[PATCH weston GSoC v2] desktop-shell: make panel clock configurable

Armin Krezović armin.krezovic at fet.ba
Mon Mar 7 14:42:45 UTC 2016

On 07.03.2016 13:37, Pekka Paalanen wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Mar 2016 11:39:13 -0800
> Bryce Harrington <bryce at osg.samsung.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 03:48:03PM +0100, Armin Krezović wrote:
>>> This patch enhances the panel clock by adding a config file
>>> option which can be used to either disable the clock or make
>>> it also show seconds in the current clock format.
>>> v2: Implement suggestions from Pekka's review.
>>> Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57583
>>> Signed-off-by: Armin Krezović <armin.krezovic at fet.ba>  
>> I might name the enum elements CLOCK_FORMAT_* but as long as it's kept
>> local to the desktop-shell.c client it probably doesn't matter.
>> Reviewed-by: Bryce Harrington <bryce at osg.samsung.com>
>> (I just glossed over the adjustments to the cairo position mathematics.
>> I assume it'll be pretty obvious visually if there's an error with
>> that.)
> Hi Armin,
> there is some funny logic that I'd like to see fixed, details inline.


>>> ---
>>>  clients/desktop-shell.c | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
>>>  man/weston.ini.man      |  7 ++++
>>>  weston.ini.in           |  1 +
>>>  3 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/clients/desktop-shell.c b/clients/desktop-shell.c
>>> index 6ab76dc..d98f8b5 100644
>>> --- a/clients/desktop-shell.c
>>> +++ b/clients/desktop-shell.c
>>> @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
>>>  #include "weston-desktop-shell-client-protocol.h"
>>> +
>>>  extern char **environ; /* defined by libc */
>>>  struct desktop {
>>> @@ -122,6 +124,9 @@ struct panel_clock {
>>>  	struct panel *panel;
>>>  	struct task clock_task;
>>>  	int clock_fd;
>>> +	int size_set;
>>> +	char *format_string;
>>> +	time_t refresh_timer;
>>>  };
>>>  struct unlock_dialog {
>>> @@ -356,7 +361,7 @@ panel_clock_redraw_handler(struct widget *widget, void *data)
>>>  	time(&rawtime);
>>>  	timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
>>> -	strftime(string, sizeof string, "%a %b %d, %I:%M %p", timeinfo);
>>> +	strftime(string, sizeof string, clock->format_string, timeinfo);
>>>  	widget_get_allocation(widget, &allocation);
>>>  	if (allocation.width == 0)
>>> @@ -368,12 +373,21 @@ panel_clock_redraw_handler(struct widget *widget, void *data)
>>>  	cairo_set_font_size(cr, 14);
>>>  	cairo_text_extents(cr, string, &extents);
>>> -	cairo_font_extents (cr, &font_extents);
>>> -	cairo_move_to(cr, allocation.x + 5,
>>> +	cairo_font_extents(cr, &font_extents);
>>> +
>>> +	if (!clock->size_set) {
>>> +		allocation.x = allocation.x + allocation.width - extents.width;
>>> +		allocation.width = extents.width + 1;
>>> +		widget_set_allocation(widget, allocation.x, allocation.y,
>>> +				      allocation.width, allocation.height);
> The call to widget_set_allocation() belongs in the resize function, not
> here in the redraw function. Did you have problems putting it there?

When we had a conversation on IRC about this one, you said that the proper way to fix
this is to get the length from text extents, which I did.

I didn't find a way to get access to text extents from within panel resize function,
which is ran before cairo_text_extents is in this function.

>>> +		clock->size_set = 1;
> Using this flag also has the problem, that if the output video mode
> changes permanently, we need to resize again, but you never reset the
> flag. We get resizes through desktop_shell_configure() which through a
> function pointer schedules a widget or window resize.

Yeah, I only thought about that after I hit sent (sometimes working too fast).
Still, it would be properly resized from panel resize handler (see (1) down below).

> A quick quiz(*): what is the value of 'allocation' when entering this
> if-branch? ;-)

According to printf-foo I've used, it's the value set in the panel resize function
(makes sense, since resize handler is ran before the widget is created).

