[PATCH] protocol: replace the usage of selection with clipboard

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 11:32:24 PDT 2014

Isn't Wayland differentiating between the "selection" and the clipboard?

The selection is changed when the user selects an object. The clipboard 
is changed only when the user does a cut or copy operation.

There is also drag & drop. Though in most cases this can be the same as 
the selection, I think there was some pathological examples showing that 
it has to be it's own piece of data.

One of the patches changed "selection" to "data source", maybe "data 
source" is a better name?

I also am trying to reattach the patch here because for some reason it 
did not show up at text in my email:
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Name: 0001-protocol-replace-the-usage-of-selection-with-clipboa.patch
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