[Xcb-commit] src

Vincent Torri doursse at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Jan 22 02:40:30 PST 2007

 src/c-client.xsl |    9 +++++++++
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+)

New commits:
diff-tree ab22a4d61665bbe637b8c1f349fcfaf04e386e88 (from 342e9cefcc7d942714488f6b424fee7a5bdc741f)
Author: TORRI Vincent <torri at alf94-3-82-66-248-160.fbx.proxad.net>
Date:   Mon Jan 22 11:40:15 2007 +0100

    add doxygen doc for the *_end functions

diff --git a/src/c-client.xsl b/src/c-client.xsl
index d70b8b6..3e2e849 100644
--- a/src/c-client.xsl
+++ b/src/c-client.xsl
@@ -950,6 +950,15 @@ authorization from the authors.
       <function type="xcb_generic_iterator_t" name="{$ref}_end">
+        <doc>/**</doc>
+        <doc> * Return the iterator pointing to the last element</doc>
+        <doc> * @param i An <xsl:value-of select="$ref" />_iterator_t</doc>
+        <doc> * @return  The iterator pointing to the last element</doc>
+        <doc> *</doc>
+        <doc> * Set the current element in the iterator to the last element.</doc>
+        <doc> * The member rem is set to 0. The member data points to the</doc>
+        <doc> * last element.</doc>
+        <doc> */</doc>
         <field type="{$ref}_iterator_t" name="i" />
         <l>xcb_generic_iterator_t ret;</l>

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