[Xcb] xcb flame, for fun

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Sun Jan 1 01:23:07 PST 2006

Yes, of course include in the demos!  Great work---looks
pretty, and demonstrates that a port of an Xlib app needn't
be *too* onerous.  Passes -O4 -Wall, which is nice.

Thanks much for doing this!


P.S.  If you want an easy fix, rename powerof() to ilog2()
or somesuch.  That function returns the floor of the log
base 2 of its argument.  Also, since it's not use in an
inner loop, let's use a simpler algorithm.  Even if it was,
the iterated-if-test code can't be fast on a modern
machine, and it doesn't exit early, so...

  ilog2 (unsigned int n)
    int p = -1;
    assert(n > 0);
    while(n > 0) {
      n >>= 1;
    return p;

There are faster ways, but this one is good for this code.

In message <Pine.LNX.4.51.0512311228230.6754 at cartan.iecn.u-nancy.fr> you wrote:
>   This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable text,
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> --851511594-1261939651-1136028764=:6754
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> hey,
> i was playing with xcb and xflames. Here is xcb flame :)
> do you think it's interesting to put it in xcb-demo/test ? The prog needs
> some love, but it should work (in particular, it's not optimized at all,
> it does not use mit shm, i think that there are some unneeded variables,
> etc...)
> Vincent
> --851511594-1261939651-1136028764=:6754
> Content-Type: TEXT/x-csrc; name="xcb_flame.c"
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