[PATCH weston] Fullscreen surfaces

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 14:33:41 PST 2014

There really should not be a "fullscreen layer" which is what is causing 
this problem. "layers" are imho a mistake except for the desttop and the 
mouse cursor.

What I think needs to happen:

Fullscreen, normal windows, and "panels" can be arranged in any stacking 
order, except the compositor enforces this rule:

The "panels" are always just below the lowest fullscreen window. If 
there are no fullscreen windows then the panel is above all windows.

There are several ways to enforce this but one that matches current 
window apis is:

1. When a window is "raised" and there are no fullscreen windows, the 
panels are also raised to remain above it. If there are fullscreen 
windows then the panel is not moved. Note that a window can be raised 
above a fullscreen window, thus solving this bug.

2. Whan a window switches to fullscreen it is also raised (thus it will 
end up above the panel). (an alternative is to lower the panel but that 
is not standard behavior in existing windowing systems).

3. When the last fullscreen window switches to non-fullscreen, the panel 
is raised above all windows.

pochu27 at gmail.com wrote:

> We still have the following problem, but it is not a regression. I am
> not sure how to fix it without regressing other situations. Have a
> fullscreen client and launch a new client, it won't appear in
> the front but behind the fullscreen client.
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74219

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