Personally I believe frames to be imperfect if they have the wrong colors, so I have a few questions and statements about color management.<br><br><div>The compositor requires information about what color spaces the application uses.</div>
<div>How will clients specify the color space of surfaces?</div><div>Should clients have the ability to attach a ICC profile to surfaces?<br></div><br>Should non-sRGB surfaces be moved to an Wayland-extension?<br><br>Consider the case of a video player using sRGB for the interface and xvYCC for the video.<br>
Should the client blend the two buffer into a superset of the color spaces?<br>Should the client have multiple surfaces and let the compositor do the blending?<br>How would resizing work in the latter case?<br><br>Display calibration tools require the ability to display an unmodified color. How would that be handled?<br>
<br><div>All blending must be done in linear space. It may be beneficial to promote use of 16-bit floating point per channel buffers with premultiplied alpha. Using premultiplied alpha and linear space also prevent artifacts with texture filtering.<br>
</div><div><br></div><div>- Zoxc</div>