yocto bb file for wayland-protocol package

Jussi Kukkonen jussi.kukkonen at intel.com
Tue Apr 26 17:41:20 UTC 2016

On 21 April 2016 at 14:22, 이양우 <YangWoo.lee at hyundai-autron.com> wrote:
> Im trying to build wayland 1.9.91 for TI ARM target board..
> But it looks require wayland-protocols??.bb   I already have wayland.bb
> Weston.bb.
> Anyone give me example for wayland-protocols.bb

Yocto/oe-core is still at wayland/weston 1.9 (versions frozen for
imminent Yocto release) so wayland-protocols is not needed there. If
you upgrade the recipes you will have to create a wayland-protocols
recipe as well.

Once the Yocto release is done, we will start version upgrades again:
I'd expect weston/wayland 1.10 and wayland-protocols updates during
May but feel free to contribute those to oe-core yourself before that
if you're in a hurry.

 -  Jussi

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