

pel is from "Picture ELement", and was historically used equivalently to
"pixel". But "pixel" won that fight and nobody remembers "pel". So, by
now we can probably use them as two not-quite-equivalent units without
risking confusion.

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