Unable to run X-clients over Weston through XWayland

Devashish Tiwari devashish at cdot.in
Tue Nov 26 04:31:38 UTC 2019

Hi All,

I have written a third party application that utilities SDL-X11 to draw a window.

I have successfully cross-compiled Xwayland (that is used for X clients under Wayland) for my EVM. I have used instructions from this official website and did the cross-compilation. However, when I run the command:

root at am57xx-evm:/# /mnt/Xwayland

a black screen appears on top of weston display on my EVM. I don't see any logs on command line. Also, I am not able to run my X11 based application or even simple X11 demo apps (like xeyes, xclock) cross-compiled for my EVM.

As suggested in the above attached link, I even did changes to /etc/weston.ini file as -



and I restarted weston to get following error:

[02:19:21.709] weston 2.0.0
Bug reports to: bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi
Build: 1.99.94-2-g4c4f13d configure.ac: bump to version 2.0.0 for the official release (2017-02-24 16:19:03 -0800)
[02:19:21.709] Command line: weston
[02:19:21.709] OS: Linux, 4.14.79-ge669d52447, #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Apr 6 02:23:36 UTC 2019, armv7l
[02:19:21.709] Using config file '/etc//weston.ini'
[02:19:21.710] Output repaint window is 7 ms maximum.
[02:19:21.720] Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-2/wayland-backend.so'
[02:19:21.735] Failed to load module: /usr/lib/libweston-2/wayland-backend.so: undefined symbol: weston_compositor_init
[02:19:21.735] fatal: failed to create compositor backend

I have no idea, which part I did wrong. But I'd really appreciate if you guys can help me out.

If you need any other information, please let me know.


Thanks & Regards, 
Devashish Tiwari

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