[Xcb-commit] DevelopersGuide.mdwn

XCB site xcb at freedesktop.org
Fri Jul 18 17:44:34 PDT 2008

 DevelopersGuide.mdwn |   20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit a668e341b5b8b0727289662f3af2160d0051127d
Author: XCB site <xcb at freedesktop.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 18 17:44:32 2008 -0700

    web commit by PeterHutterer: Add a short release checklist

diff --git a/DevelopersGuide.mdwn b/DevelopersGuide.mdwn
index bcc526f..9bf2aa1 100644
--- a/DevelopersGuide.mdwn
+++ b/DevelopersGuide.mdwn
@@ -83,3 +83,23 @@ The structure of XCB is designed to be as simple as possible while making common
 The X core requests have been implemented in XCB, as well as the BIG-REQUESTS, XC-Misc, SHAPE, SHM, DPMS, Render, Randr, GLX, [XFIXES](http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/FixesExt), [Composite](http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/CompositeExt), [DAMAGE](http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/XDamage) and [XEvIE](http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/XEvIE) extensions. A multithreaded demonstration program uses XCB for animated graphics in multiple windows. Other demos for Render, event monitoring, access to connection setup data, and DPMS also exist.
 [[BartMassey]] has done some [[work|Publications]] on establishing correctness properties of the core data dispatch mechanism of XCB using a model of XCB written in the [Z](http://www.afm.sbu.ac.uk/z/) formal specification notation. This is good, since the mechanism is complex, and the previous version was known to have defects.
+### Making a release
+If you make a release of any component of xcb, the following steps are required.
+* bump the version number in configure.ac and commit the change.
+* check that **all** your changes are committed. *git-diff HEAD* must not show anything, *git status* must not show any uncommitted files.
+* *make distcheck* must succeed.
+* check that all your changes are pushed. *git log origin..* should not show anything
+* tag the release using *git tag -s -m "&lt;msg&gt;" &lt;tag&gt;*. Use *git-tag* to obtain the list of previous tags, and *git show &lt;tag&gt;* to see the full information about the tag.
+* copy the tarballs into the release directory (username at annarchy.freedesktop.org:/srv/xcb.freedesktop.org/www/dist)
+* push the tags using *git push --tags origin*
+* write the announce email
+   * must include links to the new tarballs (e.g. http://xcb.freedesktop.org/dist/xcb-proto-1.0.0.tar.gz)
+   * must include md5sum and a sha1sum of both tarballs
+   * must include a git shortlog obtained by *git log &lt;last tag&gt;..&lt;current tag&gt; | git shortlog*
+   * don't forget to sign the email.
+* send the announce email to xcb at lists.freedesktop.org,  xorg-announce at lists.freedesktop.org, and xorg at lists.freedesktop.org

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