[Xcb] Wiki spring cleaning

Jeremy A. Kolb jkolb at brandeis.edu
Mon May 1 10:32:14 PDT 2006

I think this is a good plan and is much needed.


On Mon, 1 May 2006, Ian Osgood wrote:

> Now that we've made a release, we should prepare for the huge flood  
> of new developers by updating our wiki web site.
> Josh proposed streamlining the front page, so that it serves as a  
> single-screen introduction to the project, aimed at XCB users.  
> Cairo's site at http://cairographics.org/ seems like a good model.  
> Main pages would have only current information, with older  
> information moved to XcbHistory.  Information on developing XCB  
> itself would move to XcbDevelopersGuide.  The new site structure  
> would be:
> xcb (one screen introduction, release download, index)
> 	XcbApi
> 	XlibXcb
> 	XcbDevelopersGuide (availability, build instructions, resources)
> 		XmlXcb
> 		XcbToDo
> 		XcbDevelopmentPlan (needs an update!)
> 		UsingXcb (needs update?)
> 	XcbHistory (papers, acknowledgements, XCL, M4)
> 		XcbCompletedTasks
> 		XcbRationale
> Proposed front page:
> The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) is a replacement for Xlib  
> having the advantages of:
> * Small footprint: Xlib is a large piece of code, and it is difficult  
> to make it smaller.
> * Latency hiding: Xlib requests requiring a reply are effectively  
> synchronous: they block until the reply appears, whether the result  
> is needed immediately or not.
> * Direct access to the protocol: Xlib does quite a bit of caching,  
> layering, and similar optimizations. While this is normally a  
> feature, it makes it difficult to simply emit specified X protocol  
> requests and process specific responses.
> * Threaded applications: While Xlib does attempt to support  
> multithreading, the API makes this difficult and error-prone.
> * New extensions: The Xlib infrastructure provides limited support  
> for the creation of X extension client side code.
> You can obtain released versions of XCB from http:// 
> xcb.freedesktop.org/dist .  Follow the instructions from the  
> XcbDevelopersGuide to build, except that you can use released  
> versions of the dependencies, and you don't need git, automake,  
> autoconf, or libtool.
> The XcbApi is documented. There is also a [http:// 
> gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xcb;a=tree;f=xcb/doc/tutorial tutorial].
> To aid porting applications, you can configure Xlib to use XCB for  
> the transport layer.  We call this [:XlibXcb: Xlib/XCB].
> If you wish to work on XCB, please read the XcbDevelopersGuide.
> You may also wish to read the XcbHistory for technical papers and  
> acknowledgements.
> ===========
> Let me know what you think.
> Ian
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