Mouse pointer lagging in Weston desktop on Virtual Platform

Sami Md at
Sun Aug 2 02:28:27 UTC 2020


I have Weston-6.0.0  running on IMX8mqev yocto linux (on our own Virtual
Platform) on ubuntu 18.04 host.
I executed the below command to run the Weston-6 on TTY-7 using pixman (in
imx8 virtual platform console)

# weston --tty=7 --use-pixman

Weston desktop works  fine and I see the weston desktop on separate display
window for a virtual platform. (Just like the display window of qemu /
virtual box)

But the mouse pointer inside the weston desktop window is  lagging behind
the host PC (ubuntu-18.04 )mouse pointer. I would like to have the host
mouse pointer disappear when I hover over the weston window and only the
mouse in the weston desktop should be shown. Currently I see two mouse
pointers and they are not in sync. It is difficult to use the pointer on
the weston desktop.

below is my weston.ini
root at imx8mqevk:~# cat /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini

Best Regards
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