When to destroy zwp_linux_buffer_params when using immediate-creation mode?

Hoosier, Matt Matt.Hoosier at garmin.com
Wed Aug 25 15:08:19 UTC 2021

It's not totally clear from the documentation on linux-dmabuf-unstable-v1.xml whether there's any need to keep the buffer-params object alive past the time that create_immed() is used. The example programs in the Weston repository don't bother to deallocate it at all in this case, but there doesn't seem to be any code in the (Weston) compositor side that holds dangling references to the buffer-params object after zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_create_immed() either.

Is it safe to dispose straightaway after immediate-mode buffer creation? Or should I hang on to it until final cleanup right before wl_display_disconnect()?


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