>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	cairo_move_to(cr, allocation.x + 1,
>>>  		      allocation.y + 3 * (allocation.height >> 2) + 1);
>>>  	cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 0, 0);
>>>  	cairo_show_text(cr, string);
>>> -	cairo_move_to(cr, allocation.x + 4,
>>> +	cairo_move_to(cr, allocation.x,
>>>  		      allocation.y + 3 * (allocation.height >> 2));
>>>  	cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 1, 1);
>>>  	cairo_show_text(cr, string);
>>> @@ -385,9 +399,9 @@ clock_timer_reset(struct panel_clock *clock)
>>>  {
>>>  	struct itimerspec its;
>>> -	its.it_interval.tv_sec = 60;
>>> +	its.it_interval.tv_sec = clock->refresh_timer;
>>>  	its.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
>>> -	its.it_value.tv_sec = 60;
>>> +	its.it_value.tv_sec = clock->refresh_timer;
>>>  	its.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
>>>  	if (timerfd_settime(clock->clock_fd, 0, &its, NULL) < 0) {
>>>  		fprintf(stderr, "could not set timerfd\n: %m");
>>> @@ -407,9 +421,18 @@ panel_destroy_clock(struct panel_clock *clock)
>>>  	free(clock);
>>>  }
>>> +enum {
>>> +};
>>> +
>>>  static void
>>> -panel_add_clock(struct panel *panel)
>>> +panel_add_clock(struct panel *panel, int format)
>>>  {
>>> +	if (format == FORMAT_NONE)
>>> +		return;
>>> +
>>>  	struct panel_clock *clock;
>>>  	int timerfd;
>>> @@ -424,6 +447,20 @@ panel_add_clock(struct panel *panel)
>>>  	panel->clock = clock;
>>>  	clock->clock_fd = timerfd;
>>> +	switch (format) {
>>> +	case FORMAT_MINUTES:
>>> +		clock->format_string = "%a %b %d, %I:%M %p";
>>> +		clock->refresh_timer = 60;
>>> +		break;
>>> +	case FORMAT_SECONDS:
>>> +		clock->format_string = "%a %b %d, %I:%M:%S %p";
>>> +		clock->refresh_timer = 1;
>>> +		break;
>>> +	case FORMAT_NONE:
>>> +		/* Silence a compiler warning */
>>> +		break;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>>  	clock->clock_task.run = clock_func;
>>>  	display_watch_fd(window_get_display(panel->window), clock->clock_fd,
>>>  			 EPOLLIN, &clock->clock_task);
>>> @@ -439,6 +476,7 @@ panel_resize_handler(struct widget *widget,
>>>  {
>>>  	struct panel_launcher *launcher;
>>>  	struct panel *panel = data;
>>> +	struct rectangle allocation;
>>>  	int x, y, w, h;
>>>  	x = 10;
>>> @@ -450,12 +488,20 @@ panel_resize_handler(struct widget *widget,
>>>  				      x, y - h / 2, w + 1, h + 1);
>>>  		x += w + 10;
>>>  	}
>>> -	h=20;
>>> -	w=170;
>>> -	if (panel->clock)
>>> +	h = 20;
>>> +
>>> +	if (panel->clock) {
>>> +		widget_get_allocation(panel->clock->widget, &allocation);
> A quick quiz(*): what is the value of 'allocation'? ;-)
>>> +
>>> +		if (allocation.width)
>>> +			w = allocation.width;
>>> +		else
>>> +			w = 170;
>>> +
> This looks very strange. Why is this?
> If FORMAT_MINUTES then w=170, otherwise w= whatever constant the
> seconds format needs. That should work well enough, we didn't use the
> real text extents before either. Using real extents from the font/text
> would be a topic for a different patch.

Oh well, I misunderstood you when we talked about this on IRC. I tried to work
on the other method (calculating widget width from text extents).

> *) I think you are relying on some ordering between these two calls,
> but the logic is not clear at all. The whole idea is that resize gets
> called when the size changes and also initially, and then redraw only
> draws on the given size.

(1) I've only realized it's confusing logic after I sent this patch (working too early
in the morning on this isn't helping me or anyone it seems).

