libepoxy configure problem

Bill Spitzak spitzak at
Tue May 27 14:56:35 PDT 2014

I have been able to reliably reproduce the problem:

Build and install mesa into a local $WLD directory. Also 
remove/rename/usr/include/EGL/eglplatform.h. This will simulate a system 
where the global install does not include mesa, but you have built a 
local copy.

Remove (or rename) these two files:


Then in libepoxy source do this:

git clean -xfd
./ --prefix=$WLD

Make will fail as it will not find $WLD/include/EGL/eglplatform.h, due 
to $WLD/include not being on the include search path.

The file egl.pc *is* there, and if it was used would specify the 
necessary include directory. I think the libepoxy configure should use 
"pkg-config --cflags egl" somewhere?

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