[PATCH wayland-web 0/7] Version 5 of build instructions patch

Bryce W. Harrington b.harrington at samsung.com
Tue Jun 3 01:09:41 PDT 2014

On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 02:12:28PM -0700, Bill Spitzak wrote:
> This is a duplicate posting but I removed the in-reply-to because that seems to have hidden it, as there have been no comments.
> Changes are to incorporate the patches from Pekka Paalanen, removing incorrect changes I made, and to add the requested links to home pages, and also to the online-versions of git repositories.

Reviewed-by: Bryce Harrington <b.harrington at samsung.com>

I've been doing a monthly from-scratch rebuild of wayland/xwayland on
12.04 using the web documentation.  Going through it this month I
started noticing more problems than usual, so discovered your patches to
the website.

I then went through the steps in the ubuntu 12.04 page your patchset
creates, and resulted in a successful build.  So, thanks for your work!
I ran into only one glitch, which I've mentioned separately.

Btw, since I run this on a few machines I scriptified the directions and
stuck them in github.  Maybe this is of some utility to others:


My usage goes something like:

  0.  `wl_install_deps` on a Ubuntu 12.04 system should apt-get all
      required dependencies.

  1.  `wl_clone` builds the directory structure and checks out all the
      codebases.  Do a full clone only if the repository doesn't exist;
      do a git update otherwise.

  2.  `wl_build` rebuilds everything to ~/Wayland/install

To track wayland I just git pull in the wayland and weston dirs and run
wl_build to see that stuff still builds.  Once a month I rm -rf
~/Wayland/install and do a full wl_clone && wl_build.

Anyway, thanks again for setting up a page for ubuntu 12.04 build
documentation; it's been useful at least for me.  :-)  However I expect
to move my focus to 14.04 shortly so don't feel compelled to maintain
this page indefinitely.


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