[PATCH 0/2] clients: Fix race conditions.

Paul Liétar paul at lietar.net
Tue May 13 13:54:34 PDT 2014

While experimenting by writing a protocol dumper which acts as a proxy
between clients and weston, I've noticed that all clients using toytoolkit
and simple-touch were crashing or failing.

It is due to the proxy slowing the packets, which causes some races in
the clients.

The following patches add roundtrips in toytoolkit and simple-touch to
fix the problems.

Paul Liétar (2):
  simple-touch: Make sure shm formats have been enumerated.
  window: Make a roundtrip to ensure globals have been enumerated.

 clients/simple-touch.c | 7 ++++++-
 clients/window.c       | 6 +++++-
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


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