waltham ivi-application build failed

Mizuno, Wataru (ADITJ/SWG) wmizuno at jp.adit-jv.com
Thu Mar 9 00:13:30 UTC 2017

Hello Pekka,

Thank you for your kindly reply.
It is very helpful for me.

>We haven't got far enough with Waltham to be able to build multiple XML files together. src/waltham/Makefile.am generates several source files from command.xml. One would need to replicate those rules for ivi-application.xml to build more files, and add them into the >build.
I understood. I will make another directory for ivi-application.xml and edit Makefile.am, then try to build.

Best regards,

Wataru Mizuno


-----Original Message-----
From: wayland-devel [mailto:wayland-devel-bounces at lists.freedesktop.org] On Behalf Of Pekka Paalanen
Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 5:50 PM
To: Mizuno, Wataru (ADITJ/SWG)
Cc: Emilio Pozuelo Monfort; Ishikawa, Tetsuri (ADITJ/SWG); securitycheck at denso.co.jp; wayland-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Re: waltham ivi-application build failed

On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 23:51:03 +0000
"Mizuno, Wataru (ADITJ/SWG)" <wmizuno at jp.adit-jv.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I found ivi-applicaion.xml under data directory and tried to build it.
> I had edited data/command.xml and build it then it succeeded so I did 
> same way to do ivi-application but it failed.
> I guess additional procedures are needed.
> Could you please tell me how to build ivi-application.xml?


I cannot guess what changes you made, so I cannot comment on those.

We haven't got far enough with Waltham to be able to build multiple XML files together. src/waltham/Makefile.am generates several source files from command.xml. One would need to replicate those rules for ivi-application.xml to build more files, and add them into the build.

However, the Waltham infrastructure is not developed enough to nicely support this, and you e.g. end up with more than one waltham-{client,server}.h-like files to install. Furthermore, the generator currently creates global variables which are not scoped to the XML file, so the generated code will conflict.

The actual solution we planned for is to let every user (project) to generate their own files while the Waltham library exports only a generic marshalling/dispatch API and the XML files like Wayland does.
This requires changes to the code generator, the generated symbols, and splitting command.xml up into internal and public parts.

I think as a stop-gap measure you might be able to copy the interface definitions from ivi-application.xml into command.xml and keep building only command.xml.


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