Hi all,<br><br>This is my first post to this list, and I fear it may be a lengthy one, so bear with me :)<br><br>Firstly, I may be totally off base with this. I'm working under the assumption that once complete Wayland will take care of resolution changes instead of xrandr (as xrandr is obviously an X extension). If someone could point me to any information on resolution switching in Wayland I'd appreciate it.<br>
<br>So, the rest of this email is based on the assumption that Wayland has, or will have, an API for switching resolution. If I'm wrong, just disregard :)<br><br>The reason I'm emailing is there is a minor issue in the way xrandr behaves that causes issues to games, or other fullscreen, non-native resolution apps (e.g. media player visualizations), and I'm hoping that Wayland doesn't inherit it.<br>
<br>Basically, xrandr is designed under the assumption that a resolution change is permanent, or at least semi-permanent (e.g. until reboot or manual switch back) and system wide. The problem is that games (as an example) require a temporary resolution change that is associated with a single window. What I mean by this is that when a game initializes it sets the resolution (through SDL, X, Win32 on Wine etc.) and this is frequently a resolution below native normally for performance reasons (e.g. your PC may not like running Alien Arena at full HD, but it will run perfectly well at 1024x768).<br>
<br>Ideally, if that game then crashed, or someone ALT+TAB'd to a different window, the native resolution would be restored. If the user then switched back to the window, then the game's resolution would be restored. On Windows, it's possible to pass a temporary flag to the Win32 ChangeDisplaySettings()* function for this behaviour. <br>
<br>At the moment, if a game crashes (either native, or run via Wine) on X you are left with a low resolution and have to find your way to the Monitor control panel to set it back. Which is obviously not ideal. <br><br>So, basically I'm hoping that Wayland can fix this issue by allowing a resolution change to be associated with a single window.<br>
<br>Thoughts?<br><br>Luke.<br><br><a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd183411%28VS.85%29.aspx">http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd183411%28VS.85%29.aspx</a> (see CDS_FULLSCREEN)<br>