[PATCH v2] configure.ac: Change in build system to use the path from pkg-config for wayland-scanner.

Neil Roberts neil at linux.intel.com
Thu May 15 06:23:20 PDT 2014


Srivardhan Hebbar <sri.hebbar at samsung.com> writes:

> +AC_PATH_PROG([wayland_scanner], [wayland-scanner],,

I don't think it makes much sense to search the path for wayland-scanner
when pkg-config already gives you the complete filename. Instead of
trying to derive a directory to search we could just use the filename
directly and check whether it is executable. Then instead of AC_PATH_PROG it
could do something like this:

AC_MSG_CHECKING([for wayland-scanner])
      [AC_MSG_RESULT([not found])
       AC_MSG_ERROR([wayland-scanner was not found])])

The --wayland-scanner-path option could also be replaced with something
that would just take the whole filename too.

- Neil

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