Still, the correct width would be set, since allocation.width is set to 0 if widget is
uninitialized (the first way resize handler for panel is run) or set to width according
to the text extents from the clock redraw handler, which is why I used

Far easier way would've been to just set the size_set flag to 0.

I admit I'm far happier with using hardcoded values - less work for me.

>>>  		widget_set_allocation(panel->clock->widget,
>>>  				      width - w - 8, y - h / 2, w + 1, h + 1);
>>> +	}
>>>  }
>>>  static void
>>> @@ -492,7 +538,8 @@ panel_destroy(struct panel *panel)
>>>  	struct panel_launcher *tmp;
>>>  	struct panel_launcher *launcher;
>>> -	panel_destroy_clock(panel->clock);
>>> +	if (panel->clock)
>>> +		panel_destroy_clock(panel->clock);
>>>  	wl_list_for_each_safe(launcher, tmp, &panel->launcher_list, link)
>>>  		panel_destroy_launcher(launcher);
>>> @@ -508,6 +555,8 @@ panel_create(struct desktop *desktop)
>>>  {
>>>  	struct panel *panel;
>>>  	struct weston_config_section *s;
>>> +	char *clock_format_option = NULL;
>>> +	int clock_format;
>>>  	panel = xzalloc(sizeof *panel);
>>> @@ -522,7 +571,19 @@ panel_create(struct desktop *desktop)
>>>  	widget_set_redraw_handler(panel->widget, panel_redraw_handler);
>>>  	widget_set_resize_handler(panel->widget, panel_resize_handler);
>>> -	panel_add_clock(panel);
>>> +	s = weston_config_get_section(desktop->config, "shell", NULL, NULL);
>>> +	weston_config_section_get_string(s, "clock-format", &clock_format_option, "");
>>> +
>>> +	if (strcmp(clock_format_option, "minutes") == 0)
>>> +		clock_format = FORMAT_MINUTES;
>>> +	else if (strcmp(clock_format_option, "seconds") == 0)
>>> +		clock_format = FORMAT_SECONDS;
>>> +	else if (strcmp(clock_format_option, "none") == 0)
>>> +		clock_format = FORMAT_NONE;
>>> +	else
>>> +		clock_format = DEFAULT_CLOCK_FORMAT;
>>> +
>>> +	panel_add_clock(panel, clock_format);
>>>  	s = weston_config_get_section(desktop->config, "shell", NULL, NULL);
>>>  	weston_config_section_get_uint(s, "panel-color",
>>> diff --git a/man/weston.ini.man b/man/weston.ini.man
>>> index 6e92066..e9044cb 100644
>>> --- a/man/weston.ini.man
>>> +++ b/man/weston.ini.man
>>> @@ -212,6 +212,13 @@ output. Tile repeats the background image to fill the output.
>>>  sets the color of the background (unsigned integer). The hexadecimal
>>>  digit pairs are in order alpha, red, green, and blue.
>>>  .TP 7
>>> +.BI "clock-format=" format
>>> +sets the panel clock format (string). Can be
>>> +.BR none,
>>> +.BR minutes,
>>> +.BR seconds.
> Extreme nitpick: the commas and the period should not be highlighted.
> See 'background-type' for an example how to do it.

That's easy enough to fix, will do.

>>> +By default, minutes format is used.
>>> +.TP 7
>>>  .BI "panel-color=" 0xAARRGGBB
>>>  sets the color of the panel (unsigned integer). The hexadecimal
>>>  digit pairs are in order transparency, red, green, and blue. Examples:
>>> diff --git a/weston.ini.in b/weston.ini.in
>>> index dff9e94..14a4c0c 100644
>>> --- a/weston.ini.in
>>> +++ b/weston.ini.in
>>> @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
>>>  background-image=/usr/share/backgrounds/gnome/Aqua.jpg
>>>  background-color=0xff002244
>>>  background-type=tile
>>> +clock-format=minutes
>>>  panel-color=0x90ff0000
>>>  locking=true
>>>  animation=zoom
>>> -- 
> The changes I haven't commented about seem to be going in the right
> direction.
> Thanks,
> pq

Thank you once again for taking your time to properly revive this and give feedback.


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